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「Post Holiday Syndrome」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome      wikihow

After spending a wonderful holiday over the New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to function normally in their daily rhythm. As defined by the DSM IV, holiday blues, holiday depression, these commonly used terms depict the mental distress occurring after the winter holidays and festival season.

Expect some letdown.
The holiday season is both joyful and stressful at once. There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, activities to throw yourself into, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend. Topped off with the excitement

of New Year's Eve, your adrenaline has probably been pumping a lot of the time during the New Year's period. Returning to the usual routine and probably quieter workplace than normal can dampen your spirits just by the absence of exciting things to do and look forward to.

Take it easy
    Take it easy when you're settling back down into your usual routine. Your more rested self is a good thing and gives you an opportunity to take a renewed perspective on your work, routine, study, or home life pace.
    Perhaps the break has given you perspective on your life, job, relationships etc. If so, this is a good time to consider making changes to improve your situation, especially because not making the changes can prolong your blues.

Do things that give you cause to look forward to something.
Revive the excitement of anticipation by arranging fun activities, such as having dinner with friends, starting a new class for a hobby or interest, attending a sporting event regularly, going to the movies
, etc. Choose activities that meet your budget and interests, and that you know will give you a thrill.

Eating well and keeping up regular exercise
will enhance your mood and help you return to good shape and fitness levels. If you're worried about not keeping warm enough during the colder weather, have more healthy chunky, warming soups that will both warm and fill you up without carrying lots of calories. Warm salads are also an excellent choice during winter.

Eat away your blues.
Eat foods that boost your serotonin (feel good) neurotransmitters. Suitable foods containing tryptophan (the building block for serotonin) include bananas, poultry, dairy produce, and peas.
    Keep exercising no matter the weather, lethargy and weight excuses. Exercise will give you the mood-boost you need and gets you moving again. If you're living in a cold climate, there are plenty of winter exercising options such as walking, skiing, and gym workouts. You could also stay inside and exercise on an indoor exercise bike if you have one. For those in a hot climate, swimming, hiking, and water sports are ideal mood lifters.
How to cope with post-holiday syndrome?
Do you feel holidays blue?
Why people feel sad after holidays and festival season?
How to relax?
What are tips for getting back to work after holidays?
How to learn to take it easy and enjoy life?
Why do people get depressed during the holidays or after holidays?
「Benefits Of Traveling」的圖片搜尋結果
Wonderful Benefits Of Traveling       Adam Siddiq  lifehack.org

Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It captures us with a sense of wanderlust and has us longing for more destinations to visit, cultures to experience, food to eat, and people to meet.

You’ll find a new purpose
To travel is to take a journey into yourself.” – Danny Kaye

Traveling is an amazingly underrated investment in yourself. As you travel you’re exposed to more new people, cultures, and lifestyles than you are living in your homeland all the time. With all the newness in your life, you’re also opened to new insights, ways of seeing the world and living, which often gives people a new purpose for their lives. If you’re feeling stuck on what your purpose is, what you want to do with your life, the career or educational path you want to pursue, go travel…you might just be surprised about what you discover as a new sense of life purpose and direction.

You’ll realize that we all share similar needs
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain

Tony Robbins has said many times that no matter what your background is, all human beings share 6 common needs. As you travel more, you notice the truth of this even more…and as that happens, you are more adept in being able to relate to people regardless of their background.

You’ll realize that it’s extremely easy to make friends
A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

One of the first things I learned from traveling solo is how easy it is to make friends. Something magical happens in how people can show up more raw and real when they’re out of their conditioned environment and open to express themselves without feeling judged. That rawness and realness ends up inspiring others to be authentic, and that’s how you can become best friends with people when you’ve only known them for a few hours.

You’ll realize life is a wonderful gift
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Life is a wonderful gift. It really is, and as we travel and experience more of the world and life, we often become overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for all the beautiful moments we enjoyed and people we’ve shared them with. More often than not, this is a realization that we can experience and take action from now while we’re still alive with energy rather than stacking up regrets by the time we’re on our death bed. Rather than waiting until you’re saying “I wish I had”, live so you can say “I’m glad I did”.
What are the benefits of traveling?
Where do you really want to visit?
How to make friends during travelling
Sharing with friends your travelling experiences?
How to find a new life purpose?
“Rather than waiting until you’re saying “I wish I had”, live so you can say “I’m glad I did”.’
What make you stacking up regrets?
Are you dare to come out of your comfortable zone?

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