周六(11/12)川普勝選演說/尋找好友/當心靈空巢時//幽默好處 下午4:00pm--6:00pm

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左轉       聚會時間下午4:00pm--6:00pm

Donald Trump’s Victory Speech
TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone.


Sorry to keep you waiting; complicated business; complicated.


Thank you very much.


TRUMP: I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton.


She congratulated us — it’s about us — on our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean, she — she fought very hard.
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Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.


I mean that very sincerely.


Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.


It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.


For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people. . .


. . . I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.


As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their families.


It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.


Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I’ve spent my entire life and business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. That is now what I want to do for our country.


Tremendous potential. I’ve gotten to know our country so well — tremendous potential. It’s going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.


We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.

We will also finally take care of our great veterans.


They’ve been so loyal, and I’ve gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey. The time I’ve spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It’s going to happen.


We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. We will be.


We’ll have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.

TRUMP: Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.


We must reclaim our country’s destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We’re going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again.

I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.

And now I’d like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight, very, very historic victory.

First, I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now.


Great people. I’ve learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard. I had truly great parents.

I also want to thank my sisters, Maryanne and Elizabeth, who are here with us tonight. And, where are they? They’re here someplace. They’re very shy, actually. And my brother Robert — my great friend. Where is Robert? Where is Robert?


My brother Robert. And they should all be on this stage, but that’s OK. They’re great. And also my late brother, Fred. Great guy. Fantastic guy.


Fantastic family. I was very lucky. Great brothers, sisters; great, unbelievable parents.

To Melania and Don. . .

(APPLAUSE) . . . and Ivanka. . .


. . . and Eric and Tiffany and Baron, I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting up with all of those hours. This was tough.
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This was tough. This political stuff is nasty and it’s tough. So I want to thank my family very much. Really fantastic. Thank you all. Thank you all.

And Lara, unbelievable job, unbelievable.

Vanessa, thank you. Thank you very much.

What a great group. You’ve all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people. You know, they kept saying we have a small staff. Not so small. Look at all the people that we have. Look at all of these people.

And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David. We have got — we have got tremendously talented people up here. And I want to tell you, it’s been — it’s been very, very special. I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani.


Unbelievable. Unbelievable. He traveled with us and he went through meetings. That Rudy never changes. Where’s Rudy? Where is he? Rudy.

Governor Chris Christie, folks, was unbelievable.


Thank you, Chris.

The first man, first senator, first major, major politician, and let me tell you, he is highly respected in Washington because he’s as smart as you get: Senator Jeff Sessions. Where is Jeff?


Great man.

Another great man, very tough competitor. He was not easy. He was not easy. Who is that? Is that the mayor that showed up?


Is that Rudy? Oh, Rudy got up here.

Another great man who has been really a friend to me. But I’ll tell you, I got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats: Dr. Ben Carson. Where is Ben?


Where is Ben?

TRUMP: And by the way, Mike Huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic. Mike and his family, Sarah — thank you very much.

General Mike Flynn. Where is Mike?


And General Kellogg. We have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign. And they’re special people and it’s really an honor. We have 22 congressional Medal of Honor recipients. We have just tremendous people.

A very special person who believed me and, you know, I’d read reports that I wasn’t getting along with him. I never had a bad second with him. He’s an unbelievable star. He is. . .


TRUMP: That’s right. How did you possibly guess? So let me tell you about Reince, and I’ve said this. I said, Reince — and I know it, I know. Look at all those people over there. I know it. Reince is a superstar. But I said, “They can’t call you a superstar, Reince, unless we win,” because you can’t be called a superstar — like Secretariat — if Secretariat came in second, Secretariat would not have that big, beautiful bronze bust at the track at Belmont.

But I’ll tell you, Reince is really a star. And he is the hardest-working guy. And in a certain way, I did this — Reince, come up here. Where is Reince? Get over here, Reince.


Boy oh boy oh boy. It’s about time you did this, Reince. My God.


Say a few words. No, come on, say something.

RNC CHAIRMAN REINCE PRIEBUS: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States, Donald Trump.


Thank you. It’s been an honor. God bless. Thank God.

TRUMP: Amazing guy.

Our partnership with the RNC was so important to the success and what we’ve done.

So I also have to say I’ve gotten to know some incredible people — the Secret Service people.


They’re tough and they’re smart and they’re sharp, and I don’t want to mess around with them, I can tell you. And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down on the seat. But they are fantastic people, so I want to thank the Secret Service.


And law enforcement in New York City. They’re here tonight.


These are spectacular people, sometimes underappreciated unfortunately, but we appreciate them. We know what they go through.

So, it’s been what they call a historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job. And I promise you that I will not let you down. We will do a great job. We will do a great job.


I look very much forward to being your president, and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years, or maybe even eight years. . .


. . . you will say, so many of you worked so hard for us, but you will say that — you will say that that was something that you really were very proud to do and I can. . .


TRUMP: Thank you very much.

And I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning.


We’re going to get to work immediately for the American people. And we’re going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. You’ll be so proud. Again, it’s my honor. It was an amazing evening. It’s been an amazing two-year period. And I love this country.

