周六(12/5) 1.巧克力比愛情更棒 2.危機處理

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「why women like chocolate」的圖片搜尋結果
Scientists prove chocolate 'better than being in love'   by COLIN FREEMAN

The Ancient Incas knew it, as does Bridget Jones and that kindly person who always gives you their last Rolo. Ever since humankind grew its first sweet tooth, there's been nothing like chocolate to raise the spirits.

For years, academics have tried to discover exactly what makes it so irresistible - speculating that key ingredients like cocoa beans, caffeine or any of its other 300 compounds can boost energy and libido.

But now scientists at Cambridge University have carried out brain scans that suggest a much more simple explanation. Chocolate is linked to feelings of wellbeing because it simply tastes so good.

They claim munching a bar induces sensations that could be even more pleasurable than listening to your favourite music, winning the lottery, or falling in love.

The average bar of chocolate, he claimed, simply did not contain enough mood-altering substances to make a difference - some of them, for example, were found in higher doses in a lump of Cheddar cheese or sausage.

Dr Owen, who works at the university's Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, said: "The scientific data suggests that the mood-enhancing effects of chocolate are not pharmacological - the constituents of chocolate do not appear to affect the brain via a direct biological action.

"An alternative explanation is that the effects of eating chocolate are psychological - the unique combination of aroma, texture and taste makes eating chocolate a pleasurable experience that stimulates the emotional 'feel-good' centres of the brain. In short, the chocolate tastes good, so we feel good.
Do you support the idea that chocolate can boost energy and libido?
Can eat chocolate boost the feeling of wellbeing?
What is the feeling when falling in love?
In your opinion, what are the happy food?
What are the food to make you feel fantastic?
Why do we give chocolate on Valentine’s Day?
Why women love chocolate more than men?
Ways to Cope During a Life Crisis     by Paul Browning  pickthebrain

One of the great things about a life crisis is you get to find out what works. When life is easy and no major challenges are on the horizon, you can read all about affirmations, pray, meditate, firewalk or just read self-help manuals written by big-name gurus. Then life throws you a major health challenge, the end of a relationship, the death of somebody close to you and an unexpected job loss.

Tactic 1 – Run Toward, NOT Away If there is no growth without discomfort, why do so many people run away when things become uncomfortable? They avoid public speaking, they panic when the partner they know is wrong for them threatens to leave and they beg to keep the job they don’t even like. When my father was diagnosed with a terminal illness and when my marriage ended, I was taking the situation to the end and imagining myself coping. Well, not just coping but moving on with my life and being happy. Everything must come to an end and real peace of mind comes when you accept this.

Tactic 2 – Do What You Don’t Want to Do During a life crisis, you will be tempted to crawl into your bed and pull the sheets over your head. You may even want to turn to alcohol, drugs, food or something else to help numb the pain. Instead, do this:
Feed your body fresh, organic food
Exercise every day, even if it is just walking
Read books that inspire you
See a comedy show and laugh

If you have some spare cash, get a nice haircut and treat yourself to a new outfit. The temptation will be to neglect yourself, but you must do the opposite and invest in yourself.

Tactic 3– Avoid Pity Parties Your friends and family will not want to see you suffer and at times like this, you will be thankful for a support network. When I was having my major crisis, I would spend every night on the phone with friends and relatives talking about what I was going through. Here’s the thing though; is talking about how terrible you feel helping you at all? Sometimes we can fall into the trap of becoming a victim in the story of our life. If you can, share your problem with a professional counselor or hypnotherapist who is there to help you move on with your life. Spend the time with your family and friends doing fun stuff.

What are the ways to cope life crisis?
Do exercise and read books help handling life crisis?
How to overcome your difficulties?
How to be strong in life?
How to deal with an unexpected job loss?
What are the problem solving skills do you have?

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