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WiseWear Smart Bracelets - Function Meets Fashion   urbanwearables.technology


Along with a strong emphasis on fashion, the WiseWear bracelets are designed to be comfortable. WiseWear’s chief fashion and design advisor, Lee Chan, said “Wearing jewelry is a form of self-expression. It can be considered a rather sensual experience because of how close it touches the skin. Bearing this concept in mind, we approached the design process with a strong emphasis on how it would feel to wear the bracelet.”

Each of the three bracelets is made from brass with either an 18-karat gold or rhodium plating. The use of fine, non-porous metals ensures the bracelets maintain their shine throughout their lifetime.
Activity Tracking

The Quantified Self buzz has grown exponentially over the last few years and helped accelerate wearable technology into the mainstream. The ability to keep an eye on how many calories you burned and how many steps it took you to walk to the store has gained the attention of the masses.


The WiseWear smart bracelets take care of the Quantified Self essentials. They track your steps, distance, calories burned and active/inactive minutes. The bracelets use haptic technology that will let you know when you’ve achieved your daily fitness goal with a gentle vibration.

The Bracelets use Bluetooth LE with a range of roughly 25 feet to connect with your smartphone. when you receive an incoming text message your bracelet will vibrate twice, for an incoming call it vibrates three times. With the Socialite app you can manage vibration patterns and notification types – emails and calendar reminders.
Distress Signal

The Socialite Collection comes with an innovative safety feature that enables you to tap the bracelet three times if the feeling comes over you that help is needed. The Distress Signal sends your geo-location and a video/audio recording of your situation to a list of contacts who you have chosen to receive the signal. You can manage your contacts within the Socialite app, and also customize the touch patterns. The Distress Signal feature relies on a Bluetooth connection to your smartphone.


The Socialite mobile app is free to download and compatible with iOS 8 + and Android 4.3 +.  The bracelets are powered by a rechargeable battery that lasts for approximately 72 hours. They are water-resistant enough to be worn in the shower, but not for bathing or swimming.

What do you think about Smart Bracelets?
Would you like to get one?
 “The Smart Bracelets can help you to keep an eye on how many calories you burned and how many steps it took you to walk”
What are your opinion about the functions of Smart Bracelets?
“The Distress Signal feature relies on a Bluetooth connection to your smartphone”
What do you think that This Smart Bracelet can help measure your depression levels?
Pros and cons of new technology?
What are the other functions you want to add in this Smart Bracelet?
「How to Plan a Romantic Valentine's Day Date」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Plan a Romantic Valentine's Day Date      wiki

Want to plan a romantic Valentine’s Day date for your partner or significant other? Make February 14th special by considering the preparations necessary for activities, food, gifts, and any other element that your date.

Make reservations at a restaurant. Call ahead far in advance to reserve a table at a favorite restaurant, or one you’ve never tried but you know your date will love. Use dinner as an occasion to dress up, or just to enjoy some great cuisine and spend time together.
        You don’t need your dinner reservation to be at someplace extra fancy or expensive. Choose a burger joint where you shared your first kiss instead of a five-star restaurant with too-small portions—it’s more important that the location is meaningful or sentimental for your date.
Plan a special outing. Go see a movie, watch or play a sport, see a concert or play, or another activity your date would enjoy. Try for an activity that you don’t get to do together often, or that your date has been wanting to do for awhile.
        Check event locations for special Valentine’s Day parties, activities, or discounts to take advantage of. Choose activities perfect for two to create an intimate date.
        Go ice skating, skiing, or another fun activity that takes advantage of the last of winter if the weather is still cold and snowy in your area.
        If the weather is warmer, go out and do something in nature that you and your date love to do together, like hiking, camping, or just walking around town. Or try something special like sailing or a hot air balloon ride.
 Surprise your date. Go for an element of surprise for any activity you have planned, even if it’s simply an evening at home. Set something up before your sweetheart comes home, or present a gift or activity to them in a creative, unexpected way.
        Try a sweet scavenger hunt or romantic treasure hunt by leaving notes or clues for your date to find around the house or all over town.
        Leave a simple love letter, or a romantic note written with chocolates, candles, or flowers, for your date to find.
Travel somewhere new or loved. Get out of town and stay in a hotel, bed and breakfast, or go camping somewhere you’ve both never been or where you and your date love going.
        You don’t have to make a big, expensive trip to a faraway place. You can even have a “staycation” where you stay someplace new within your own city! Or, check out a nearby town that you and your date have never had the chance to go to.
        Try heading back to the place that you and your date first met, or another spot that’s romantic and significant to your relationship.

Go traditional with flowers, chocolates, and stuffed animals. Try the typical trifecta of Valentine’s Day gifts, which are available almost anywhere before and on the holiday, if your date enjoys those things.
        Try getting a type of chocolate that your date particularly enjoys, or another type of candy or treat they love. Personalize it with a sweet note or arrange candies into sweet words or hearts.
        You don’t need to stick with an arrangement of flowers from the floral department. Try picking your date’s favorite wildflowers (from a permitted area), buying a different kind of plant they can enjoy planting outside or keeping indoors, or even making origami or paper flowers.
How to plan a romantic Valentine’s Day date?
How to prepare gifts for Valentine’s Day? How to surprise your date?
How to be a romantic person?
How to plan a special outing?
Have you ever try sailing or a hot air balloon ride?
Have ever enjoyed a meal at a fancy or expensive restaurant?
How to write a love letter, or a romantic note?

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