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「Bad first impressions」的圖片搜尋結果
壞印象 怎麼辦?
First Impressions: How to Recover After a Bad One        | Reader's Digest By Milveen Eke-Allen

Offer a sincere apology

Bad first impressions happen for a variety of reasons; perhaps you were late for an important meeting with a new contact and came across as unprepared. Or perhaps you unintentionally said something offensive or told a joke that was taken personally. Whatever the cause, apologize as soon as possible. You can do this in person immediately or send a short email afterward. Apologizing is direct and will be better than ignoring the mistake. But don't overdo it; you may unintentionally make a sensitive situation awkward. Once you've sincerely apologized, move on.

Be genuine

By being yourself you're more likely to come across as natural and less awkward and forced. It's OK to be honest and admit that you're trying to make a good impression or that you're a little nervous, but once that's said make sure the next time you meet, you act as yourself. This reassures your new contact that you were indeed being honest and are who you say you are. If you have a great sense of humor, let it shine through. If you're talkative, take a step back and listen attentively. (Related: These are subtle habits you have that make people trust you.)

Own your mistake

We're hardwired to think other people see us the way we see ourselves but that just isn't the case. They're likely thinking the same thing we are and are focused on trying to make a good impression as well. If you've made an honest mistake, say, for instance, you're dressed casually for a business meeting, own it and feel confident in yourself. People will be less likely to pay attention to your mistake if you're comfortable and act like yourself. (Related: These magic phrases can make anyone trust you.)

Adjust your body language

Redirecting the situation may be as easy as changing your body language. Listen attentively and make eye contact, be more conscious of your body language, smile more, and avoid crossing your arms. Hold onto something (for example, a cup of coffee or notebook) if that helps. This will go a long way to showing people that while you may be shy, you're attentive and present in the moment.

Don't avoid your new contact

Rather than crawl under a rock and relive a mistake over and over again, be bold and get additional face time. Show that while you're aware you made a poor first impression, you're determined to make it right. Don't be pushy but when you have an opportunity to spend time with this person, instead of turning around and walking away, seize the opportunity. It'll take time to change the initial perception you've established, but consistency pays off.

Be patient

You've heard the saying that "it takes time to build trust, but seconds to destroy it"? This can also apply to recovering from a bad first impression. If your contact is someone you want to build a lasting relationship with, either personally or professionally, be prepared to give it some time. Once you have an idea of how you want this person to perceive you (for example, you're a compassionate person but came across as inconsiderate), ensure that subsequent meetings with this person show who you truly are. It'll take months of consistency but trust will develop and leave them with a better impression of you.

Find opportunities to work together

If you left a new co-worker with a bad impression of you, seek out ways to work together. If you're both equally responsible for the outcome of a project, you'll have to build trust in one another. Over time this will allow the other person to see you in a new light. If you follow-through on your responsibilities and remain genuine, the other person's impression of you will adjust to see the real you. You'll gradually earn his or her respect. Try these smart ways to get your boss to trust you.

What are the common mistakes that making a bad first impression?
How to recover after a bad first impression?
How to make a good first impression?
How to offer a sincere apology?
How to adjust your body language and make people like you?
How to get people to trust you?
Subconscious Mind and its Impact on Our Behaviour
    “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” – Earl Nightingale
I can guarantee all of you would vouch for yourselves: “I have self-control.” “I can control my behaviour.” Surprisingly enough, our actions are little under our control and there is a driving force behind our every action.
Implausible as this might seem, I believe it is true. When you think before taking an action or deciding on something, you do so using your conscious mind. But life is replete with different actions at every moment and every step. All those actions are not always a result of your conscious decisions, but subconscious mind too plays a major role. The actions controlled by your subconscious mind are beyond your control.
The study of subconscious mind and understanding it can help improve your relations and help you know people better.
Know What Subconscious Mind Is
Let us take a simple example of car driving process. When you first learn driving, you completely focus on your car’s gear and clutch. You concentrate deeply on the whole process. You notice every bump, every pothole, and every obstacle. As you become trained, your subconscious mind stores all your actions, and you start driving without making cognisant effort. You begin to avoid obstacles automatically, change gears automatically, while performing other actions at the same time such as listening to music, or talking on phone. Once you become a pro, the whole driving process becomes natural for you and your decisions become automatic.
Here is a little practical experiment to experience actions of the subconscious mind. Put your hand horizontally, with your palm facing upwards in front of you and imagine holding a lemon. Your mouth will water. Your conscious mind is aware that no lemon actually is present and that it is just an imagination. The subconscious mind, however, acts illogically and believes what the conscious mind is thinking. This makes your mouth water.
What Happens Inside Your Subconscious Mind?
Just like driving a car on topsy-turvy roads and evading potholes, you have been constantly driving through your life’s journey- a ride that you began as a kid. There were several different potholes and obstacles that came your way, and you crossed all of them, and with vital learning all along.
Depending on whether your actions had negative or positive impact on you, important judgements were made by you on dos and don’ts, i.e. things you should and should not do. You made your own judgements on life’s potholes and decided what should be done to avoid obstacles.
You gathered some knowledge and formed a knowledge base. You judged yourself, people around you and distinguished the good from the bad. Based on people’s looks, all of you made conclusions. Just because you met some bad person who had grey eyes and a long nose, your kid brain came to a conclusion that all persons with grey eyes and long noses were bad.
How much does our subconscious mind influence our lives?
How the subconscious affects a person's behavior?
How to persuade people with subconscious techniques?
How to influence anyone?
How to discover your potentials?
Tips to help you to discover your maximum potential?
How do you follow your instincts?
Can you really trust your gut when making decisions?

