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Benefits Of Having A Great Life Mentor In Your Lifetime       Tom Casano    lifehack

Everyone needs at least one great life mentor in their lifetime. They’ll give you advice and inspiration that will completely change your future. They’ll give you easy shortcuts that will help you get on the right path again quickly. They’ll even be a role model and guide whom you can follow.

Life mentors are not only the professional ones we usually think of, like teachers and coaches, but also every day people in our lives. For example, some of your current mentors include your friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues.

They Will Support You After a Setback

Have you ever felt really down after a defeat, rejection, or failure? Your life mentor supports you when you’re feeling down. They listen to you, and remind you of the big successes you’ve already had in the past. They remind you that while you feel a little down right now, you’ve got to keep your head up, because you still have a bright future ahead of you.

They Can Give You Honest Feedback

It’s easy to delude and deceive ourselves, and it’s tremendously beneficial to have someone else to be a real mirror in your life. Your life mentors show you who you really are, so that you can see your weaknesses and work on them. They’ll show you where you need to improve, especially when you’re not fully aware of it yet. They won’t sugar-coat it for you, but they also won’t hurt you in the process either.

They Help Clarify Your Situation

When you’re feeling lost or confused, it’s sometimes really hard to define your situation when you’re thinking about it on your own. Getting out outside of your head, and seeing your situation through your mentor’s eyes will help you to get clear on where you are now, how you got here, and where you want to go. When you feel lost, you only need to get clear on where you are now and where you want to go.

They Give You the Map and Guide You

When you’re feeling lost and you don’t know where you’re going, it’s really refreshing when someone else can help navigate you. When your mentor shows you the path that you need to go down, it makes continuing your journey so much easier. They know where you want to go and how to help direct you there. You just need to trust that they can offer some advice to help guide you.
They Are Your Role Model

Your mentor shows you that it was really possible for them and that they achieved it. And that means that you can achieve the same thing too. Arnold Schwarzenegger followed Reg Park, Martin Luther King, Jr. followed Ghandi. Your mentor is someone that you can model and copy. They are a living, breathing blueprint for you to imitate for your own needs. Thankfully, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel, but you can follow in their footsteps.
Who are your life mentors?
Where to find your life mentors?
What are the benefits of having a great life mentor?    
Who has inspired you in your life and why?
Who are your role models?
How to improve problem solving skills?
How to give constructive criticism?

What is phubbing, and is it ruining your relationships?      By Lulu Chang       digitaltrends

According to new research, the act of phubbing, or phone snubbing, is a very real epidemic in the United States, and aside from being rude and inconsiderate, may also come with a few more insidious results.

As per results published in the journal “Computers in Human Behavior,” not only can ignoring your partner in favor of your phone damage your relationship, it can also lead to depression and lower rates of overall life satisfaction for the, um, phubbee. So put down your phone and start paying attention to the people sitting right next to you.

In conducting their research, Professor James Roberts of Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business and his team surveyed 453 adults across the country in two separate experiments. In the first, 308 participants were asked to identify “phubbing” behaviors, asking respondents questions like, “My partner places his or her cellphone where they can see it when we are together,” and “My partner glances at his/her cellphone when talking to me.” The answers to these questions helped researchers develop a 9-item scale indicating the occurrence of phubbing.

The second experiment, which involved 145 adults, delved deeper into phubbing’s effects, as couples were asked to identify which of the behaviors they’d experienced within their relationships, and then how secure they felt in their relationships, how satisfied they were, and how anxious and/or depressed they felt as a result of their partners’ behaviors.

In a rather “well duh” sort of conclusion, Roberts found that “when people perceived their partners to be phubbers — they spend more time paying attention to their phones — that created conflict in the relationship.” What is surprising, however, is the frequency with which this sort of behavior occurs. According to survey results, 46.3 percent of respondents said they’d experienced phubbing at the hands of their significant other, and 22.6 percent admitted that phubbing led to problems in the relationship.

And even if it’s as seemingly inconsequential as looking down at your phone every once in a while, study results suggest that these few seconds start to weigh heavily on your partner’s mind, eventually contributing to an overall feeling of dissatisfaction, or perhaps inadequacy, within the relationship.

In an interview with Yahoo Health, Roberts noted, “We found that the ones that reported higher partner phubbing fought more with their partner and were less satisfied with their relationship than those who reported less phubbing.” In fact, 37 percent of survey respondents said they felt depressed at least some of the time, and much of this, authors believe, can be attributed to our collective addictions to our phones.
Are you a phubber? Is it impolite doing pubbing?
Why pubbing ruining your relationships?   
Do you get angry when your friends pubbing?
What can you do about phone addicts?
How to avoid talking to people you don't want to talk to?
How to have good smartphone manners?
What are the signs that you may be addicted to your smart phone?









有一次,老人問摩摩: 你為什麼都不笑?」摩摩說:「微笑是有錢人的東西,是快樂的人才擁有的。」老人回答: 你錯了。是微笑讓人快樂的,不信你試試看。」










看到電影裡的這一段,我流下了眼淚,摩摩終於可以放下對藍街的牽絆,那些痛苦的,讓他感到怨恨的:母親的遺棄,父親的冷漠,愛人的背叛,貧窮的自卑,青春的虛空... 那條曾經拘禁了他,卻也是他生命全部的巴黎藍街。而如今,他找到了心中的寧靜,在蘇菲舞蹈的旋轉中。




你每天都在做這件事!"phubbing"這個字是什麼意思? 希平方




經過這些精明腦袋的努力之下,由 phone(電話)和 snub(冷落、怠慢)組合而成的phubbing一字誕生了,釋義為「顧著滑手機忽略某人的動作」;低頭族則稱作phubber。在公布這個新字的同時,麥考瑞字典編纂團隊也開始了一項「別再低頭(Stop Phubbing)」的活動,呼籲大家要適時放下科技產品,轉而擁抱人性。

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