週五(12/5)1.社交重要性2. 男人都是恐怖份子

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How To Socialize With People  (lifestyle.iloveindia)
Socializing is very important for healthy existence of human beings, People with active social lifestyle has comparatively sharper minds, they are happier.
Tips On How To Socialize With People

Be An Initiator: Initiate the conversation when you are in a group. Do not wait for someone else to start the conversation. If you will be the icebreaker in the group then you will not find it hard to socialize. It sure is intimidating to socialize with a bunch of strangers because of the fear of rejection. But most of the times that never happens. Nobody openly rejects anyone; the worst you will receive is a closed reaction.

Look Inviting: Smiling is your best bet; when you will look like you are happy and enthusiastic then people will automatically be drawn towards you. Smiling will project a positive attitude from your side and you will definitely find someone to appreciate that. Especially in a large group where no one knows each other, people move about in a confused manner, not knowing what to do. In a situation like this, if you will smile then you will find yourself quickly surrounded by people.

Appreciate Your Own Company: When people will find you comfortable in your own company, they will definitely approach you. This is because everybody wants to be around people who look relaxed and comfortable. Have a good time with yourself and do not come across as a conscious person.

Look Good: This is one of the basics of socializing. Look presentable so that people will find it comfortable to come and speak to you. Do not dress shabbily, it will only make people think that you are dodgy and once people will get wary of you then it will get really tough for you to socialize.

Be A Good Listener: Take interest in what people are taking about. Do not disrespect anyone by looking here and there while he/she is talking. If you want to be heard and be accepted then you, too, have to exhibit the same attitude.

Do Not Moan: If you want to be accepted in a social situation then do not make the mistake of ranting. Do not start cribbing to strangers. People want to know about you, not about your problems. You keep your personal issues personal and talk about things and topics that concern everyone. Whining about something will not make you anyone’s favorite.

Do Not Judge: Judging people unnecessarily in a social gathering will lower down your chances of being friendly with people in that gathering. It is because of the fact that if you will judge someone before talking to them, it will show in your attitude while talking to them. No matter how subtle it is, these things can be sensed. It is not fair as well because you do not want to be judged either, that is why you have qualms about talking to people; what you do not want others to do to you, do not do it to others.
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warning signs of a bad boyfriend (lovepanky.com)

#1 He has a lot of secrets. And most of these secrets have names of different girls. He may be chatting with them on social networks or speaking with them over the phone now and then. And even if you ask him who these girls are or how he knows them, he just brushes the conversation off or avoids talking about them.

#2 He’s controlling and manipulative. He’s seems very concerned about you and always tries to advise you on how you should lead your life. And as helpful as he seems, somehow you feel very stifled and suffocated in the relationship. [Read: 15 subtle and shocking signs of a controlling boyfriend]

#3 He’s in touch with his ex. Does your boyfriend stay actively in touch with his ex, even though there’s no reason to? Both of them don’t work together, nor do they meet as friends in a group, but yet, he insists they’re good friends. And surprisingly, he doesn’t seem enthusiastic about you joining them each time he meets his ex. They’re just friends, right?

#4 He can’t get along with your friends or family. A guy who is serious about you would always want to impress your family and friends because he wants to make a good impression on them, so they can approve of your choice.

#5 He’s selfish. He forgets your special days, but sulks and whines if you forget any of his. He doesn’t try to help you with anything, but expects you to be there for him and support him all the time.

#6 He’s too busy. Some guys are just workaholics. It’s not your fault, and it’s not his fault. He just has other priorities that take too much of his time, and are more important to him. He may be a great guy, but he’d make a terrible boyfriend. You won’t be happy in the relationship, and he won’t be happy either. [Read: 23 must-know relationship advice for women]

#7 He’s a liar. You’ve caught him lying quite a few times, even when there was no reason for him to lie. He just likes telling white lies, and he can’t help it. Dating this kind of a guy will only make you feel insecure because you just can’t bring yourself to trust him. [Read: How to stop lying to yourself and your partner]

#8 He’s overly jealous and clingy. He doesn’t trust you and acts cranky each time you meet a new guy, even if it was while having lunch with a group of friends. He absolutely hates it if you give any other guy in the room even a sliver of attention when both of you go out to meet friends. [Read: 10 ways to make your boyfriend feel a lot less jealous]

#9 He blows hot and cold. He’s moody and unpredictable. Sometimes he talks about anything at all, and at other times, he snaps at you for asking too many questions. He gets angry each time you prod deeper about his work or his day after he answers your questions in monosyllables or nods.

What are the warning signs of a bad boyfriend/ a bad girlfriend?
What to do if your boyfriend is in touch with his ex? (or your girlfriend is in touch with her ex?)
What to do if you find your boyfriend /girlfriend is cheating on you?
What to do if your partner can’t get along with your friends or family.
What to do if he/she is liar?
How to cope with a moody boyfriend/ a moody girlfriend?
What to do if he/she forgets your special days?
What to do if he/she overly jealous and clingy?

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