週五(12/11) 1.無聊時 應做甚麼?2.“坐立”測試 你還能活多久

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無聊時 應做甚麼?
Things to Do to Keep From Getting Bored Out of Your Skull at Work   zenhabits.net
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. – Dorothy Parker

Create a new challenge. I think this is by far the best thing on the list, but you may differ. Many times we’re bored because we don’t have a challenge — things are too easy or routine. So instead of waiting for someone to create a challenge for you, do it yourself. How can you challenge yourself? Set a new goal at work. Challenge yourself to produce more than ever. Explore new projects. Set personal goals and pursue them. Whatever excites you.

List your life goals. What is it you want to accomplish in life? Not just with work, but personally? If you’ve listed them before, it’s always good to update them. Then choose one of those goals to achieve this year. Now think about what you can do today to move closer to that goal, even if it’s just a small thing. Get the ball rolling. Do this every day — move yourself closer to that goal.

Pursue a hobby. My hobby (until it became a profession) was blogging … I would do it at work in my spare time, or before or after work. Not everyone can pursue their hobby at work — the model airplane glue might bother your coworkers, for example — but sometimes you can just read about it while at work. I was upfront about my blogging and freelancing at work with my boss, btw, but many people get away with doing it on the sly. I won’t make a recommendation, but just don’t get fired.

Improve your skills. Along the same lines: choose a skill that needs sharpening, and challenge yourself to get better at it. Whether that’s computer programming, writing, working with Adobe InDesign, or whatever. Perfect your skills — you can use it to further your career, get a new job, or become self-employed. Or just have the satisfaction of knowing you’re the best you can be at that skill.

Write a love letter. If you have a significant other, write a letter telling them why you love them. They’ll love it. Email is fine, but pen and paper are even better.

Get wild! Sometimes we just need to let loose. Start singing at the top of your lungs, or dance around the office. Sure, people might stare or laugh, but a little fun in the office isn’t a bad thing. Or get out of the office and do something fun or crazy. One afternoon of wildity isn’t going to hurt you (well, stay away from things that are illegal or life-threatening, if possible).
What are the ways to do something when you’re bored?
Have you ever done something fun or crazy?
How to write a good love letter?
What is it you want to accomplish in life?
What are the ways to find new hobbies?
What are the ways to sharpen your skills?

「'sitting-rising test' means you're 5 times more likely to die early」的圖片搜尋結果
“坐立”測試 你還能活多久
The exercise that predicts your DEATH: Struggling with 'sitting-rising test' means you're 5 times more likely to die early    By Sarah Griffiths for MailOnline
The simple exercise of sitting down and standing up again without holding onto anything, could suggest how long you have to live.

This is the belief of a group of physicians, who came up with the ‘sitting-rising test’ to measure their patients’ flexibility and strength.

They developed a scoring system for the test and found that people who scored three points or less out of 10, were more than five times as likely to die within six years, as those who scored more than eight points.

Claudio Gil Araujo, of Gama Filho University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was among the doctors who originally developed the sitting rising test (SRT) to quickly assess the flexibility of athletes, but he now uses it to persuade his patients that they need to stay active to maintain their muscle and balance, and live longer, Discover Magazine reported. 

In a study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, the researchers described how 2002 adults aged between 51 and 80 took the SRT at Clinimex Exercise Medicine Clinic in Rio.

They found that patients who scored fewer than eight points out of 10 on the test, were twice as likely to die within the next six years, compared with people with more perfect scores.

One point was deducted each time a person used their hand or knee for support to either sit down or stand up, while half a point was deducted for losing their balance.

The experts found that people who scored three points or fewer, were more than five times as likely to die within the same period.

They wrote in the study: ‘Musculoskeletal fitness, as assessed by SRT, was a significant predictor of mortality in 51–80-year-old subjects.’

Do you believe that the 'sitting-rising test' could suggest how long you have to live?
Can death be predicted?
Is it good to know the date of death early?
What are the benefits of doing exercise?
What are the bad habits that could shorten your life?
What are the ways to increase your life expectancy?
What are the ways to live a healthy lifestyle?

“坐立”測試告訴你還能活多久   健康時報


目前,世界上大部分國家都推行世衛組織的“每週150分鐘中等強度運動”的健康理念。 然而近日,哈佛大學一項研究表明,此數據缺乏科學性,並建議將標準提高到每天至少1小時運動。

紐約時報報導,此項研究中,科學家根據對14年66萬人的數據跟踪及分析指出,哪怕只是偶爾或者少量運動的人,死亡風險都比從不鍛煉的人降低了20%。 那些每天達到一小時運動以上的,死亡風險更降低了39%,相比世衛組織每週150分鐘的標準,風險降低31%。



這是巴西Ga​​maFihoUniversity的一組醫生提出的“坐立測試”,不僅可以測試人的柔韌性以耐力,僅僅通過重複坐下和立起,且沒有任何東西做支撐,就可以看出你還能活多久,因為坐立測試所測的是骨骼肌系統的健康程度,是預測該年齡段死亡率的一個顯著指標。 該方法最初是為了快速測試運動員的身體柔軟度,但是現在他們用這種方法來告訴病人,要鍛煉骨骼肌才能延長壽命。 但是如果你有關節炎或者怕受傷,建議就別去嘗試了。


 1、穿上舒服的衣服,脫掉鞋子,且確保附近有足夠的空間讓你伸展。 在沒有任何支撐的情況下,慢慢蹲下直到雙腿交叉坐下。

 2、慢慢重新站起來,且盡量不要使用手、膝蓋或者手臂。 可以讓其它人來監督你,保證動​​作規範。


 4、每次用手或者膝蓋來支撐時,扣一分。 當你注意到自己明顯搖晃不平衡的時候,要扣除半分,結合起來計算總分。



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