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Ideas on How to Discover Your Own Hidden Talents  s.e. Jones, Yahoo

1 - Test yourself and try things. It might sound obvious, but the best way to find out if you have any talent for something, is to give it a try. Sometimes this may be in the form of a test, written or otherwise, other times it might be in simply seeing something someone else is doing and giving it a try to see if you can do it too.

2 - Copy others. One way to try other things, is to copy what someone else does. This goes without saying in sports or other occupations that by their nature have people watching them. But there are others too, such as laying brickwork or carving statues, or building web sites. Look at how other people do things, then try them for yourself to see if you feel like you are any good at them.

3 - Read. A great way to find out if you might have a talent for something is reading. Read books, magazines or anything else you can find. Think about the person that wrote what you read, and what they may be like. Perhaps you could write too. Or maybe the writer mentions something that you might find interesting. Being interested is good, because quite often in is an indicator of whether you might have a knack for it.

4 - Travel. Get out of the house, or away from where you work. Get away from where you usually go and do things. Doing so will give you fresh eyes on the world and help you see some of the things people do that don't stand out so much , but might be something you'd be doing.

5 - Sign up for courses. Most communities have courses in hobby type stuff; photography or painting or whatever. Why not give each of them a try if you can afford it, maybe you're the next Claude Monet and just don't know it yet.

6 - Join organizations. The cool thing about joining organizations is that they are comprised of people. All of whom do various things and have various interests. You could ask each and every one of them not only what they do, but what they do for fun or as a hobby. You might find something that piques your interest and leads you down a road of discovery.

How to discover your own hidden talents?
How to find a job using your talents?
Do you agree this writer said “get out of the house, or away from where you work” can help discover your talents?
How to choose a service organization to join?
Do you like people watching? How to begin people watching?
Are you curious to try new things?
How to learn something new every day?

What are the benefits of travelling?

Gender Jabber: Do Women Talk More than Men? (By Nikhil Swaminathan scientificamerican)

A new study published today in Science reports men and woman actually use roughly the same number of words daily.

James Pennebaker, chair of the University of Texas at Austin's psychology department, says he was skeptical of the lopsided stats when he saw them quoted in an interview with Brizendine in The New York Times Magazine. "I read that and I knew it couldn't be true simply because we've run too many studies," he says, "it just didn't make sense." In fact, he had been collecting data over the past decade with colleagues at the University of Arizona in Tucson that specifically showed that the sexes are about equal when it comes to a war of words.

After working with posttraumatic stress disorder patients for years, Pennebaker had noticed a deficiency in people's self-reporting of their experiences. So, he devised "a measure that would capture people's real life," he says. His device, called EAR (for electronically activated recorder) is a digital recorder that subjects can store in a sheath similar to a case for glasses in their purses or pockets. The EAR samples 30 seconds of ambient noise (including conversations) every 12.5 minutes; carriers cannot tamper with recordings.

Researchers used this device to collect data on the chatter patterns of 396 university students (210 women and 186 men) at colleges in Texas, Arizona and Mexico. They estimated the total number of words that each volunteer spoke daily, assuming they were awake 17 of 24 hours. In most of the samples, the average number of words spoken by men and women were about the same. Men showed a slightly wider variability in words uttered, and boasted both the most economical speaker (roughly 500 words daily) and the most verbose yapping at a whopping 47,000 words a day. But in the end, the sexes came out just about even in the daily averages: women at 16,215 words and men at 15,669. In terms of statistical significance, Pennebaker says, "It's not even remotely close to different." He does point out that women tend to jaw more about other people, whereas men are apt to hold forth on more concrete objects—so the stereotypes of ladies as gossips and guys engaging in car talk can live on.

As far as the myth of women being more chatty than men, Pennebaker thanks Brizendine for bringing it to his attention. As for the legend's origins, University of Pennsylvania linguistics professor Mark Liberman speculated in a blog last year: "My current best guess is that a marriage counselor invented this particular meme about 15 years ago, as a sort of parable for couples with certain communication problems, and others have picked it up and spread it, while modulating the numbers to suit their tastes."
Do women talk more than men?
Do men really hate when women talk a lot?
How to deal "one who speaks/boasts a lot about everything"?
Men or women who likes talk gossips?
How to deal with a talkative girlfriend/ boyfriend?
Things men dislike about women? Things men dislike about women?
Do you like someone talking personal affairs in the workplace?

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