週四(12/31)1.如何”說”的漂亮? 2.PM2.5真要命

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「Speak Nicely」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Speak Nicely

Speaking nicely to other people is about using your empathy to be considerate of others. It is about saying things clearly so that you are understood well. Speaking nicely also involves thinking before you speak, in order to put aside any of your own hostilities, annoyances and gripes that can cause tension or upset when holding a conversation or discussion.

Say what you mean without demeaning another. Be assertive, not aggressive or manipulative. This means stating clearly and firmly what your needs, interests and preferences are without overriding the interests or needs of the listener. If you are aggressive or manipulative, this places the listener on the defensive and isn't a nice way to engage in a discussion.
Slow down when discussing important issues. You may feel excited, impassioned, angry or even fearful about a particular topic but your emotions are not an excuse to shoot from the hip and rally off a whole bunch of insults or demands. Instead, take the time to respond to things that matter to you or set off your emotions. There is no harm in saying something like, "That's a big issue you've raised there. I'm going to need to think it over for a day or two and get back to you on that." Buying yourself time also gives you a chance to cool off and reflect over the matter. Ultimately, it means that you keep the discussion nice.
Avoid being impulsive. Your listener may think you rude and even mean if you keep cutting them off before they've had a chance to fully explain, explore or talk about their issues. If you are in the habit of always cutting people off, or always needing to butt in and add your two cents worth before the whole story is laid out, learn to restrain yourself. Nice talk is like a well orchestrated game, with each side having a turn and in between turns, avid concentration on what the other person is really saying.
Avoid speaking ill. Gossip, rumors and backstabbing conversations have no place when you're aiming to speak nicely. Complaining is also out. Find positive and constructive ways to explain yourself and the things that happen to you. Concentrate on what you want rather on how you wish other people would behave. Remember that you can't change other people but you can make it clear what you want to happen for yourself.
Be the bearer of good news. Even in times of hardship and difficulty, it is possible to relay information in a way that helps people rather than leaves them feeling sad, angry or at a loss. Look for ways to bring positive things to everyone's attention, all while acknowledging the hardship. This is as much a habit as always complaining is a habit, and with practice, you can turn it around.
How to speak nicely?
Is it good that manipulating conversation?
What do you think that the habit of always cutting people off?
What do you think about gossip, rumors and backstabbing conversations?
Is using sarcasm good while chatting?
Do you always bring positive things when speak to others?
How to Deal With Criticism?
「pm2.5 台灣」的圖片搜尋結果
PM2.5真要命 去年害死6000
Excessive exposure to PM2.5 cost 6,000 lives last year: research    CNA By Lung Pei-ning and Lee Hsin-Yin

Taipei, Dec. 24 (CNA) More than 6,000 people died of diseases exacerbated by excessive exposure to particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) in Taiwan last year, according to research by National Taiwan University released Thursday.

PM2.5, known to be linked to several chronic health problems, caused the deaths of 2,240 ischemic heart disease patients, 2,140 stroke patients, 1,250 lung cancer patients and 645 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, the research shows.

The top three administrative areas recording PM2.5-related deaths are Yunlin County, Nantou County and Kaohsiung, accounting for 21.8 percent, 21.7 percent and 21.6 percent of the victims, respectively.

Lin Hsien-ho (林先和), an associate professor of the university's College of Public Health, said exposure to PM2.5 can also increase the risk of developing active tuberculosis, as the exposure could change the function of the immune cells that protect against the bacteria that causes the disease.

Each increase of 10 µg/m³ in the amount of PM2.5 exposure can raise the chance of developing tuberculosis by 39 percent, Lin said.

He added that each increase of 10 parts per billion in the amount of exposure to the traffic pollutants nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide can increase by 33 percent and 21 percent, respectively, the chances of getting the disease.

The annual PM2.5 level in Taiwan was 25 µg/m³ last year, 2.5 times the World Health Organization's safe level, he said, urging the government to launch preventive measures to safeguard people's health.
What do you think that Excessive exposure to PM2.5 cost 6,000 lives last year?
What do you think that the air pollution issues in Taiwan?
In your option, what caused air pollution?
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