(APPLAUSE) Thank you. Thank you very much.


Thank you to Mike Pence. Thank you.

「Finding a Confidant」的圖片搜尋結果
Finding a Confidant      By: Ian Murnaghan 

A common feeling experienced as a symptom of depression is loneliness and isolation. In fact you could be surrounded by people who care for you yet still feel completely isolated. You may also find you withdraw from social activities, friends and family. This type of withdrawal can, however, leave you bottling up your feelings and your depression may become more difficult to manage. Medications can only do so much, and finding a trusted person to confide in and share your struggle with can make an enormous difference in your recovery from depression.

Trust And Reliability
Finding a confidant can be difficult if you have a hard time placing trust in others. Perhaps your trust has been betrayed on numerous occasions and you have difficulty believing people are genuine. When you lose faith in others, it can be extremely challenging to learn to be vulnerable again by sharing intimate fears, hopes and issues you are facing. Lack of trust in people is a strong barrier to finding and maintaining a close relationship with a confidant. Some areas to focus on in learning to trust a confidant are:

    Forgiveness: By forgiving those who have previously betrayed your trust, you allow yourself to heal and can approach your relationship with a confidant without the 'baggage' of previous betrayals.

    Openness: By risking yourself a little and being vulnerable, you can share more of yourself with a confidant, and this can deepen the relationship.

    Be trustworthy yourself:Having confidence and faith in your own trustworthiness can make it easier to extend that emotion to other people.

If you have been let down by people, you might find it frightening to rely on a confidant to 'be there' for you. You may find it easier to trust someone who is consistently reliable because you will not doubt that they will continually offer support. Those people who have show consistence in their offerings of support may be ideal persons to take on as a confidant.

Friends and Family Members
The ability to confide in someone tends to come when you feel close and comfortable with that person. Finding a confident may involve going outside of your current familial and social circle and meeting new people who you can develop deep friendships with, or it may involve strengthening current relationships. If you have a particular friend or family member who you are thinking to confide in, you may want to develop the relationship by spending more time together socially. One-on-one interactions can be more comfortable and because the focus is narrower, you have a better chance of learning more about that person and deepening the relationship. This can open the door to confiding the less superficial parts of yourself.

Self Help Groups
If you feel that you don't have anyone in your life at present who could be a confidant, you might find that self-help groups for depression are a way to meet new people. Such people are likely to have an understanding and empathy for your depression, having struggled with similar experiences themselves, and may be willing to offer individual support as a confidant. Alternately, you may be able to offer the same level of support for that person's personal challenges and issues.

Some may view a confidant in terms of a close friendship but a confidant can be anyone who you are able to trust with intimate details of your life. It is someone who you can confide in; for many people suffering from depression, a counsellor is just that person. The difference here is that depending on the type of counsellor you choose, he or she may also be providing techniques and suggestions for how to handle your depression. If you are only looking for someone to 'unload' with and share your feelings, without the input, you may wish to find a counsellor who is not solution focused.

Meeting People
If a challenge for you in finding a confidant is meeting people and developing friendships, you may wish to try new activities where you can extend your social circle. Some of the ways you can try meeting new people are:

    Volunteer work: This can introduce you to many different people, sparking friendships with people you may wish to confide in. It can also provide many other benefits, such as increased self-esteem and the warm feeling that comes with providing services to those who need it.

    Sports: You may want to join a local sports team, which will allow you to reap the benefits of exercise while making new friends.

    Public interest groups: Local community centres tend to have bulletins for various groups and get-togethers involving people who share common interests. You may find a group for areas such as writing, cooking or hiking. You can meet new people and may then develop close friendships.

Finding a confidant may mean strengthening current relationships or seeking out new friends and developing those friendships. If there is a great deal of trust involved, you will likely have an easier time sharing the feelings surrounding your depression. By talking with a confidant about your depression, you can release some of the negative and stressful emotions that are holding you down, and can successfully move forward in your recovery.
「Feeling Empty」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Stop Feeling Empty  wiki

