週四 (2/16)1.「死亡之錶」倒數生命年分秒 2.日薪嬌妻/契約婚姻

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「瑞典 死亡手錶」的圖片搜尋結果    「death watch count down」的圖片搜尋結果

The Tikker: a 'death watch' that counts down how long you have left to live      independent.co.uk

Managing to embody the philosophies of both YOLO and carpe diem, the Tikker is a modern reminder that every second counts

Running late? With Tikker you always are. This so-called “death watch” provides the ultimate momento mori: a no-frills LCD screen that counts down exactly how long you have left to live.

Built by a group of “designers, free-thinkers, lovers and life-afficionados” the concept behind the Tikker is to remind wearers of the important things in life. Never has the Tikker’s slogan – “make every second count” – been applied more appropriately.

Fredrik Colting, the watch’s creator, says the idea came to after his grandfather passed away: "It made me think about death and the transience of life, and I realized that nothing matters when you are dead. Instead what matters is what we do when we are alive,” says Colting on the Kickstarter page for the watch.

It seems that a lot of people agree with Colting. Funding for the watch began last month and the Tikker has already collected more than double its $25,000 goal, with over 1,300 individuals coughing up $39 for the watch.

In case you need yet another reminder that life is short, you may soon be able to wear one on your wrist. Tikker is a watch that counts down the years, months, days, hours, and seconds remaining until your death. More accurately, the Kickstarter project slowly ticks down to its best guess as to when your death will occur. To land on this date, you'll fill out a health-related questionnaire, subtract your current age from the results you get, and just like that the countdown begins. Since Tikker is at its core a wristwatch, you'll be able to see the regular time while wearing it. But every time you glance at your wrist, you'll see a constant reminder of your mortality and the fleeting time you have left.

And while the premise sounds morbid, Tikker's creators say their goal is "to remind you to make most of your life" and achieve happiness. "If you knew how much time you had left, wouldn't you use that time wisely? No more pointless arguments, no more chasing after what you don't really want," reads Tikker's Kickstarter page. "If you know that time is ending, you make every second count." It's one of the more bizarre projects we've seen of late, but early evidence suggests there's demand for this sort of day-to-day motivation. Tikker is well on its way to meeting a funding goal of $25,000; the money will be used for tooling, assembly, testing, and ultimately distributing this "death watch" to its backers.
What do you think of the Ticker: a 'death watch’?
Is it good to know how long you have left to live?
Do you want to get a 'death watch'? Why or why not?
How to “make every second count”?
How to save and cherish your time?
What are the advantages of new technology?
Why do people fear of death?


A ‘Contract Marriage’ in Drama     aramajapan.com

On July 27, it has been revealed that Yui Aragaki will star in TBS’s drama “Nigeru wa Haji daga Yaku ni Tatsu”, which will begin airing this October. The original manga by Tsunami Umino is a love comedy about a couple that begins their relationship with a contract marriage’, in which the husband is the employer and the wife is the employee.  Umino’s work has won the 2015 Kodansha Manga Award (Best Shoujo Manga) and is currently serialized in Kodansha’s Kiss.  It has been 3 and a half years since Aragaki last starred in a TBS drama, the most recent being “Soratobu Kouhoushitsu”.

Aragaki’s character Mikuri Moriyama has a master’s degree but has zero job offers and no boyfriend.  She struggles with feeling like she is not needed and doesn’t have a place where she belongs.  Mikuri then begins working as a housekeeper, where her employer – 36-year old Hiramasa Tsuzaki – suggests having a “contract (common-law) marriage”.

The script will be written by Akiko Nogi, who has worked on “Juhan Shuttai!” and the “Library War” series.  Mikuri and Hiramasa’s relationship will be depicted by questioning “new forms” of marriage and work, as the two gradually begin to have feelings for each other as they live under the same roof and keep their relationship a secret.

Aragaki commented, “I think it will be a fun drama – it’s somewhat of a new love comedy, a ‘business comedy’, and also a symbol of today’s day and age.  I work work hard so the viewers can laugh and sympathize with the characters as they face all kinds of trial and error.”
What are your opinion about ‘contract marriage’?
Why Korean dramas popular?
Why do people like daytime soap operas?
Should housewives be paid?
Do you like love story? Why or why not?
Is it harder for people in modern society to find a partner today?
Should we sign a prenuptial agreement?

 「death watch count down」的圖片搜尋結果

瑞士男發明死亡手錶 幫你算餘生  (中時電子報)




然真實的世界中,真有人發明「死亡手錶」。英國《每日郵報》報導,瑞典男子寇廷(Fredrik Colting)從爺爺去世後,有感人生苦短,盼讓人們從時間意識到死亡這件事的意義與重要性。





如你知道自己生命正在倒數,人生態度會改變嗎?不妨就由Tikker提醒你。Tikker目前在集資網站「Kick Starter」籌募資金,只要在111日前,捐助超過39美元(約台幣1100元),就能在明年4月得到一支Tikker

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