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「face looks」的圖片搜尋結果
How your face looks can significantly influence the success of an interview
Have you ever noticed how, in movies, people in management positions are more attractive? Well, apparently that doesn’t only happen in the movies. There have been many studies that demonstrate that people who are more attractive are more successful when it comes to business. This means not only in job interviews, but also in the workplace.

A new study from Rice University called “Discrimination Against Facially Stigmatized Applicants: An Eye-Tracking and Face-to-Face Investigation,” where interviewees received bad ratings due to some sort facial disfigurement, proves that it is natural human instinct to have a negative reaction to facial blemishes.

The bottom line is that how your face looks can significantly influence the success of an interview,” Rice University Professor of Psychology, Mikki Hebl, states. "There have been many studies showing that specific groups of people are discriminated against in the workplace, but this study takes it a step further, showing why it happens. The allocation of attention away from memory for the interview content explains this.”

Eve Tahmincioglu writes, “good-looking bosses were found to be more competent, collaborative and better delegators than their less attractive counterparts, and most women believe they are judged in the workplace on the basis of their looks.”

According to another survey called “Work & Power” done by Elle and MSNBC.com, good looks are a trait that both men and women find important:
58% of attractive female bosses got high ratings for being successful at their jobs, while it was 41% for “average-looking” females and only 23% for unattractive females
61% of attractive male bosses got high ratings for being efficient at their jobs, 41% for average-looking males and then 25% for those classified as unattractive

Dr. Daniel Hamermesh, who is the author of Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful, has research that demonstrates good-looking people make more money:
Attractive people will earn up to 3% or 4% more than “average-looking” people
This can be up to $230,000 more for an attractive person versus an ordinary person
An average-looking individual will probably make $140,000 in a lifetime than someone who is unattractive

Always remember that your appearance is key, especially when it comes to the workplace. Looking good when you leave for work should be a priority. Pressed suits, shined shoes, and good hygiene can take you a long way.
One other factor that can help successfulness in the workplace is displaying confidence. Regardless of whether or not you are considered “good looking,” it is important to display that you are self-assured. People cannot believe in you if you do not believe in yourself.
Can your face looks influence the success of an interview?
How to have a good job interview?
Are face looks influence the chances of promotion?
What are the Discrimination could happen on job interviews?
Are beautiful people easily get high paid?
Do you like making friends with “good looking “people?
How to make yourself more attractive?

「Homelessness In America」的圖片搜尋結果
Overview of Homelessness In America

As today's students face a world filled with global conflict, disappearing jobs, skyrocketing education costs, and increasing poverty in America, action is more crucial than ever. We know hunger and homelessness are increasing epidemics plaguing the United States - striking Americans of every age, ethnicity, and religion, hitting urban and rural communities alike.
Just last year, the national poverty rate rose to include 13.2% of the population.  1 in 7 people were at risk of suffering from hunger in the United States. In addition, 3.5 million people were forced to sleep in parks, under bridges, in shelter or cars.
The combination of the high cost of living, low-wage jobs, and high unemployment rates only exacerbate these problems and force countless Americans to choose between food, housing, and other expenses. Studies show that money devoted to food is typically the first to be sacrificed. Families will often pay their fixed payments first, such as rent and utilities, rather than pay for food.
Unfortunately, these problems will only continue to grow if our society does not make it a national priority to address them in any systemic way.
Who is Homeless and Why?
The homeless population includes people from all walks of life:
In the U.S., more than 3.5 million people experience homelessness each year.
35% of the homeless population are families with children, which is the fastest growing segment of the homeless population.
23% are U.S. military veterans.
25% are children under the age of 18 years.
30% have experienced domestic violence.
20-25% suffer from mental illness.
In urban communities, people experience homelessness for an average of eight months.
People become homeless for a variety of reasons. Homelessness is primarily an economic problem, and is also affected by a number of social and political factors. The number of people experiencing homelessness exploded in the 1980s, as federal funds were withdrawn from low-income housing and social assistance programs for low-income families and the mentally ill. Current federal spending on housing assistance programs targeted at low-income populations is less than 50% of 1976 spending levels.
Economic Factors
Lack of Affordable Housing: There is a severe lack of affordable housing in the United States. The growing gap between wage earnings and the cost of housing in the United States leaves millions of families and individuals unable to make ends meet. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, families across the country would need to earn a "housing wage" of $15.37 an hour, nearly three times the current minimum wage, to afford a two-bedroom apartment at the average fair market rent. Even in West Virginia, the least expensive rental state in the country, a full-time wage earner would have to earn over $8.78/hour-$3 higher than the federal minimum wage-in order to afford a two bedroom apartment.
ike TANF, housing vouchers, and health care.
What do you think about homeless people?
What do you think about disappearing jobs, skyrocketing education costs?
What do you think about the cost of living in Taiwan?
Is the minimum wage too low?
How to Get the Pay Raise You Deserve?
How to Survive in a Competitive World?
What do you think about the price of housing in Taiwan?

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