周六(7/15)1.電影欣賞討論 2.少年也 花太多? 下午4:00-6:00

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 「money on luxury brand products」的圖片搜尋結果

 少年也 花太多?
Do young people spend their money wisely?           customessaymeister.com

Today young people spend their money foolishly because of circumstances and pressure from friends and other young people. No matter how much money young people have, they often use that money on shopping. This is very normal today because living a young life is very expensive.

For example, we need money to buy clothes and in high school or college young people often wear expensive clothes which have great style and name brands: Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, Reebok, Fubu, etc. There s always competition in styles and young people tend to keep up with the fashion trend. There are many reasons why young people dress in clothes that are very expensive, stylish. Boys dress nicely to attract attention. They want to be like a celebrity so fashion is an issue. The same goes for girls, but there is competition against the same sex. For example, one girl wants to dress better than others.

Looks are also an issue. Young people spend most of their money on themselves buying beauty products and for personal reasons. For example boys need haircuts and groom themselves very neatly so that their hair looks attractive. But girls not only spend their money on hair, but also on makeup, shoes, nails and facials.

Money is also spent on other personal products like cars, magazines, educational supplies, and entertainment. Especially teenagers in schools always want the best looking cars. By having the best looking cars makes the owners popular. Girls mostly spend money on magazine subscriptions such as seventeen, vogue, etc., mostly to check out the latest fashion clothing, shoes, and news on celebrities like those boy-band and young actors. On the other hand boys buy magazines especially on cars and games. Also today young people also wants the best educational supplies there is like backpacks which have a famous name brand on it, pens and pencils that are very stylish, calculators and all these supplies should be the best of the best and high tech. And at all time money is spent on entertainment purposes which is buying c.d s, video tapes, concert tickets, theme park tickets like the Great America or Marine world.

Money is mostly spent at young age because we have the responsibility or learn how to save money. Because at this age we actually don t save money but spent it sooner or later. I mean we do save money but money is spent for a better purpose. Also to make us look good in society because if I were to save a huge amount of money to purchase a home for myself than that means that I won t be able to buy clothes, shoes, etc. And if I don t keep up with the fashion than people will start bad rumors about me and how I look. They will give negative opinion without knowing the real truth. Money isn t necessarily spent for other people s benefit but also for ourselves, to make us feel comfortable. We can t ignore the fact that it s okay not to keep up with fashion because there is someone out there who will criticize about people s dressing, looks etc.

Do young people spend their money wisely?         
Do you feel under pressure from friends when pending money?
Is fashion an issue. Why young people want to be like a celebrity?
What do you think about name brands products?
Do you think that having the best looking cars will makes the owners popular?
Do we need learn how to save money? Is saving money important?
How much money you spent on entertainment purposes?

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