Do you wake up in the morning feeling like there's no good reason to get up and face the day? Emptiness is a feeling all humans experience from time to time, and it's not easy to pull yourself away from it. Feeling empty all or most of the time can be a symptom of an underlying condition, such as depression, and you should seek the help of a licensed mental health professional if you almost always feel empty. But to stop feeling empty when the sensation only bubbles up occasionally, there are simple things you can do yourself, such as journaling, trying new things, and making new friends. Filling your life with love and finding meaning in daily living should help ward away temporary feelings of emptiness and may even help if you're striving to recover from long-term emptiness.
    Spend time with people who love you. This may be your family or it may be a group of trusted friends. Spending time with people who really know you and love you for who you are is a remedy for emptiness. Focus on building and strengthening your relationships with these people. You can find meaning in the simple act of spending time with a loved one who takes pleasure in your company. Spending time with friends and family can also help reduce stress and give you a deeper sense of belonging.[1]
        Reduce the time that you spend with people who are harmful to you, even if they don’t mean to be. If you must spend time around someone who is hurting your self-esteem or making you feel powerless, make sure your meetings always have a time cap.
    Make a new friend or enter a romantic relationship. The pleasure of meeting someone you connect with and letting the relationship grow in unexpected ways is a terrific antidote to feelings of emptiness. A new friend or love interest can help you have rich new experiences and show you that you're an interesting, lovable person. Suddenly the world can seem like it has a lot more to offer than you previously thought. Making friends can also help you to have a deeper sense of purpose and belonging.[2]
        Sometimes it's difficult to make new friends and meet people, especially in later years when you're no longer in school. Joining clubs, taking classes, or spending time in a favorite hangout are good ways to meet people.
        Practice being more generous with your time and saying "yes" when you're invited to do something. If you feel you never have enough time to give new relationships, they won't grow.
     Adopt an animal companion. Research has shown that having a pet can make life feel fuller and more meaningful.[3] People who own pets are also less likely to suffer from depression and may experience health benefits from owning a pet as well.[4] Having a companion animal that depends on you for care can also help make your life seem more meaningful. Consider adopting a cat or dog from a local shelter to reduce your feelings of emptiness.

    Be kind to others. Performing random acts of kindness can help you feel more fulfilled by refocusing your attention on other people. Look for small ways that you can demonstrate kindness to others. The kind acts that you perform will make other people feel good, which may help you to feel more fulfilled.
        For example, you could offer a compliment to a stranger such as, “I love your dress! It is so beautiful.” Look for ways to show kindness in whatever situation you are in. Even something as simple as smiling and nodding at people throughout the day might help to brighten someone’s day and help you to feel more fulfilled.
    Do something new. If you're feeling empty every day, you're probably stuck in some type of rut. What routines and patterns might be getting you down? Find a way to inject some new energy into your life. Changing your routine or even finding 30 minutes per day to try something new can help fill the emptiness.

        For example, if getting up and going to school or work every day is what's getting you down, figure out a way to make the situation more interesting. Start a new extracurricular activity to help yourself get excited to go to school, or volunteer to work on a new project at work.
        Try doing something slightly outside your comfort zone. Making improvements in a new area will give you something interesting to think about and help you build up your confidence.
        Even small changes can end up making a big difference. Try out a dish from a cuisine that's new to you, bike to work instead of driving, or start doing yoga in the morning before school.
        Changing your personal environment can also help. Replace drab curtains in your bedroom with something brighter, paint the walls a new color, get rid of clutter, and introduce some interesting artwork.
    Pursue goals and interests that matter to you. In order to feel fulfilled, you should work towards goals and interests that matter to you. Don’t let others control the goals or interests that you choose to pursue. If you are not pursuing goals and interests that matter to you, you may need to readjust your pursuits to make sure you're on a track that you feel good about.[39]
        If you're in school, consider whether you are studying what you want to study, or what your parents want you to study.
        Other outside pressures can also have a negative effect on the decisions we make. Decide if you are doing what you really want to do, or if you are doing something that will look impressive to others.
        If you determine that there are forces or people preventing your life from being self-directed, take steps to change your situation. Once you have more control over things, you might see the feeling of emptiness subside.
      Look for meaning in the everyday. When life feels like drudgery, it can help to take time to find beauty and meaning in small, everyday things. What makes you feel alive and joyful? When you find something that seems to give you a boost, make it a consistent part of your life. Here are a few ideas for making the mundane feel more meaningful:
        Practice gratitude. Taking a few moments each day to think about what you are grateful for and why can help make your life feel more meaningful.[40] You can speak or even write down your gratitude to reinforce it. For example, you might say or write, “I am so thankful the sun is out today; it’s beautiful!” or “I am so thankful for my caring family; they make me feel so special.”
        Don't deny yourself your favorite foods. If you love chocolate, have some! You don't have to go overboard, but give yourself permission to enjoy a little every day.
        Go outside and breathe fresh air. Research has shown that spending time outside makes people feel more alive and energetic.[41] Spend some time outside every single day, rain or shine. Focus on breathing in fresh air and noticing the natural world in a deeper way.
        Take time to make your world richer and more pleasant. Turn seemingly trivial tasks into positive rituals. Sit down and read the newspaper while you're drinking your morning coffee or tea instead of dashing out the door. Take a long, hot bath on the weekend instead of a shower.
 Keep your home environment pleasant. Fold your laundry neatly before putting it away. Wash the dinner dishes before you go to bed. Make your bed in the morning. Air your home out by opening the windows and letting some light and wind inside. Don't neglect to do spring cleaning. Maybe you feel you don't have time for all this, or that it doesn't matter, but when your home feels fresh and clean, the mundane parts of life are easier to bear.
    Take good care of yourself. Exercise, healthy food, rest, and relaxation are all important components of a meaningful life. By taking good care of yourself, you are sending your mind signals that you deserve to be taken care of and that your life has value. Make sure that you are devoting enough time to meeting your basic needs for exercise, food, sleep, and relaxation.[42]
        Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day.
        Eat a balanced diet of healthy whole foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
        Get 8 hours of sleep per night.
        Set aside at least 15 minutes per day to practice yoga, do deep breathing exercises, or meditate.

