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「Count down to the New Year」的圖片搜尋結果
Count down to the New Year  timeanddate

New Year’s Eve is one of the largest global celebrations because it marks the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, December 31, before the New Year. Count down to the New Year no matter where you are in the world.

What Do People Do?

New Year’s Eve is a day of mixed feelings for many people. On one hand, it is a time to celebrate the end of the year gone by and welcome what is in store in the New Year. On the other hand, some people experience a sense of nostalgia as they reflect on the events that took place in their lives in the past 12 months. Many people start thinking about New Year’s resolutions at this time of the year.

Some people celebrate New Year’s Eve by attending midnight church services, while others gather around in public venues such as Times Square in New York City, or Trafalgar Square in London to count down for the closing seconds of the old year. Many people hold parties to farewell the finishing year and to celebrate the New Year. The size of festive events for New Year’s Eve can vary in size and theme. Some people attend formal masquerade balls while others have costume parties. Some people have small parties or gatherings at their homes. Many New Year’s Eve celebrations are highlighted by firework displays.

Many people start counting down to New Year’s Day in the last minute or seconds before the last night of the year ends and the New Year begins. Some people tune into watching televised countdowns. As the clock strikes midnight into New Year’s Day, many people celebrate this event by exchanging hugs, kisses, and wish each other a “Happy New Year”. In some parts of the world, including in the United States, many people sing the Scottish song “Auld Lang Syne” during the New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Public Life

New Year’s Eve is a public holiday in places such as Latvia, the Philippines, and San Marino. It is a holiday for banks in countries such as Bangladesh, Brunei, Paraguay, and Japan (New Year’s Eve is also a government holiday in Japan).

New Year’s Eve is not a nationwide public holiday in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, but some businesses close early, schools are usually closed, and many people may have half a day off work.  Those wishing to travel via public transport may need to check with the local transport authorities on public transport schedules for New Year’s Eve.
What do you think of the counting down activity to the New Year?  
What are your plans for New Year holidays?
What do you think that the firework displays in the101 building?
What are the best things you did in the past year?
Do you know any different culture of New Year celebration?

What do people do in the New Year?

「new Year’s Resolutions2016」的圖片搜尋結果
New Year’s Resolutions That’ll Make 2016 The Best Year Yet  by Lauren Vino

Hit the gym
Working out is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves, but the challenge is being consistent. Even if you’re only working out for 10 minutes, if you’re doing it five days a week it totally counts as a healthy habit. The options are endlessly easy from joining gym, taking a class, downloading a workout app or just following a fitness-based Instagram account. Pick something you can stick to and the only thing you’ll be giving up is inches.

Dabble in a foreign language
Learning a language as an adult can be a huge challenge, but it’s one that’s incredibly satisfying to overcome. Unless you remember ~everything~ from your high school Spanish class, there are countless apps, websites and other resources to get you started. Perhaps in 2017 you can reward yourself by visiting the country of whatever language you learn. Which brings us to…

Put money into a savings account
It might seem boring, but this is the only habit that actually pays for itself and then some. You don’t need much to get started; some banks only require a minimum opening deposit of $25. From there, decide on an amount you can commit to putting away every month. Most banks will let you set up an automatic monthly transfer into your savings, so you don’t have to think about it. Gradually money you don’t even realize you’re missing will appear in your savings account, and you’ll magically feel more like an adult.

Join a book club
Reading is good for you; science and your mom have already told you so. Taking the time to get through a book is one of those things we all say we’re going to do — until we pick up our smartphones. By joining a book club, you increase both your accountability and enjoyment of this healthy habit, with the addition of social interaction and snacks.
What are your new year’s resolutions?
Do you do exercise regularly?
Do you think that learning a new language as an adult is a huge challenge?
How to learn something new for the coming new year?
How to save more money?
Do you make spending budget usually?
Why reading is good for us? How often you read books?

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