周三(11/23)1.現代生活讓人更累? 2.英文新聞讀報討論

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「modern life making you tired」的圖片搜尋結果
Is modern life making you tired all the time?  by AMY ANDERSON, Daily Mail

The hectic pace of modern life is damaging the quality of our sleep.

Because many people have frequently disturbed sleep, our bodies are learning to snatch it whenever we can.

American scientists call it 'sleep snacking' and it can lead to high blood pressure, and an increased risk of stroke, obesity and accidents.

We asked sleep specialist Dr John Shneerson to monitor a typical sleep snacker for one night.


Deirdre Mann, 55, is a self- employed soft furnishing seamstress from King's Lynn, Norfolk. She is married to Bill, 58, a systems engineer. She says:

I began not sleeping properly several years ago. I am self employed, and often have to do several things at once, which can be quite stressful.

As soon as I lie down to try to sleep, in my head I start running through lists of things I have to do the next day.

I can't remember the last time I slept for more than two hours at once. I always tend to wake up with a start, two or three times a night, usually because I am thinking about something that is troubling me. I always wake in the morning feeling as though I haven't caught up with my sleep deprivation.

As a result, I have developed a tendency to drop off to sleep during the day. If I sit down on a train or sit still for a period of time, I'll often doze off.

My immune system is constantly depleted and I often have a cold or cough that I find hard to get rid of.

I try to eat as healthily as I can, and have stopped drinking alcohol, but it's constant anxiety and worrying how I will get everything done that stops me sleeping.

 Avoid coffee, tea or alcohol after 5pm as they are stimulants that will make it harder for you to go to sleep. Instead, have hot milky drinks such as Horlicks. Try not to eat within an hour of sleeping.
 Try not to do anything too mentally stimulating during the evening, such as working on your computer, or playing a mind stimulating game such as chess.
 Have a warm bath and do not doze in an armchair before bedtime as this can adversely affect sleep patterns.
 Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day to help condition the body and mind.
 Make sure your bedroom is well ventilated and not too hot or cold.
 Avoid watching TV in bed.
 If you are awake for more than half an hour, you may not be ready for sleep. Get up and do something relaxing, then come back to bed when you feel more sleepy.
Is modern life making you tired all the time? 
How to have a good quality of sleeping?
How many hours of sleep are enough?
Does modern life style stressed us?
Pos and cons of modern life?
Do you have sleeping problem?
Do smart phones affect your sleep?

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