      Identify your values. Reminding yourself of what you value in life and what you value about yourself can help you feel fulfilled rather than empty. Our values, or core beliefs about life, are usually based on our experiences throughout our lives, but we may not always take time to consciously examine them. In order to seek out your values, you will need to spend some time in reflection. Identify your values by writing your answers to the following questions:[43]
        Identify the two people you most admire. Which of their qualities make you admire them and why?
        If your house was on fire, and you could only save 3 things, which would you choose and why?
        What topics or events get you fired up? What about these topics are important to you? Why?
        Identify a moment when you felt fulfilled and content. What about that moment made you feel fulfilled? Why?
      Determine which qualities match up with your values. After you have finished answering these questions, try to figure out what qualities correspond with your values. In other words, read your answers and decide what qualities best match up with your values.[44]
        For example, if you chose to bring a favorite book, a family heirloom, and gift from your best friend, you might say that this means you value intelligence, loyalty, and friendship. Therefore, a few of your qualities might be that you are intelligent, loyal, and a good friend.
    Think about activities that would allow you to embrace your values. Once you have determined what you value most and what your qualities are, you can begin to determine what activities would make you feel fulfilled. Make a list of these activities and choose at least one of them to add into your life.[45]
        For example, if you have “Community” as a value, you could volunteer for your neighborhood watch, serve as a tutor at your school, or work at a soup kitchen. If you have “Faith” as a value, you could look for ways to incorporate your faith into more areas of your life, such as going on a mission trip or visiting your church, temple, mosque, or other place of worship more regularly.
        By living a “value-congruent” life (meaning the choices you make and your life path align with your values), you are more likely to feel fulfilled and happy.

「avoid eating hot food from plastic bowls and dishes」的圖片搜尋結果

Q: Should you avoid eating hot food from plastic bowls and dishes?
(ABC net)

A: Sometimes. Not all plastics are safe, but those approved for use with food are safe to eat from.

Conditions of Use
They may not stack up well next to Grandma's gorgeous old dinner set, but plastic plates and bowls hold an important place in our 21st century homes – particularly for those of us living with porcelain-plate-breaking, fine-china-bowl-smashing young children.
Unlike ceramics, however, components of some types of plastics are known to be hazardous to human health.
But if you transfer hot food straight from the oven, stove or microwave into a plastic serving bowl can toxic components from the plastic leach into your food and make you ill? Should you avoid eating hot food out of plastic plates or bowls?
The risk is pretty low, says toxicologist Dr Ian Musgrave from the University of Adelaide.
"People perceive plastics in food as being a lot riskier than they really are," says Musgrave.
"There is no thing with zero risk, but based on our best information, the risk associated with plastics migrating from our food containers, that are approved for use, is insignificant."
What's really in your noodle soup?

Although there are many different plastics, the two main types of plastic used in dinnerware are melamine resin and polypropylene.
Melamine resin is a tough plastic that can be found in children's dinner sets, many picnic sets and those noodle soup bowls you see on high rotation in food courts.
On its own, the compound melamine is toxic to human health. Ingested at high concentrations, it can damage the kidneys, as was the case in 2008 in China when six babies died and 50,000 others were hospitalised after being fed baby formula contaminated with melamine.
But what does research have to say about the risk of exposure from melamine resin bowls?
A recent study from Taiwan showed that people who consumed hot soup, which was 90 degrees Celsius when poured into a melamine bowl, did excrete small amounts of melamine in their urine, indicating that melamine from the soup bowl had been absorbed into the body.
Despite these findings, Musgrave says, it's very unlikely melamine bowls are going to do you any harm.
"There are limits to how much melamine people should be exposed to," he says, "but in terms of the risk of exposure to melamine in hot bowls, the risk is really very low.
"[This study shows that] we can put 90 degree hot soup into a plastic bowl and the melamine you would get from that is 600 times lower than the most stringent exposure limit we have."
In other words, you would have to consume hundreds of servings of very hot soup each day before you exceeded the tolerable daily intake of melamine.
It's important to note, while eating hot food from melamine bowls and plates is unlikely to be a health risk, many melamine bowls are not considered safe for heating food in a microwave. This is because microwaves heat food to extremely high temperatures.
There appears to be even less concern – which has translated into fewer studies – regarding leaching of toxins from polypropylene (recycle code 5), the other plastic dinnerware workhorse. Polypropylene bowls and plates are also considered safe to use in the microwave.
What about BPA and phthalates?

What we do know though is that neither polypropylene nor melamine contain two of the toxins that have raised concern in recent years: bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates.
BPA, primarily found in a type of plastic called polycarbonate or PC (recycle code 7), is toxic to the body in large doses and can increase your risk of breast and prostate cancer and heart disease, among other diseases. When containers made with BPA are heated, BPA levels in food have been found to increase.
Phthalates (such as the plasticiser diethylhexyl phthalate or DEHP) are primarily found in polyvinyl carbonate or PVC (recycle code 3) and have been found to cause problems with hormones and the reproductive system.
In general, plastics that are marked with recycle codes 1, 2, 4 and 5 are unlikely to contain either BPA or phthalates.
Time for a new bowl?

