週四 (8/24)1.為何人們失去耐心? 2.“誠實” 好嗎?

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「people have lost patience」的圖片搜尋結果

Why do people have less patience nowadays?  quora

Your patience is directly proportion to the time you have at your disposal.

    When you have more time, you have more patience.
    When you have less time, you have less patience.

Let me explain.

Suppose you are going to your office. There is an important meeting to be taken by your boss and you have to make a presentation at 10.00 AM. It takes around 30 minutes to reach your office. Hence you started at 9.20 AM expecting to reach office on time after taking margin of 10 minutes.

On the way, you encounter an unusual traffic jam because there was a truck which got stuck on the road. The traffic is moving with snails pace and it took almost 20 minutes to cross the jam.

Now you are suddenly getting too late for the office.

You would now feel tremendous change in your attitude.

    You would start swearing to everyone including yourself
    The traffic lights would look much longer.
    Other vehicles would seem moving much slower.
    The traffic constable would look more casual in managing traffic.
    The civil sense of people would seem much worse now.

The time slows down for you when you are impatient.

If people have less patience nowadays it is because they are trying to do too many things in their life leaving little time for themselves and their family.

The situation gets even worse because they are also wasting lots of time on frivolous and unproductive activates on social media chatting to unknown people, watching TV programs which they hate, gossiping and criticizing people unnecessarily.

If you can manage your time well, you have all the time of the world to do whatever you wish to do.

You can never get impatient in any situation.

Less patience means less perseverance.

Lack in perseverance will always make one restless. Everybody wants to gain things immediately. Nobody has patience. Everybody fears failure. Failure is the main reason for lack of patience. Nobody wants to waste time.
Why do people have less patience nowadays?
Do you often do things in a hurry?
Do any of you get irrationally angry in traffic?
Why do people get angry when they are stuck in traffic?
How to deal with people have less patience?
How to manage your time effectively?

What is a fast paced life?

「Are you an honest person?」的圖片搜尋結果
誠實” 好嗎?
Are you an honest person?     ecoutetoncorps
Do you ever ask yourself the following questions:

    What does "being honest" really mean?
    Do I have to say everything I think to be considered an honest person?
    Aren't certain truths better left unsaid?

Being a true honest person is being able to think, do, say and feel the same thing. If you think or feel something and you don't act accordingly, you're not being true to yourself and/or to others.

Being honest doesn't necessarily mean having to say everything we think and feel. However, when we decide to speak or act, our words and actions should always correspond to what we think and feel.

Lets have a look at the fears that prevent us from being honest.


Has anyone ever asked your opinion on something you didn't like or you found ugly? How did you answer? Did you act in the same way as most people who, so as not to displease, find good reasons not to say what they really think?

People frequently say they agree with their spouse through fear of displeasing. Others force themselves and do everything in their power to please the other, to the point of going against their own wishes.


This is one of the greatest fears that prevent us from being honest. Here are several examples:

    A mother who says to her child: "I'll give you permission, but don't tell your father."
    A child who hides his school marks from his parents.
    A wife who lies to her husband about the price of her purchases.
    A man who invents excuses when he arrives home late.
    A wife who tells her husband that she was busy all day when in fact she saw a friend and didn't do much at all.


People who, once committed to something, feel they have to perform even if it exceeds their limits, have this fear. They find themselves stuck in situations that don't go with what they want or feel. They are often perfectionists who believe they never do enough, or that what they do isn't good enough.
Are you an honest person?   
Do I have to say everything I think to be considered an honest person?
Aren't certain truths better left unsaid?
Pros and cons of being honest?
Have you ever made an excuse?
How does one know if one is making excuses?
Do you fear of making others angry?

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