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「Surgical masks worn at Japan speed dating」的圖片搜尋結果
Face saver: Surgical masks worn at Japan speed dating sessions  By Kwiyeon Ha | TOKYO

Looks aren't everything. At least, that's what one Japanese dating service is trying to prove - by requiring participants in speed dating sessions to wear white surgical masks.

"In order to achieve marriage, it is important to provide chances to know a partner's personality and values in the early stages," said Kei Matsumura, head of Tokyo dating service Def Anniversary.

White surgical masks covering most of the face are common sights in Japan, where people don them to avoid catching diseases, keep out pollen and, sometimes, just to keep their faces warm. Some women also opt for a mask on days when they haven't worn makeup.

"Since I wasn't judged by my appearance, I think I was able to be more outgoing with women," said 28-year-old Yasumasu Kishi at a weekend speed dating event for 19 men and 18 women.

Dating services are booming in Japan as young people shy from tying the knot. The marriage rate has plunged by 50 percent over the last 40 years, from 10.1 per thousand in 1975 to 5.1 per thousand in 2014, according to a Health Ministry survey.

Young people brought up in the digital era find face-to-face encounters daunting in ultra-polite Japan, while long work hours add still another hurdle. These make konkatsu - active "marriage seeking activity" - often the only option.

"I think I was able to find out more about their inner selves and not just judge them by their looks," said Chiharu Tsukahara, a 28-year-old office worker.
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"In this event, personality matters. I quite liked that," she added as she prepared to leave with Kishi and two friends for another date. This time, masks were optional.
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Government must think hard before lifting ban       By Lee Wu-chung  taipei times

After Taiwan lifted the ban on beef imports from Canada, the question of whether to lift the ban on imports of agricultural products from Japanese prefectures affected by a nuclear disaster has once again come to the fore.

The government has cited data from Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, saying that among 260,538 samples inspected in Japan last year, only 279, or about 0.1 percent, were found to have excessive levels of radiation. The government felt this was a minuscule amount, and plans to lift the ban on food imports from the Japanese prefectures of Chiba, Gunma, Ibaraki and Tochigi, and to implement strict risk management and frequent sampling inspections. Meanwhile, the ban on food imports from Fukushima Prefecture is to remain in place.

However, the government should not rely solely on radioactive contamination and risk assessment reports from Japanese authorities. It should also use its own inspection and assessments.

Furthermore, an inspection of about 900,000 samples from Fukushima conducted by Austria’s Vienna University of Technology showed that 0.6 percent of the samples contained excessive radiation.

It is necessary for the government to have a good understanding of the sampling locations, methods and equipment employed in the study, and find out the causes of contamination. The ban must not be hastily lifted.

Furthermore, the government plans to handle agricultural and aquatic products from Fukushima separately from the other four prefectures.

However, some businesspeople have exported food products from Fukushima to Taiwan and China by presenting fake certificates of origin. In particular, Taiwan is a major importer of Japanese agricultural and aquatic products, and annual import volumes from Japan are large, so it will be difficult for the government to put public concerns to rest.
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