The bottom line: when it comes to heat, there are no materials – short of ceramics – that don't leach something, Musgrave says.
But "whatever leaches into your food is much lower than any threshold of damage," he says.
If, however, you still want to be extra cautious, you could choose to retire old plastic bowls, says Chris Winder, professor in toxicology and occupational health at the Australian Catholic University.
Plastics are large structures (polymers) synthesized from smaller building blocks called monomers. Even in plastic polymers that are not hazardous, the monomer may still be toxic on their own. In the right conditions, old plastics are more likely to break down into their monomers, he says.
"If you have a melamine dish that's new and the monomers are very strongly bound to the polymer, then the release of the monomers is probably not that great.
"But if it's starting to get a bit old and in contact with things that would cause it to release these monomers, possibly including hot water... then I think that the risk is slightly higher."
Both Winder and Musgrave agree, however, that this is not necessarily something to worry about.

「Sleeping Patterns」的圖片搜尋結果

9 Sleeping Patterns Which Describe Your Personality     By: Amrisha Sharma

Sleeping Patterns Sleeping patterns describe your personality as the sleeping position gives the gist of your personality. According to scientists, the sleeping position of a person provides the detail of the person. We all know our body language in the conscious level so it is equally important to know yourself even in the subconscious mind. So, here are sleeping patterns to describe the personality. Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service has analyzed 6 different sleeping patterns to describe your personality type: Foetus: Side sleeper who curl up in one side either left or right. This sleeping position describes the person to be tough from outside but sensitive at heart. People with this sleeping style take time to be comfortable with the new friends and is a common sleeping style among women. Log: In this position, the person sleeps straight on one side with arms on the side. The sleepers of this position are easy going social individuals who like to be in the crowd and not alone. These people trust easily and are sometimes gullible. Side sleeper with one knee bent: This sleeping style describes the chilled out personality of people. But they are always complaining and complaining. Becoming nervous over small issues and getting over-excited easily is sometimes visible in such people. The need to relax is a must for them. Yearner: In this sleeping position, people sleep sideways with arms out in the front. They are open in nature but suspicious and cynical. They think before taking a decision as the decision once taken is very rigid and applicable to them. Free-faller: Sleeping upside down with arms on the sides around the pillow portray gregarious and brash personality. They are moody, don't like criticism and like changes in life. Soldier: Lying straight on the back and arms on the sides, almost like attention position. They are quiet and reserved who don't like to fuss around with people. Covering head to toes under blanket: Robust from outside but weak and scared from inside. People with this sleeping pattern can keep secrets and are not open-minded to share problems with everyone. Back sleeper with crossed arms across the head: These people are highly enthusiastic and intelligent to learn new things. Very choosy in loving and caring! Starfish: Lying on the back with arms under the pillow. This sleeping pattern shows that they are open-minded and good at communication but they don't like to be the center of attention. Which sleeping position you have?

「幽默」的圖片搜尋結果                  「幽默」的圖片搜尋結果

30 Benefits of Humor at Work       by Andrew Tarvin

I’m incredibly passionate about humor in the workplace and not because it’s fun. As an engineer, the reason why I care about using humor is that it works. It’s effective with the one thing you can’t be efficient with, human beings.

So with that in mind, here are 30 benefits of humor at work, backed by research, case studies, and real-world examples.
Humor and Communication

    Humor gets people to listen. “Consistent use of appropriate humor makes people want to read and hear what you say.”1
    Humor increases long-term memory retention. “Instructional messages that gain students’ attention and help them make sense of course content (clarity behaviors) enhance students’ ability to process the content resulting in greater retention and learning.”2
    Humor increases persuasion. “Humor can be highly persuasive when presenting a message that people disagree with because the humor distracts them from immediately creating counter arguments, in part because they don’t feel like the message is being crammed down their throats.”3
    Humor aids in learning. “The use of humor as a pedagogical tool has been shown to reduce classroom anxiety, create a more positive atmosphere, as well as facilitate the learning process.”4
    Humor increases the likability of the speaker. “An appropriate use of humor will produce a favorable attitude toward the speaker.”5

Humor and Relationships

    Humor connects us with others. “Positive sounds such as laughter or a triumphant ‘woo hoo!’ can trigger a response in the listener’s brain. The response is automatic and helps us interact socially by priming us to smile or laugh, and thereby connecting us with the other person.”6
    Humor reduces status differentials. “Humor can help to reduce the social distance between managers and employees.”7
    Humor diffuses conflict. “Humor has long been seen as the great equalizer—a means to facilitate conversation and bridge differences. As a matter of fact humor has been identified as a key factor in peace-building and international mediation.”8
    Humor builds trust. “Social benefits of humor include group cohesiveness, reduction of status differentials, diffusion of conflict, team and trust building among diverse groups.”9
    Humor encourages people to work together. “A growing body of research shows that when you share a laugh with someone, you’re mirroring not only one another’s body language, but also the hormonal and neuronal activity, prompting a mutual investment in each other’s well-being.”10

