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How to Find a Talent   wikihow
    Stop waiting for talents to appear. You can’t know if you’ve got a talent for guitar if you never try to play guitar. Ditto didgeridoo, knitting, badminton, and Tuvan throat singing. Find a talent that seems cool and learn everything you can about it. Find out what it takes and see what you've got. if you never try, you'll never know. You’re not going to find a talent without trying. You can only find your natural abilities, skills, and talents when you test your mettle and actively seek new experiences. Face down obstacles and seek out challenges to see what innate skills and abilities you might be hiding.
        Make it your goal to try something new every week. You might not discover something that you're super-talented at, but maybe you pick up a guitar one day and find out it feels comfortable in your hands and decide to learn more. Maybe you discover an ability to connect with animals at the shelter, something you'd never experienced before. Maybe you learn you're an ace at the Star Trek: The Next Generation pinball machine at the laundromat. That's the start of talent.
        Get outside and scrape your knees. Go on adventures and experience the world in its natural habitat. Try out different sports, outdoor hobbies like fishing, hiking, and climbing to see if you've got an untapped natural ability or an instinct for it.
        Pay attention to what other people might have noted about you. It’s common that others might have a keener sense of what you're good at than you will yourself. Ask your family, your friends, and your teachers to help you figure out what you make look easy.
    Follow your obsessions. What are other people tired of hearing you talk about? What do you have to drag yourself away from? Use the things you're obsessed with to discover abilities and talents that might be hiding under the surface.
        Even if you’re obsessed with something that’s hard to connect to a talent, like watching television or movies, give yourself some credit. Maybe you have a talent for telling stories, or analyzing narratives. Maybe you have a talent for appreciating camera angles. Every film critic gets a start in the exact same way. Channel that obsession into learning about film history and learning how movies are made.

    Ignore the television. Shows like “America’s Got Talent” have very narrow definitions of what it means to be talented. If you’re not an attractive young person with a manufactured sob story and a loud, showy singing voice, these shows all lead people to believe they’re untalented. It’s not true. Being talented doesn’t mean being famous, being attractive, or being some kind of performer. It means dedication, creative thinking, and attention to detail. It means you have an insatiable curiosity to develop some innate abilities into skills. You've just got to find them.
Do you really know your own strength?
How to find your talents?  
What are you good at?
How to try something new every week?
How to form good hobbies?
What do you think TV talent shows?
How to cultivate new abilities and skills?

Government cuts air conditioning use due to storm damage

Taipei, July 31 (CNA) The government has taken a decision to shut down all the air conditioners in its offices for two hours a day in a bid to conserve electricity in the wake of two storms that damaged the country's power supply over the weekend, the Cabinet said Monday.

How to Lower Electricity Bills in the Summer   wiki

    Cut down on energy leaks.
This includes turning off lights and other electronics. When you leave a room, shut off the light behind you. Unplug electronics that aren’t being used, such as cell phone chargers, small appliances like toasters, or power strips that provide power for many appliances.
        Big-screen TVs, DVD players, digital photo frames, and other appliances use more energy than you realize.
        Unplugging an appliance is best because certain appliances use energy even if they are turned off.
        Consult with roommates or coworkers before unplugging a shared appliance.
    Spend time outdoors.
Spending a lot of time indoors will naturally lead to higher energy costs because you will be using lights, electronics, and air conditioning. Spending more time outdoors means you can turn off indoor electronics, and in the process, you will have fun going to the beach, the park, the movies, and so on. Turn off all electronics before leaving the house.
    Close blinds, storm windows, or shades during the day.
The sun can heat up a room very quickly. Keeping the sun from shining into windows will cut down on cooling costs, and many stores sell curtains specifically designed for this purpose.
    Use fans instead of air conditioning.
Circulation is important to using less air conditioning during the summer. Cool down the house early in the morning by placing a box fan in the window and opening up another window at the opposite end of the house, in addition to turning on ceiling fans. Box fans sit perfectly in most windows and help cool air come inside.
        Most central air conditioners will also have internal fans to help circulate the air in your house while reducing your need to use the air conditioner. Turn the fan on “auto.”
        Using fans at night will help a natural breeze cool down your house; this will only work if you live in an area that drops in temperature at night.
        Turn a fan directly towards yourself or guests if the temperature is very hot.

What are your opinion about government cuts air conditioning use?
How not use air conditioning in the summer?
How to lower electricity bills in the summer?
Ways to cool yourself down?
How often you spend time outdoors?
What are the fun activities in summer time?
Do you like winter or summer?

發掘自我優點 您也能成為完美達人




美國企業教練( Executive Coach)可拉(Maggie Craddock)表示,由於每個人的性格特點是從童年時期漸漸成型,藉由瞭解並反思過去的成長過程,將有助於應對工作中遇到的瓶頸並找出解決的方式。

可拉在自己的著作《基因的力量:尋找併發揮自己的潛在能量》(Power Genes: Understanding Your Power Persona and How to Wield It at Work)中概述了各種典型所具有的強烈色彩,並列出不同性格所擁有的正面優勢和潛在盲點。她同時提到,現實生活中的每個人都可能是數個代表人物的綜合體,經由認識這些人物不僅能幫助認清自己的性格中的真實面,也能對自己的生活態度與模式採取適度的調整:


代表人物:埃利.維瑟爾(Elie Wiesel);德蕾莎修女 (Mother Teresa )。


負面盲點:重結果甚於過程; 過度看重自己;不喜愛被貫上「感性」一詞,認為那代表柔弱。
代表人物—安潔莉娜.裘莉(Angelina Jolie );美國金融家伊凡.博斯基(Ivan Boesky)。


代表人物:美國企業家傑克.威爾許(Jack Welch );柴契爾夫人 (Margaret Thatcher)。


代表人物:前美國總統吉米.卡特(Jimmy Carter );英國維珍集團主席理查德.查爾斯(Richard Branson)。





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