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「You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With」的圖片搜尋結果

Billy 推薦這句

You are the Average of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With

This is a quote made by Jim Rohn, motivational speaker and self help guru. To be honest, I don’t fully agree with this statement because it negates the fact we have our own consciousness as well. The quote will be more accurate if we revise it to: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, including yourself”.

Regardless, I believe the key underlying intent of Jim’s quote is who you spend time with influences the person you eventually become. Who you are with can elevate you as much as it can bring you down.

How people around you can affect you

There are two variables that interplay in determining how much of your thoughts and actions are influenced by people around you. The first is your consciousness and resilience as an individual. The second, is the collective sum of the consciousness of the people you are with. These combine to give you a weighted impact on who you become.

You may be the most conscious and smartest individual around, but if you are constantly surrounded by negative, fear-based people in your life, it will have an impact on who you eventually become and your progression in life. If you are heavily rooted in yourself, there might be a limited downside that negative friends can bring you. However, you are also getting a limited upside because you are spending time with people who are holding you back vs people who can be elevating you.

This is what Robert Kiyosaki experienced as well, which he shared in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He had two dads- his real dad, stuck in the middle-class with limiting viewpoints on money; his poor dad, one of the wealthiest man in Hawaii and was smart about getting money to work for him. By consciously choosing to interface with his rich dad to learn from him, he acquired many thinkings and mindsets of how to become rich, which eventually led him to become successful in life.

If you hang out with a group of successful, positive-minded individuals who believe in taking responsibility for their lives, you will move to become a proactive individual who shapes his/her future. If you hang out with a bunch of pessimists who believe the world is out to get them and there is nothing worthwhile, you will start descending into the negative whirlpool at some point, even if you are initially a positive individual.
Who are the 5 people you spend the most time with in your life currently?
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Why hanging out with successful people will make you a successful person?
What are the ways to deal with people who put you down? 
How negative people affect us?

「Why are people in Cambridge buying cans of Beijing smog?」的圖片搜尋結果
Why are people in Cambridge buying cans of Beijing smog?  Telegraph

Cans of Beijing smog – caused by car pollution, dust storms, construction fumes and coal power plants – are apparently proving a popular export

Beijing is infamous for some of the world's worst air pollution levels, but one resident is hoping to turn it into a positive by cashing in on the city’s smog – by bottling it.

Dominic Johnson-Hill, a British businessman who lives in the city, started selling cans of Beijing air as a “joke” – but they’ve been snapped up by customers as far away as Cambridge.

Each can of Beijing Air contains a blend of Nitrogen, Oxygen and some other stuff,” claims the write-up on the back of the cans, which are priced 28CNY (£3) each. The contents are taken from the streets of Beijing, which was issued with a red alert for air pollution last year. 

Over the last few years, stories have emerged of entrepreneurs selling bottles and canisters of ‘pure’ air from destinations such as Canada and the Scottish Highlands, to sell to health-conscious overseas markets. It’s a gimmicky money-spinner (£80 for a jar of “organic” Dorset air, anyone?) – and Johnson-Hill set out to turn the idea on its head.

'It seemed like the obvious thing to do,' he told Time Out Beijing. “Someone sent me a link to canned Canadian air and how popular that was. In fact, one of these canned air companies even came to me and asked me to do design for them, and I just thought: why not do it myself?”

I just got two WeChats this morning from Chinese people living in Cambridge, asking how they could buy [the cans] as they miss Beijing so much,” said Johnson-Hill.

Last Friday, I was sitting in my office and it was 350 pollution out there [ranked by the government as 'severe'], and I saw a stack of 200 cans of Beijing air heading out all over China.”
Do you want to buy cans of Beijing smog? What do you think this air can business?
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Is air pollution serious in Taiwan?
What are the factors cause air pollution? 
How to protect yourself from air pollution

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