Humor and Problem Solving

    Humor boosts overall brainpower. “A dose of humor releases the chemical serotonin in your brain, which improves focus, increases objectivity and improves overall brainpower.”11
    Humor improves decision-making. “Positive moods prompt more flexible decision-making and wider search behavior and greater analytic precision.”12
    Humor increases the acceptance of new ideas. “Unconventional interactions can lower the barrier for people to posit novel things.”13
    Humor triggers new connections. “Humor stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain, which, in turn, sets off divergent, creative thinking which allows individuals to see broader applications, novel connections, and otherwise elusive relationships.”9
    Humor enhances ones ability to solve problems. “Studies have shown that simply watching comedy films can improve creative problem solving skills.”14

Humor and Productivity

    Humor provides motivation. “The use of humor in organizations has been associated with improving morale among workers, creating a more positive organizational culture, … and increasing motivation.”15
    Humor reduces absenteeism. “Humor is associated with enhanced work performance, satisfaction, workgroup cohesion, health, and coping effectiveness, as well as decreased burnout, stress, and work withdrawal.”16
    Humor prevents long-term burnout. “Humor in the workplace has been shown to reduce absenteeism, increase company loyalty, prevent burnout and increase productivity.”17
    Humor increases employee engagement. “Managers who lead with levity benefit from higher levels of employee engagement and overall success.”18
    Humor improves productivity. “In one study of more than 2,500 employees, 81 percent said they believe a fun working environment would make them more productive.”19

Humor and Health

    Humor reduces stress. “People with a sense of humor report less stress and anxiety than those with a low sense of humor, despite experiencing the same number of problems at work.”20
    Humor strengthens the immune system. “Laughter may improve immune function by blocking production of stress hormones, such as cortisol, and by increasing the release of immunoenhancers, such as beta-endorphin.”21
    Humor relaxes muscles. “Humor relaxes muscles, decreases blood pressure and improves our immune system.”22
    Humor burns calories. “Laughing 100 times can burn as many calories as 10-minutes on a stationary bicycle.”23
    Humor increases happiness. “Humor was one of the healthiest adaptations to being happy in life.”24

Humor and Leadership

    Humor enhances perceived leadership skills. “People who use humor, particularly in stressful or seemingly one-down positions, are viewed as being on top of things, being in charge and in control, whether they are in fact or not.”25
    Humor creates more opportunities. “Research has shown that managers displaying a good sense of humor are given more opportunities in organizations than those without a sense of humor.”9
    Humor builds credibility. “Humor users are seen as more credible and as more competent.”26
    Humor increases size of paycheck. “The size of their bonuses correlated positively with their use of humor – ‘In other words, the funnier the executives were, the bigger the bonuses.'”27
    Humor increases profit. “Organization humor has been linked with successful leadership, with increases in profit and work compliance, with a successful business culture, with message and goal clarity in managerial presentations, with improvement in group problem- solving, and with reducing emotional stress due to threats and role conflict at work.”28

學會幽默有哪些好處       www.atoomu.com




同樣的研究在加州Loma linda大學上演,這次是一個相似的研究看笑聲能否增加免疫系統的同時也減少三種應激激素:皮質酮,腎上腺素和多巴胺代謝激素,一種多巴胺降解代謝物質。








幽默分散了恐懼,因為它改變了一個人過去和現在的認知。如果你能夠把以前的故事認為是“可笑”的,那麼童年期 所受的創傷經歷在你的心靈中將不再 那麼糾結。如果你能抱着自我娛樂的觀點,你就能夠從使你焦慮困擾的婚姻問題中解脫釋放出來。笑聲迫使我們在情境與反應之間作出一些緩和的步調以及一些必須 的距離。如Leo Buscaglia所言:“當你只是拿到一根繩子的末端,那麼就把它打個結,緊緊抓住揮舞。”


查理。卓別林曾說:“真誠地去笑吧,你將能夠去除痛苦,並與痛苦嬉戲。”我猜想這就是為什麼這麼多幽默的人面對痛苦採取的娛樂之旅,如Stephen ColbertRobin WilliamsBen StillerArt Buchwald等人。

在輕聲笑語甚至是咯咯一笑當中潛藏着一種信息:“我相信,你將克服這一切。”就像你三歲的時候,母親給你的一 個溫暖的擁抱一樣。事實上,自從 1986年後,紐約馬戲團就已經用幽默給病童帶來安慰,他們會進入醫院,帶來一隊的小丑表演“橡皮雞湯”以及其他有趣的表演。“是的,這是在為孩子們表演 ”在“美國健康”雜誌中,馬戲團副導演Jane Englebardt這樣解釋,“但是,這也是為孩子的父母們準備的,當他們聽到孩子在數天或者數周之內的第一次笑聲,他們知道一切都會好起來。”


