周三(11/9)1.漂亮的 吃飯不要錢?2.新聞讀報討論

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「beautiful actress」的圖片搜尋結果
漂亮的 吃飯不要錢?
Chinese restaurant promises free food to the beautiful    By Tom Phillips, Shanghai
Beautiful people eat for free: restaurant in Zhengzhou determines customers' bill according to how attractive they are 

A restaurant in central China is offering free meals to its most attractive clients.

The Jeju Island restaurant, a Korean eatery in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, says the 50 most handsome people to arrive at its gates each day will be spared paying their bills.

Those hoping for a free lunch have their looks evaluated by a panel of local plastic surgeons whose tummy-tucking talents the restaurant is attempting to promote.

Before eating guests are taken to a "beauty identification area" where they are photographed and considered. Potential diners are judged on the quality of their faces, eyes, noses and mouths. Protruding foreheads are a particular advantage, according to reports.

"I reckon I can get a one per cent discount with my face," joked one user of Weibo, the social media site.

"Do the ugly have to pay twice?" wondered another.

The restaurant's owners appear to be more concerned with physical appearance than English language skills. "Free meal for Goodlooking," read a bright pink sign that was hung outside the eatery last Saturday to advertise the newly launched promotion.

Authorities in Zhengzhou were unimpressed, accusing the initiative of damaging the city's image and claiming the garish sign did not have official permission.

On Tuesday teams of security guards and demolition workers descended on the restaurant to remove the sign, China News Service reported.

Xue Hexin, the restaurant manager, vowed that the free meals for the beautiful would not be stopped.

"We will be more prudent with our advertising in future," she said. "But the promotion will continue despite the demolition of our sign."
What do you think this news reported that Chinese restaurant promises free food to the beautiful?   
What are your standards of beautiful or handsome people?
Reasons why physical appearance is so important?
Are good looking people more successful?
What are the best ways to promote business?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being attractive?

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