週二(7/25)1.沙發馬鈴薯 2.冷血 不救人好嗎?

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「Couch Potato」的圖片搜尋結果
Being a Couch Potato is Detrimental to Your Health          collegenews

Heart disease
Your muscles burn less fat when you sit idle for a long time. Blood flows more sluggishly, ultimately allowing the fatty acids to clog your heart.
Moreover, sitting for long periods of time can cause high blood pressure and higher cholesterol. People spending their time inactively are more likely to have cardiovascular diseases than their active counterparts.

Colon cancer
Extra sitting time increases chances of getting colon, endometrial and breast cancer, studies have revealed. The reason is that sitting for prolonged periods of time builds up excess sugar and insulin levels which can be detrimental to health.

Vague brain
When you are in a state of motion, your body is able to drive fresh oxygen and blood through the brain which triggers the release of endorphins, including dopamine and serotonin—the pleasure and happiness receptors.
But idle muscles slow all bodily functions which can damage the brain. With a lack of endorphin produce, there’s a chance that sitting for a long period of time may increase levels of anxiety.

Regular pain in shoulders and back
Slumping forward overextends the back and shoulder muscles, especially the trapezius, which connects the shoulder and neck.

Stressed neck
If you are sitting for a long time, craning your neck forward strains the cervical vertebrae and this leads to everlasting imbalance.
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Poor blood circulation to legs
One of the primary symptoms of leg disorders is poor blood circulation that occurs because of fluid retention from idle sitting. Problems range from swollen ankles and varicose veins to dangerous blood clots (deep vein thrombosis).

Disk damage & inflexible spine
Being a couch potato means there is a greater risk of developing a lumbar herniated disc. The muscle psoas, is a muscle that travels through the abdominal cavity and, if tightened, pulls the upper lumbar spine forward. This can be harmful as a result because the weight of the upper body is totally on the sitting bones with half of your weight supported along the arch of your spine.
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「teens filmed, mocked and laughed at a man」的圖片搜尋結果
冷血 不救人好嗎?
Teens filmed, mocked and laughed at a man slowly drowning     yahoo.com

Florida police said a group of teenagers filmed the dying moments of a disabled man last week, with the teens cursing, laughing at and mocking the man as he drowned in a fenced-off pond.

Jamel Dunn, 32, drowned in a retention pond on July 9, and his body wasn't recovered until July 14. Shortly after, a friend of Dunn's found a video of the incident online and sent the footage to authorities in Brevard County.

In footage of the incident published by the Florida Today newspaper on Thursday, teens -- ages 14 to 16 -- can be heard laughing off-camera as a man screamed in the distance, splashing futilely in the water as he called for help.

"Get out the water, you gonna die," one teen yelled in the minute-long video, while another yelled "ain't nobody fixing to help you, you dumb (expletive)." As Dunn submerges into the water, one of the teens said, "Oh, he just died."

"They just laughed the whole time," Cocoa Police Department spokeswoman Yvonne Martinez told the newspaper. "He was just screaming ... for someone to help him."

The Brevard County State Attorney's Office called the incident a "tragedy" and said the teens had "no moral justification" for not acting while the man drowned and added that the teens are unlikely to face charges as their lack of action is not a violation of any laws.

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