就像鍛煉一樣,笑能讓人放鬆,這對大部分美國人而言有助於減輕長期壓在肩上的壓力。紐約長老會醫院/紐約哥倫比亞大學醫學中心Mehmet C.Oz醫學博士在2005年的“讀者文摘”中這樣解釋:



很顯然,Laurel地區的精神護理醫院,並不是唯一一家讓病人聚在一起觀看喜劇片的醫院。巴爾第摩慈善總醫 院精神科主任Elias Shaya醫生,也嘗試着在病人當中逐漸灌輸笑聲的重要性。Shaya醫生說:“我倡導通過收看喜劇片尋找微笑的方法,或者尋找笑話和他們一起分享。”

“幽默屋”是用來鼓勵人們運用幽默從各種疾病中恢復過來,現在已經在一些醫院使用。科學支持這種努力。整體觀 醫學護理雜誌發表的一項研究表明, 幽默的確能夠減輕痛苦。“在手術后,有一些病人在施以有痛苦的藥物治療之前給予實驗控制,結果相比較那些沒有幽默刺激的人來說,接觸幽默刺激的組群較少感 到疼痛”。


當我不小心用針刺破了我的手指,我會跟自己開玩笑,這時候手指就不流血了。哦,這是不是很神奇。如果你遭遇流 感,卧病在床,這個時候你4歲的孩子跑過來,高高興興地向你述說在學校里發生的愉快事情,你或許會立即返回去工作。再好一點講,着迷於這種神秘,以至於在 工作中更賣力。

加州Loma linda大學的BerkStanley發現,當志願者參加觀看幽默的視頻,他們的兩種荷爾蒙,beta激素(緩解抑鬱)和成長激素(有助免疫)分別增加了27%87%。簡而言之,笑聲能夠促進形成自我保護激素和化學物質。

在“美國健康”雜誌中,Dave Traynor在堪薩斯技術大學做過一項研究,主要集中在一個有關免疫能力是否能被幽默加強的計劃,結果笑聲再一次被證明能夠戰勝病毒以及外來病毒細胞。


幽默如感激可以培育樂觀精神,Dan Baker在《人們了解什麼是開心》寫下:欣賞是最初和最基本的快樂手段,研究者現在認為生理上不可能同時存在欣賞和恐懼兩種狀態,因此,欣賞是恐懼的解藥。



我記得在我小時候玩過這樣一個遊戲,我和一群小朋友玩一個睡眠遊戲,我把我的頭放在我朋友的腹部上,朋友的頭 放在另外一個朋友的腹部上,一直這樣的方式延續到所有參与此次遊戲的朋友,然後從第一個朋友起發出一聲“哈”,第二個朋友發兩聲“哈哈”,第三個發“哈哈哈”,依此類推發出一連串的笑聲。 這會使所有人歇斯底里嘛?當然不會。當朋友發出“哈”的笑聲時,腹部的一緊一松只會令你“咯咯”地笑。


「 Happy Life」的圖片搜尋結果


16 Things to Let Go to Live a Truly Happy Life
By Sumitha Bhandarkar


“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” ~Jim Rohn

Sometimes I feel like I’ve spent the better part of my life chasing after happiness. It always seemed like happiness stayed just a tad bit out of my grasp—somewhere in the future that I could always see, but not quite touch.

For instance, when I was a kid, I believed I’d be happy if I got an admission into a good college. In college, I believed that I’d be happy if I got a good job. When I got a job, I believed that I’d be happy if I got a promotion and a raise. And on and on it went.

Every time I reached a goal, it seemed like the next goal was where true happiness lay.

Sadly, this affected my personal life as well. I thought, “When I find a great guy, I’ll be happy. Wait, to be truly happy, we need to first get married. Being married is great, but we need to have kids to find real joy. Gosh, our baby needs to grow up a little so we can really enjoy being with her…” And so on.

For more than thirty-five years, I chased happiness on this path, not realizing what a futile chase it was.

And then, about two years back, I was abruptly jolted out of it.

One evening, on a day that had started out like any other, I found myself at the hospital with my three-year-old daughter in tow, waiting outside the emergency room that my husband lay in.

After a week at the hospital, my husband came out okay. However, it fundamentally changed the way I look at life.

For the first time I saw the futility of our chase. I still believe that goals are important and we should strive to achieve them. But now, I see them more as mile markers in life’s journey, not having much to do with happiness.

Happiness, it turns out, is not something we go after. It’s something already within us. We just need to clear up some clutter to find it.

The two years that followed have been an amazing journey of slowly letting go of some of that clutter in the quest to find the true happiness within. It’s still a work-in-progress, but here are the things I’ve been striving to let go.
1. Let go of trying to control everything.

The only thing that we can truly control is our own attitude and reactions. Once we accept that, we can find happiness right where we are, irrespective of how things turn out. This was perhaps the hardest but the most necessary part of the transformation for me.
2. Let go of trying to please everyone.

Every time we pretend to be someone, it takes us away from our true selves, and from our place of happiness. It was hard at first to stop trying to please others. Eventually I realized how liberating it was to dare to be myself!
3. Let go of the sense of entitlement.

