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「People Skills」的圖片搜尋結果
Tips to Improve Your People Skills

Posted on June 22, 2015 by Mary Gormandy White, M.A., SPHR, SHRM-SCP

Get to Know Your Natural Style Tendencies
Personality style has a major impact on how we naturally approach interacting with other people,” Olson explains. “Using a validated personality assessment like Everything DiSC is a great way to develop a strong understanding of your natural tendencies in your work environment and get the information you need to help adapt your communication. He advises, “Just completing the online assessment can be beneficial, though you can get even more benefit from pairing your assessment with individualized or group training by better understanding how to improve your specific communication goals.”

Learn to Adapt to Other People’s Personality Styles
To really improve your people skills, it’s important to go beyond just understanding your own personality style to also finding out how
 to read and adapt to the styles of other people. Olson explains, “Knowing your style lets you know how you naturally approach situations and clarifies what kinds of responses come easily to you versus which ones require more work, but to really improve your people skills, you’ll need to learn how to read other people. This will let you know what approach to take when interacting with people whose personality styles are very different from yours while helping you take advantage of their strengths.”

Really Listen to What People Are Saying
Really paying attention to what other people are saying is also an important aspect of improving your people skills,” says Olson. He explains, “Effective listening requires much more than just hearing the words that people say or reading what they have written. Beyond just the words, you also have to consider the context of communication, the other person’s personality style, and any nonverbal signals the person is sending when deciding what they mean and respond accordingly.” He advises, “Listening is an active process. Realize that you may need to ask clarifying questions to really get a deep understanding of the other person’s needs.”
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How to adapt to other people’s personality styles?
How to really listen to what people are saying?
「plastic bag habit」的圖片搜尋結果
Reasons why our plastic bag habit is bad    By  Emily Gosden  telegraph.co.uk

As new figures show Britons took home 8.5 billion single-use carrier bags from supermarkets last year, here's why the Government is trying to cut down on their usage

The Government is introducing a 5p charge on single-use plastic carrier bags in England in October to try to curb their usage.

Here are five reasons ministers gave to help explain why we should be cutting down on the number of bags we use.

1. They are unsightly
Discarded plastic bags are, in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’s words, “an iconic symbol of waste”. Billions of bags are used by shoppers in the UK each year and “far too many of these bags made their way onto the streets and into the countryside as unsightly litter”.

2. They are bad for wildlife
Plastic bags can choke or poison fish, animals and birds, with marine wildlife particularly vulnerable. As a study cited by the Government explains, “when seabirds, sea mammals or fish ingest plastic particles, blocking of the gut is likely to harm or even kill the organism”.

The RSPB warns that birds can mistake the bags for fish or nesting materials. If their legs or heads become entangled, it can prove fatal.

3. They are costly to clear up
Littered carrier bags cost taxpayers in England about £10 million a year in clean-up costs, Defra says. 

4. They take years to decompose
As Defra says, “even when disposed of responsibly, plastic bags can last for long periods of time in landfill sites”. In the UK, some 16,000 tonnes of waste is sent to landfill each year – where, according to campaigners, the plastic bags can take 1,000 years to decompose.
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