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「Things She Hates That You Do」的圖片搜尋結果
 Things She Hates That You Do   shavemagazine      Article By: James Evans

Women have no shortage to their lists of annoying habits that men have. Knowing what women find annoying about men is invaluable not only because they are habits that you may not realize you do but also because it gives you an opportunity to break those habits and improve your relationship with the fairer sex. Here are 10 common annoying things that women hate and men often don't even realize they do.

Adjusting the privates

This isn't something that you grow out of after puberty. Men have a lot of fascination with what lurks beneath and as long as they have full use of their hands, a lot of time can be spent down there 'sorting the boys out.' It may not be sexual, and may just be for the purposes of comfort but it is something that women time and time again complain about. Despite the reason, it isn't the most hygienic practice and the image of a man lying on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand and his manhood in the other will never break into a woman's top ten sexual fantasies.

Selective hearing

Men all over the world have sat in front of a television and watched a program while their wife or girlfriend attempted to initiate a conversation with them. It never ends well. Apart from 'eating chips, adjusting the privates and watching the TV,' scientists have demonstrated that men are less capable than women at multitasking; yet we still attempt to watch TV and listen to her. The TV usually wins. This phenomenon happens in other situations too, like when driving, eating, or reading. Pretending to listen to her or selectively listening to her is more annoying to women than just not listening at all.


Women absolutely despise catching their men ogling other women. Women ogle too, visually admiring the opposite sex just as much as their male counterparts, except they generally do it with a greater level of subtlety. You might not be able to help it but you can at least be more discreet about it. There are multiple levels of irritation she experiences when she catches you ogling: she is annoyed, threatened, embarrassed, and she is likely also angered by the fact that you can't do it well enough that she doesn't notice.
What are the things that she/he hates that you do?  
What are some habits of boys than girls do not like?
How to break a bad habit?
What to do if caught boyfriend hanging out with another girl but says they're just friends?
How to deal with a girl/a man who complains pretty much?
What to do if boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't take care of his/her hygiene?
「Fortune Telling」的圖片搜尋結果
Different Fortune Telling Methods (buzzle.com)
 Western Astrology
Western astrology is one of the most popular forms of astrology amongst people. Inevitably, every day in the morning, don't you find yourself turning the newspaper page to the horoscope section, reading what your zodiac sign has to say for the day? Western astrology is based on constructing a horoscope which includes the position of the sun, moon and planets at the time of a person's birth. There are twelve zodiac signs that represent basic personality types and traits of individuals falling in the particular zodiac.

  Tarot Reading
Tarot reading revolves around the theory that playing cards can be used to know the insight of a person's life. Primarily, tarot cards were used for playing games, but later it was believed that these cards were guided by a spiritual force to let one know about his/her fortune. There are 78 cards in the pack used to read the fortune, each interpreting some distinct feature or characteristic. Although each card has several meanings, it is the reader, who decides which meaning applies correctly to the given situation or question asked.

  Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese tradition, which originated from Vastu Shastra in India. Feng Shui literally means, water and wind, which are believed to have a personality of their own, that directly affects the arrangement of furnishings and layout of an object or building. Therefore, it deals with the correct arrangement of furniture, location of doors and windows and also the color theme of the walls. The practice of this fortune-telling method is diverse and there are many different schools and perspectives to the same theory.

 Face Reading
A person's face is where emotions like, anger, sadness, happiness, joy and so on, are first revealed. This form of fortune-telling helps one know the true nature, strengths and weaknesses of a person. Face reading is more of a self-development tool than future telling. However, it is believed that tapping your potential, identifying your purpose in life, strengths and weaknesses, ultimately leads to being an invaluable tool for fortune-telling. Face reading is most commonly used in sales and business applications, to know the characteristics of the person being dealt with.


Do you believe in feng shui/ palmistry/ crystal ball reading/ tarot reading?

Can we really predict the future?

Reasons why people believe in superstitions?

Blood type and fortune telling-- does your blood type affect your future?

Do you believe that dreams to predict the future?

Why do some people believe star signs?

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