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說吧英文讀書會   夏日單車遊

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「Adults turn to colouring books fight stress」的圖片搜尋結果
Adults turn to colouring books to fight stress    By Hannah Furness telegraph.co.uk

Soaring numbers of British adults have turned to colouring books in an effort to combat stress after it was proven that colouring in can help alleviate tension.

Now, colouring books are enjoying something of a resurgence, as booksellers report a boost in sales thanks to an unexpected new fanbase.

Retailers have claimed to have spotted a significant rise in sales after adults have begun buying colouring books for themselves.

It is understood they have become popular for their theraputic benefits, allowing long-suffering workers to relax after a hard day's work.

The trend, which has previously been reported from mainland Europe, is believed to have started with French women, who cast off their usual chic reputation to take to it in droves.

It now appears to have moved decisively across the channel, with experts predicting sales will only grow from here on in.

Melissa Cox, head of children’s buying at Waterstones, said staff had noticed an increasing trend for adults buying colouring books for themselves, with sales rising 300 per cent year on year.

Colouring books are selling better than ever, which initially surprised us when you think about all the games and toys children have. But they’re doing really well at the moment, and we realised adults have started to buy them for themselves.

It’s a trend that started in France and has been very popular with French women. It’s a relaxing thing to do, especially when you’re on the phone a lot. People say it’s proven to help you relax."

She added booksellers had noticed a striking increase in demand for challenging, intricate designs to colour in, joking adult friends had begun to ask her whether she had any "spare colouring books" they could use.

In March, the stores children's book of a month with be a colouring book for the first time, reflecting the growing popularity of the genre.
What do you think of Adults turn to colouring books to fight stress?
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「Dogs trained to detect prostate cancer」的圖片搜尋結果
Dogs trained to detect prostate cancer with more than 90% accuracy  James Meikle

Hopes that man’s best friend can help medics detect prostate cancer have been boosted by research suggesting that trained German shepherd dogs can sniff out the chemicals linked to the disease from urine samples with remarkable accuracy.

The reliability rate reported by an Italy-based team in the Journal of Urology comes from the latest of several studies stretching back decades and raises the prospect of canines’ sense of smell helping doctors identify a number of human cancers and infectious diseases.

The two female dogs sniffed urine samples from 900 men, 360 with prostate cancer and 540 without. Both animals were right in well over 90% of cases.

The paper’s authors, from the Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre in Milan and other institutes, admitted further work is needed to determine just how valuable the dogs’ skill might be in identifying, in daily practice, the signs of prostate cancer.

Cancer of the prostate is the most common type of the disease in British men, with 40,000 new cases reported every year.

Unanswered questions included what it was the dogs actually smelled and whether this was a single odour or those from a mixture of chemicals.

At present, prostate cancer is detected by a blood test known as the PSA test, by physical examination and by biopsy. The PSA test is not routinely offered because it is not considered reliable enough for screening.

The Italian results were welcomed by the Buckinghamshire-based charity Medical Detection Dogs, whose co-founder Claire Guest said its research indicated a 93% reliability rate for dogs. She said the results from the new study were “spectacular”.

She added: “They offer us further proof that dogs have the ability to detect human cancer. It is particularly exciting that we have such a high success rate in the detection of prostate cancer, for which the existing tests are woefully inadequate.

Over the years, millions of pounds of NHS funding has been poured into the traditional test methods, and yet there has been little improvement in their reliability.”

What do you think the report that dogs trained to detect cancers?
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10秒賣1 書店大缺貨 成人著色書 網拍搶翻天
打著「讓大人尋回最初童心,紓壓療癒」口號的成人著色書,近半年讓 上班族陷入瘋狂。博客來觀察,《秘密花園》作者喬漢娜挾全球狂賣百萬冊之威,不到半年,7月再推出第2本《魔法森林》中文版預購,在博客來不到3小時就賣破千本,平均每10秒賣出一本;另一位英國作者米莉瑪洛塔以後輩之姿推出的《忘憂森林》,同樣賣得嚇嚇叫,9/1再推新作《忘憂樂園》,預計又將掀搶購風潮。因網路書店大缺貨,畫迷們紛轉戰網拍,露天拍賣統計暑假以來開始,《秘密花園》7月份搜尋量較6月暴增7.5倍,成交量亦成長2.4倍。

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