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Formosa Plastics co-founder Wang Yung-tsai dies at 93  By Queena Yen ,The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Wang Yung-tsai (王永在), Formosa Plastics Group (FPG) co-founder as well as the youngest brother of late FPG founder Wang Yung-ching (王永慶), died in peace at the age of 93 yesterday, according to an announcement from the company.

Wang Yung-tsai, born in 1921, was the younger brother of Wang Yung-ching and began helping with his brother's business at an early age. Compared to the elder Wang, who impressed others with his physical energy and strict discipline, Wang Yung-tsai was known as a coordinator who dealt with various issues within the company.

Though Wang Yung-ching is given the credit for launching the largest petrochemical complex in Taiwan — the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Plant in Yunlin County — Wang Yung-tsai was the one who personally supervised the construction of the project.

The most important position held by Wang Yung-tsai was as chairman of the Chang Gung Foundation (長庚財團法人基金會), which acted as a holding company for FPG.

According to friends of the Wang family, there is high potential for Wang Yung-tsai's eldest son and chairman of FPG William Wang (王文淵) to take over the position, which would virtually give him complete control of FPG.

Wang Yung-tsai's Legacy Exceeds Older Brother's
It is estimated that the legacy of Wang Yung-tsai will exceed NT$70 billion, as he owned significant shares in FPG and its affiliated companies. After subtracting the portion of his inheritance awarded to his wife by law, the remaining legacy could be valued at as much as NT$30 billion.

According to those with knowledge of the matter, although Wang Yung-tsai left a legacy exceeding that of his older brother, which was about NT$59 billion before taking into account the amount allotted to his legal wife, the inheritance tax levied on the funds may be less than was the case for his older brother, after the implementation of new regulations.

With the new tax system, Wang Yung-tsai's legal beneficiary will only need to pay 10 percent of the legacy in taxes, which will be about NT$3 billion in the end, according to several accountants.
What do you think about the death of Formosa plastics group co-founder?
What do you think about the Wang family?
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How can get rich quickly?
How to deal with your money before you die?
Why rich people get rich easily?
What do you think about the wealthy people?
Excuses For Cheating That Totally Suck (By Nico Lang)

 “It just happened. We didn’t plan it.”

Every excuse for cheating sucks, but this is my “favorite.” For people in monogamous relationships, this is the cheater’s equivalent of “Oops!” or the Steve Urkel catchphrase “Did I do that?” Yes, you did do that, and it doesn’t matter if it was planned, a space shuttle launch or the Normandy Invasion. Lots of things that aren’t planned still happen — like Kimye — and that doesn’t make them morally inculpable for being spontaneous.

 “We were drunk, and it was a mistake.”

I’ve seen Flight, and I know a lot bad decisions happen under the influence. If everyone made great choices when they were smashed, Mel Gibson would have a much better public reputation right now. But contrary to popular belief, when we are drunk, we still have to live up to certain accepted norms of behavior. You aren’t allowed to punch anyone, kill someone, run someone over with a car, operate heavy machinery or unzip your fly and play Willy Banjo in public. All of these things will still have real-world consequences when you are sober — like death, prison or a coveted spot in the Sex Offender Registry — and it might have been a mistake, but it doesn’t let you off the hook for the damage done.

It didn’t mean anything” or “I’m not in love with him/her/gender neutral pronoun.”

This is a ridiculous statement that boggles my mind — because it equates having sex with blowing your nose or accidentally ordering a Coke when you meant a Diet Coke. Sex means something, even if it’s just a fling. Sex communicates a desire and a message to another person, and sex outside of your relationship absolutely means something to the person who is still in it. Just because your coitus wasn’t a grand declaration of love besotted with Shakespearean sonnets doesn’t mean it wasn’t meaningful.

Everyone cheats. I just got caught.”

One half of this statement is true, and the other one is an oversimplification. Yes, an alarmingly large percentage of people cheat, and a majority of people will be unfaithful at some point in their lives. But that’s like saying, “Hey, that guy over there shot someone in the face. Where’s my Uzi?” We shouldn’t aspire to the lowest behavior of other people or use their poor judgment as a blanket for our own — or Michelle Bachmann would have been elected president. We should learn from the decisions of others and hold ourselves to a higher standard. Gandhi once said that we should “be the change [we] want to see in the world.” I’ll counter that. We should be the change we want to see in our bedrooms.

What do you think about阿基師Master chef’s love affair?
What are the common excuses people give for cheating on their spouse?
“We were drunk, and it was a mistake.” everyone cheats. I just got caught.”
Do you think these excuse ok?
Why do people cheat?
Is cheating on your spouse/partner really morally wrong??
What to do when your girlfriend/boyfriend cheats on you?
How to know if your girlfriend is cheating on you?
Can you forgive a cheater? How to forgive a cheater?




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