科學人雜誌作者: 撰文/巴夫(John Bargh)翻譯/謝伯讓 
100多年來,研究心智的科學家著迷於潛意識對思考與行為的影響。佛洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)的大量研究強調,人的意識層面負責理性的思維與情緒,而潛意識層面是非理性的大本營。不過現代的認知心理學家則把佛洛伊德的觀點重新定位於不再如此兩極化的心理動態歷程上,他們發現,藉由融合與重整這些「心智資源」,兩種思維歷程都可以幫助人們適應並存活在千變萬化的環境中,從石器時代智取乳齒象、中世紀的騎士長槍競技,一路到在21世紀賣空蘋果股票。
後佛洛伊德(Post-Freudian)的心理學學派把本我和自我放在一旁,並採取了比較務實的方式來定義我們的潛意識心智。諾貝爾獎得主卡恩曼(Daniel Kahneman)曾探討過自動化思考和受控思考的現代區分方式。卡恩曼在他的暢銷書《快思慢想》(Thinking Fast and Slow)中提到,自動化思考十分快速、有效率且通常不在意識思維的範疇,因此無關深思熟慮,也缺乏計畫性,只需要簡單的刺激就能有所反應,例如看到此頁的文字,就可以輕易聯結它儲存在腦中的字意。受控思考則完全相反,需要刻意且相對緩慢地在意識思維中進行推敲,想想你在填所得申報書時得花多少心力就知道了。
有一些潛意識知覺的研究探討環境如何影響人們的心理狀態。現在任職於德國烏茲堡大學的施卓克(Fritz Strack),在1980年代和同事進行一連串的實驗發現,受試者的臉部表情(微笑或皺眉)會影響他們對眼前物品的評價。要求受試者用牙齒咬住鉛筆(此動作使用的肌肉與微笑時相同)或用嘴唇抿住鉛筆(使用的肌肉與皺眉時相同),結果顯示如此操弄臉部肌肉會促發相應的心理狀態。
這類型的「體驗認知」(embodied cognition)研究發現,有許多生理動作和知覺感受都會誘發出具有象徵性或隱喻內涵的心理狀態。例如,想起過去曾經傷害別人的情感,會讓你比較想要友善地幫助別人並和他人合作,這是一種對過去惡行的補償心態。另一項廣為人知的研究也顯示,提醒受試者回想起某件感到罪惡的行為之後,如果受試者有洗手(研究人員佯稱實驗室中容易傳染感冒而要他們去洗手),則洗手行為似乎可以「洗去」他們的罪惡感;和沒有洗手的受試者相比,有洗手的受試者所有的友善或幫助傾向都會在洗手之後消失。這個現象稱做「馬克白效應」,取名來自於莎士比亞劇作角色馬克白夫人的強迫性洗手儀式。
人們時常用隱喻來描述我們周遭的人,例如「緊密」的人際關係或「冷酷」的父親。最近一個稱做「概念鷹架」(conceptual scaffolding)的理論認為,人們之所以能如此善用比喻,是因為心中的抽象概念和外在真實世界中的事物有強烈聯結。研究顯示,短暫握住一杯熱咖啡的受試者,與握住冰咖啡的受試者相比,容易覺得眼前的人較「溫暖」、友善且大方。一些相關的研究也探討其他生理經驗如何透過比喻的方式,不知不覺地影響人們的決策和行為。研究發現,讓受試者在談判時坐硬椅子,比起坐軟椅子的受試者,前者顯得比較「強硬」而且不願妥協;此外,握住粗糙的物品也會讓受試者對社交狀況感到突兀且不順利。
我們很容易不自覺地對接觸到的一切事物進行粗略的好壞分類。這些無法察覺的自動化反應甚至會轉化成許多我們的基本行為,而影響我們去接近或遠離某項事物。荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學的臨床心理學家維爾斯(Reinout Wiers)最近根據這個想法,成功開發出一種介入療法來治療酗酒與藥物濫用。在療程中,當病人看到許多與酗酒有關的圖片時,必須不斷推開一個把手,除此之外,並沒有要求對圖片的意涵做出任何評價。和對照組相比,被要求他們看到圖片時要推開把手的病人,一年後的復發率明顯降低,而且對酒精也反射性地出現較多的負向態度。肌肉運動在非意識層面與迴避反應建立了聯結,並發展出對酒精的負面心態和根深柢固的拒絕反應,使得病人在離開醫院後仍然可以成功克制飲酒的衝動。
事實上,現代心理學探討慾望的研究發現,無論我們是否意識到某個自我設定的目標,我們追求該目標的方式都不會有太大的差異。皮斯格林尼(Mathias Peesiglione)和傅瑞斯(Chris Frith)在英國倫敦大學學院威爾康基金會神經造影中心時,曾研究過這個現象。研究人員要求受試者一收到他們給的訊號就以最快速度去推動一個把手,而在每次給予訊號前,受試者都會被有意或無意地暗示,推完把手後會有什麼樣的獎勵。結果發現,高獎勵的暗示(數英鎊,低獎勵則是數便士)會讓受試者的反應變快,無論暗示是否被意識到都一樣。此外,腦造影顯示,對動機有反應的腦區,在收到意識可察覺或無法察覺的獎勵暗示時都會活化。這項研究以及其他類似的研究都顯示,潛意識訊息也可以刺激人們去追求某個目標,即使沒有察覺到動機來源也沒關係,也就是說,不需要意識或自由意志涉入其中。

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