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「sun rise happy」的圖片搜尋結果

Sorry, Night Owls: Early Birds are Happier Than You               organicauthority  by Sara Novak
Science shows that waking up early is about more than just having extra time in the morning, it also means better mental health.

1. You’re more likely to exercise
As mentioned above, if you wake up in the morning you’re more likely to fit in an exercise routine. For some people (including myself), exercising in the morning is better than exercising in the evening because night exercise can disrupt your sleep. And of course, exercise helps with the release of serotonin in the brain. A 2001 study published in Clinical Psychology Review found that aerobic exercise may have antidepressant effects on the brain by increasing serotonin. In some cases, exercise may work even better than medication.

2. Night owls are more vulnerable to depression
A study published in the January 2014 edition of Neuroimage found that night owls had different “white matter (WM) integrity” in their brains, which means that they’re more prone to depression. The study also found that night owls were more prone to abuse alcohol and nicotine compared to early birds.

3. Night owls tend to get less sleep
The reason why night owls tended to be more depressed, according to the study, could be the result of their general lack of sleep. Meaning they don’t have different white matter integrity just because they’re born with it.

In our fast-paced society, we tend to work more than ever before and sleeping in just isn’t an option. Night owls still have to wake up and go to work. This means they end up sacrificing sleep to fulfill their night owl tendencies. Not getting enough sleep is one of the worse things you can do for your mental health. A study published in the May 2016 issue of Journal of Integrative Medicine found that not getting enough sleep posed major threats to mental health and increased your risk of anxiety and depression. Not to mention that those who don’t get enough sleep tend to dose up on caffeine. And when you’re prone to anxiety anyway, this doesn’t help the situation.

4. Early birds are happier
A study published in the June 2012 issue of the journal Emotion found that early birds tended to be happier. Researchers followed two groups of participants. One group ranged in age from 17 to 38 and the other ranged in age from 59 to 79. The study found, unsurprisingly, that the younger group was much less likely to be early birds and that the older group tended to be happier as a result.

We found that older adults reported greater positive emotion than younger adults, and older adults were more likely to be morning-type people than younger adults,” study researcher Renee Biss, a graduate student at the University of Toronto, told LiveScience. “The ‘morningness’ was associated with greater happiness emotions in both age groups.”
Why early birds are happier than night owls?            
Pros and cons of being a early bird?
Pros and cons of being a night owl?
How to wake up early?
What happens to your body when you don't get enough sleep?
What is your view point about our fast-paced society?
How to make you happier?

National Stereotype                nationalstereotype

Heck, I’m sure you already have heard or thought one or more of these stereotypes-turned-jokes:

    The Romanians are vampires.
    The Swiss love clocks.
    Japanese men have small dicks.
    (Thus) Japanese women love Caucasian men.
    The French have poor hygiene.
    The Chinese know kung fu. And so on…

To some, national stereotypes may provoke racism. To others, national stereotypes are harmless jokes based on the identity that a certain nation or people has established or projected towards other countries through the years.
Whatever your views are, here are some of the most common national stereotypes and why they are somehow false. Note that these are stereotypes based on nationalities and not race.

The British are violently mad soccer freaks.

They say that British men love football more than they love their wives. Although their affection towards their partners may be very hard to prove, their supposedly extreme zeal for soccer doesn’t need to be measured. The Brits love soccer. It is damn obvious. What should be debunked is the idea that they would always get into trouble for this almost romantic love for the ball.

Americans are very liberal.

Outsiders usually have a very defined vision about the Americans — liberal. In general, many see the United States as the land of the open-minded. But is America really home to the world’s most socially liberal society in the world? The answer is a big “no.”

Americans are a little too conservative. Virtually every country in Europe has a much more open and liberal view of things such as sex and other social relations. For example, in many parts of Europe, nudity is not taboo. You may find naked people at some random European beach or hotel pool. If someone takes off all his clothes in the US, he’ll be making a big scene.

The Chinese eat anything that moves.

They say that the Chinese can eat anything with four legs, except tables; anything on water, except boats; and anything that flies, except airplanes. Although Bruce Lee’s lot actually have a diverse range of foods to choose from, saying that the Chinese eats anything is a downright hasty generalization.

What many fail to realize is that every culture has its own food taboos. Some Asians find eating rabbits gross but it’s normal to Westerners. Moreover, for a culture as diverse as the Chinese, it can be very hard to group over 1 billion people and say that they ALL eat a certain “exotic” food. While some Chinese eat dogs, some don’t. Some like eating meat; some are Buddhist vegetarians.
How and why are stereotypes formed?
Why do some people stereotype others?
Do you think that Romanians are vampires, French have poor hygiene and British are violently mad soccer freaks?
Is real that American are more open-minded?
How to get people to overcome their bias?
Do you think that Chinese eat anything that moves?
Your opinion about Chinese eat dogs?

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