週六(8/15)1. 鬼月話鬼 2.不想長大--啃老族

說吧英文讀書會   夏日單車遊
joanna.chen 籌辦

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Zhong Yuan Jie (Hungry Ghost Festival)
Zhong Yuan Jie (中元节), also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, traditionally falls on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. In Singapore, the festival is observed throughout the entire seventh lunar month, which is usually around the month of August of the Western calendar. During this period, many Chinese worship their ancestors and make offerings to wandering souls that roam the earth.

Origins and significance
The origin and significance of the Hungry Ghost Festival differ between Taoists and Buddhists. Taoists focus on appeasing the wandering souls released from the netherworld, while the emphasis of the Buddhists is filial piety.

During the seventh lunar month, the gates of hell are open and hungry ghosts are released from the netherworld to wander on earth among humans and look for food. Traditionally during this month, Taoist priests would perform rites and make food offerings, while devotees would visit temples to repent their sins, as well as pray for happiness and avoidance of disasters.

Buddhists, on the other hand, have traditionally celebrated the Hungry Ghost Festival as the Yu Lan Pen Festival. Yu lan means to “hang upside down” in Chinese, while pen in this context refers to a container filled with food offerings. Yu lan pen thus refers to a container filled with offerings to save one’s ancestors from being suspended in suffering in purgatory. The festival, which originated from the story of Mu Lian, commemorates his filial piety towards his mother. The legend is also believed to be the origin of the Chinese custom of making offerings and praying for one’s ancestors during this annual festival.

Special care is taken by some to avoid the attention of wandering souls during the seventh lunar month.36 Such precautions include refraining from going out after dark to avoid bumping into evil spirits, or swimming in case one gets dragged away by “water ghosts”.37 One should also avoid stepping on or kicking offerings placed along the roadside or peeking under the table of an altar, as these actions may incur the wrath of hungry ghosts.

Believers are also warned against wearing red because it is believed that spirits are drawn to the colour. Drugs and alcohol are to be avoided too as some people believe that it is easier for ghosts to possess those who are intoxicated.39 In addition, believers should keep away from walls as ghosts like to stick to them, and also refrain from cutting hair, shaving and hanging clothes outside of the house during the night. Furthermore, activities such as getting married, moving house and buying new vehicles are discouraged during this period.

Are you interest in Hungry Ghost Festival?
Do you know any ghost story? Please share to us?
“During the seventh lunar month, the gates of hell are open and hungry ghosts are released”
Do you believe this saying? Do you believe the Hell is exist?
Do you know any taboos during Hungry Ghost Festival?
What are the traditional festivals you are interest in?
Have you ever visit haunted houses?

Why Grow Up? --The NEET Generation Taiwan Panorama

The reasons for the younger generation's reluctance to grow up and their unwillingness to leave the parental nest vary from nation to nation.

For example, in the US in the 1970s, university students would generally enter the job market immediately after graduation. However, automation and globalization have created a far more competitive employment market, both in the US and around the world. Jobs are harder to find now that companies are demanding more highly skilled workers. Without a master's degree, it can be difficult to find white-collar employment. The slumping economy, the disappearance of whole categories of jobs and headcount reductions have made job hunting all the more difficult, with the result that many young people are simply moving back in with their parents. These returners are known as "boomerang kids" in the US.

There have been many Clares in Japan since the 1990s, drifting in and out of the job market after they graduate from school, the better to pursue some nebulous "ideal." When they run short of money, they might pick up a job working at a convenience store or a gas station, their reluctance to take full-time work keeping them always at the fringes of the working world. The Japanese call these vacillating young "freelancers" with no career plans "freeters."

These freeters are attempting to break out of the prison of Japan's lifetime employment system--they don't want to spend their lives marking time for a corporate paycheck the way their parents did. But part-time work is inherently unstable and they often run short of funds. If they are unfortunate enough to have maxed out their credit cards, their debts can ensnare their parents or even push them to commit crimes.

Japan has also been dealing with another similar problem since 2004--the so-called NEETs (for "Not in Employment, Education, or Training"), that is, young people who have virtually no interest in work at all.

The term NEET originated in the UK, where it refers to people who have not worked, attended school, or been engaged in job training for three months to one year. Such people earn no money and do nothing all day.

Genda and Maganuma's NEET highlights the awful choices Japanese young people face in the job market and details how they get by. Its cover depicts a young woman who looks as if she's lost her way in the woods. Unable to forge ahead, she has little choice but to turn around and go home. More than 1 million Japanese young people are similarly baffled by contemporary society. While they think only of escaping "boring lives" as rapidly as possible, they are incredibly passive about making changes to their lives. They ultimately decide that their only option is to live at home, thus becoming NEETs.
Pros and cons of Growing Up?
What do you think of the The NEET Generation?
Is the The NEET Generation a social problem?
What do you think about the younger generation?
Is unemployment serious in Taiwan? Is it difficult to find jobs?
Are young people overspending?
How to Help unemployed young people?









在對岸的大陸,啃老的問題也漸趨嚴重,大陸一胎化政策讓獨生子女變得恃寵而驕,據統計,有三成以上的年輕人靠著父母生活,他們雖曾試圖找工作,但眼高手低,高不成低不就的結果,只能回家靠父母,每天睡到自然醒、網路聊天、唱 KTV、喝咖啡…,幾乎是他們生活的全部。













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