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板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮院  左轉     PM7:00--9:00

這個聚會單元 我們會現場發放    英文會話/英文歌曲講義

英文慣用語介紹: (我們會用此 做英文練習)

Every minute counts
Every minute counts 分秒必爭

Every minute counts, and every moment counts.

Time is very important.


Every minute counts , as the test is very important

Every minute counts, and Every moment counts.
Fig. time is very important. (Used especially in situations where time is very limited.)

Doctor, please try to get here quickly. Every minute counts.
When you take a test, you must work rapidly because every minute counts.

When you're trying to meet a deadline, every moment counts.

start from scratch這個短語的含義     (epochtimes.com)

He started from scratch with a small chicken restaurant down south. But he worked hard, had some luck and now Kentucky Fried Chicken is sold around the world.


scratch這個詞在start from scratch這個習慣用語裡意思。整個短語的意思是“從零開始”,“白手起家”。

start from scratch  白手起家
to start from the very beginning; to start from nothing.

1. I built every bit of my own house. I started from scratch and did everything with my own hands.

2. So these images are entirely unlabeled, so i have to start from scratch.


現場發放    英文會話/英文歌曲講義 
送禮   Gift 

Use polite questions when shopping
「Dangerous Jobs」的圖片搜尋結果
Most Dangerous Jobs in The World          infotainworld.com

What are the most dangerous jobs in the world?

There really are several methods to recognize professions that are dangerous. Different methods have been used to identify which jobs are more deadly. One method is count the number of fatalities during work. Mostly these deadliest jobs are outdoor jobs where workers have to perform his/her duty in tough, stressful and risky environment. You have to deal with job stress while risking your life. These most dangerous professions are not a piece of cake for a rookie. One need a special training and preparation to do these most hazardous jobs.

Garbage Collectors

Garbage collectors have to be one of the most hazardous jobs. Handling with sharp objects,  contaminated and biological waste, Hanging on the backs of trucks and Lifting  all day long. These Garbage collectors have no respect in society. People treat them like jokes while they risk more, get paid less, and are called as “garbage men”. Being a garbage collector is considered one of the most dirties job out there.

According to a study by Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Center, Florida Garbage collectors ranked 3rd most dangerous jobs in United states. There are some astonishing stats of injury among garbage collectors. On average collectors are injured seven times more than other workers.

Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Driver

The trucking industry is considered as the lifeblood of the country. Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers usually do transportation of goods from different locations. Being a truck drive isn’t as easy as it looks. Despite the fact that they may enjoy the scenic countryside but driving for long hours on the road is most difficult and stressful thing to do. Accidents are the main cause of deaths in this job. Long hours driving, sleeplessness, slippery roads, snow falling, Busy roads, and harsh weather conditions are the major reasons of traffic accidents.

Lineman & Power Workers

Lineman and power workers are responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing of high power distribution and power lines.

Playing with “hot wires” is a normal thing for a Lineman. This is one of the most daring job in the world. Being a lineman is not the job of faint hearts. Working on high power lines, falls, burn and electrocution are constant danger for power workers. Better safety equipment has reduced the fatalities and injuries. The invention of fire proof clothes also cut down the injuries to a large extent.
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Aircraft Pilots and Staff Engineers

Pilots are highly trained specialists who fly aircrafts or helicopters to transport out different variety of tasks. These aren’t regular airline pilots. As the third most dangerous occupation in the world, these commercial pilots and independent operators involved in crops-dusting, seed spreading for reforestation, monitoring traffic, testing new aircraft, tracking criminals flying passengers and cargo to areas not served by regular airlines, help firefighting and rescuing injured people.

Commercial pilots face other types of job difficulties. This include test pilots who do experimental flight to check the airplane performance is one of the dangerous thing to do. Crop duster pilots can be exposed to toxic chemicals, potential risk of hearing loss may occur due to long expose to noise and many more.

Fishers and Fishing related Workers

Forget the idea of leisurely fishing. Fishing for a living is a dangerous job to do. Fishing has consistently ranked as the most deadly occupation since 1992. There is a heavy dose of danger in this job. Workers in this occupation face life-threatening hazards, harsh weather, vessel casualties, transportation and diving incidents, slippery ship decks, falling overboard and much more. These fishermen find themselves in unsafe circumstances at every turn. All these factors increases this profession mortality rate. These sea-faring workers ranked second for the most dangerous occupation in the world.
What are the most dangerous jobs in the world?
How to deal with job stress while risking your life?
What are your opinion about garbage collectors?
What do you think about aircraft pilots?
What do you think that working a job as a firefighter?
What are the smart ways to make money?

What are the ways to make money on the side?

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