I often found myself asking “Why me?” It was hard to replace that with “Why not?” After all, everyone gets their share of joys and sorrows; why should I somehow be above it and deserve only the joys?
4. Let go of resentment.

Unless we walk in the shoes of the other, we really don’t know the reason for their behavior. Carrying resentment only hurts us and delays any repair. I cannot tell you how amazing it’s been to let go of some of the resentment I didn’t even know I’d been carrying for years!
5. Let go of guilt.

On the flip side, if we are the ones who made a mistake, it is time to forgive ourselves and make amends. “I’m sorry. How can I fix it?” can go a long way in starting the healing process.
6. Let go of pride.

Neither apology nor forgiveness is possible without letting go of pride. Nor is there room for authentic connection where pride resides. Let it go.
7. Let go of perfectionism.

If I had a dime for every opportunity I squandered in the quest for perfection, I’d be rich! But no one can be perfect all the time. That’s what makes us humans. We are quirky. We have flaws. We are beautiful just the way we are.
8. Let go of negativity.

In any given situation we have a choice—look at what’s good and be grateful, or look at what’s wrong and complain. Deliberately adopting the attitude of gratitude literally changed the course of my life.
9. Let go of draining, unhealthy relationships.

We are the average of the people we hang out with, and if they are frequently negative, it becomes hard for us to maintain an attitude of gratitude. It’s been a tough call to distance myself from people in my life who were bringing me down, but it was necessary to move on.
10. Let go of the busyness.

Somewhere along the way, many of us have bought into the notion that the busier we are and the more we achieve, the happier we will be. After thirty-five years, I’ve come to realize that busyness does not equal happiness.
11. Let go of the attachment to money.

Money is definitely good to have, but once our basic needs and savings goals are met, it’s time to evaluate the tradeoff of earning more and more. Letting go of the need for money just for the sake of it has been a very hard but fulfilling experience for me.
12. Let go of the fear of failure.

Everybody who tries anything worthwhile fails at some point or the other. Failure does not mean we are broken. It simply means we are courageous to dare! Easier said than done, but I’m trying.
13. Let go of the fear of abandonment.

Fundamentally, we all crave for connection. But when fear of abandonment starts to rule our lives we make very irrational choices. I try to trust that what is meant to be will happen. And no matter how things turn out, we’ll come out of it okay.
14. Let go of comparison.

We usually only get to see the highlights reel of other’s lives. Comparing my behind-the-scenes to that has only made me unhappy in the past. It’s time for change.
15. Let go of expectations.

In the end, the core of all my issues was that I expected things to be a certain way. I expected what a good spouse or a friend ought to act like. I expected my daughter to behave a certain way. I expected how situations should turn out. Heck, I even had fixed expectations of what happiness was! Letting go of expectations has helped everything else start to fall in place.
16. Let go of yesterday and tomorrow.

And finally, how can we find true happiness if we are saddled down by the baggage of the past or fear of the future? Once I learned to let go of some of the above, I started to focus deliberately on today and now. Suddenly, music and beauty emerged from what was previously mundane. Is there a better way to find true happiness?

Letting go of something that is ingrained in our minds for years is hard. In my experience, even when I do manage to let go of something some of the time, at other times, it comes right back. In the end, it’s the journey that matters, right?

So, what will you let go of today?

生活一成不變嗎?八個把每一天都活得快樂的秘密   by 女人迷主編 Audrey Ko 


01. 每天至少做一件你認為值得的事情
說實在的,如果剖析每一個人的一天,你一定會發現許多人也都是在重複性的工作裡埋頭苦幹。工作是這樣的,有些事情你覺得很有意義,有些事情則不諱言繁瑣到 不行。沒有一個工作會是百分百輕鬆又或者愉快的,總是有必須克服或者努力的部分,這是工作的常態,我們不能總是選擇揀選甜的部分去體驗。
02. 聆聽、閱讀、感受能讓你成長的資訊
所以,親愛的,請記得給自己心靈成長的機會,先停止手邊正在滑動的八卦或綜藝新聞,在茫茫網海裡搜尋能讓你成長的資訊吧!(推薦給你的 TED 演講:六場 TED 演講,讓你看見自己的力量、六場 TED 演蔣,讓你成為更不一樣的自己)
03:把生活 on  off 的開關拿在手上
親愛的,快樂生活的秘密之一是把 on  off 的開關,拿在自己手上。on 的時候,我們全力以赴,off 的時候,我們盡情狂歡,work hard play hard!記得替自己決定生活的方向,
05. 學習為別人無償付出

當你這麼告訴自己:「我怎麼都做不好,真笨」、「我的事情為什麼都做不完,一定是我有問題,我就是做不好」,不如可以改成這麼鼓勵自己:「我很棒,而我相 信我還可以做更好。」「事情做不完可能我的方法錯了,換個方法再試一次!」每個人都喜歡被讚美,每個人都需要被激勵,親愛的,來當激勵鼓舞自己的那個人, 每天都看著鏡子,發自內心地讚美自己吧!(推薦給你這個美麗的故事:「我的故事,就畫在我自己身上」白斑症女模 Chantelle

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