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「heal a broken heart」的圖片搜尋結果
Steps to heal a broken heart  dailymail.co.uk


Now you have to break those connections. Turn off the music that reminds you of your ex. Make your home look and feel different from when your loved one was around. Move the furniture.

Take up a new activity. And keep moving: exercise is the single most effective therapy for depression.

The point of these changes is to break up the old associations and give yourself a new environment for your new life. The changes you make don't have to be permanent. Even if it is just using a different shampoo and deleting your ex's number from the memory of your mobile, change something. Now.


The next step is to do the same thing on the inside - transform your habits of thought. In a relationship, we build up a huge array of such habits. When the love affair ends, these patterns can still be running.

To change your thinking habits, you need to understand a little more about them.

Have you ever witnessed the same event as someone else, and later found out their account of it was completely different from yours? Each of you saw the event through a 'frame', made up of your personal beliefs, feelings and internal habits.

If you are finding it devastatingly difficult to handle the end of your relationship, you may need to change this 'frame'. You will need to reframe your heartbreak. Stop seeing it as the end of your happiness. Instead, turn it into a challenge; view it as an opportunity.

Being heartbroken can make you feel worthless and hopeless - but that is because the frame you are using is too narrow. Learning to see your situation with a different frame is a wonderful liberation.


1. Think about the break-up of your relationship. What are the judgments or generalisations you have made about yourself and your ex?

2. Now think of someone you admire - a character from history or a real friend. Imagine they are watching a movie of this part of your life, and step into their shoes to watch it instead. Imagine what their comments would be.

3. Now imagine that a neutral observer is watching the movie of your life. Step into their shoes and watch it from there.
What are the steps to heal a broken heart?
“Being heartbroken can make you feel worthless and hopeless” how to survive?
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What to say to end a relationship?
How to break up with someone you love and not hurt them?

 「Get Professional Help If You Need It」的圖片搜尋結果
Get Professional Help If You Need It   mentalhealthamerica

  Get professional help if you need it If the problems in your life are stopping you from functioning well or feeling good, professional help can make a big difference. And if you're having trouble, know that you are not alone: One in four adults in this country have a mental health problem in any given year.

A mental health professional can help you:

    come up with plans for solving problems
    feel stronger in the face of challenges
    change behaviors that hold you back
    look at ways of thinking that affect how you feel
    heal pains from your past
    figure out your goals
    build self-confidence

Most people who seek help feel better. For example, more than 80 percent of people treated for depression improve. Treatment for panic disorders has up to a 90 percent success rate.

Treatment for a mental health issue can include medication and psychotherapy. In some cases, the two work well together.

What, exactly, is psychotherapy? It's a general term that means talking about your problems with a mental health professional. It can take lots of forms, including individual, group, couples and family sessions. Often, people see their therapists once a week for 50 minutes. Depending on your situation, treatment can be fairly short or longer-term.

Some people worry that getting help is a sign of weakness. If you do, consider that it can be a sign of great strength to take steps toward getting your life back on track.
Do you really trust a psychologist?
What do you think about psychotherapy treatment?
How to get professional help if you were distress?
How to heal pains from your past?
How to getting your life back on track when you lose energy?
How to come up with plans for solving problems?
How to figure out your goals and build self-confidence?

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