週二(8/22)1.品牌喜好 導致分手?2. 美麗的外表/美麗的心

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「Brands choose」的圖片搜尋結果

品牌喜好 導致分手?
Scientists have discovered that your relationship is likely to fail if they like Pepsi and you like Coke

It turns out your choices in the supermarket may be more important than you think.

Brands may have more of a stakehold in our life than we realise.

Recent research has suggested that preferring different brands may be more important than personality traits or even shared interests.

Gavin Fitzsimmons, a marketing professor at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business said of the study, published in the Journal of Consumer Research:

    People think compatibility in relationships comes from having similar backgrounds, religion or education.

    But we find those things don't explain how happy you are in life nearly as much as this notion of brand compatibility.

The researchers found that partners who had low power in their relationships (who couldn't shape their partner's behaviour) usually submit to the others' preferred brands.

Former Fuqua PhD student Danielle Brick, now of the University of New Hampshire, said:

    If you are lower in relationship power and have different brand preferences than your partner, you're probably going to find yourself stuck with your partner's favourite brands, over and over again.

    This could lead to a death-by-a-thousand-cuts feeling.

    Most couples won't break up over brand incompatibility, but it leads to the low power partner becoming less and less happy.

The researchers used brand preferences in soda, coffee, beer, chocolate, and cars to study individuals and couples over the course of two years.

They found the results aligned with findings about relationship power and happiness, and although not seen as important conventinally, could weigh down a relationship. Brick said:

    If you like Coke and your partner likes Pepsi, you're probably not going to break up over it -- but 11 years into a relationship, when he or she keeps coming home with Pepsi, day in and day out, it might start to cause a little conflict.
    And if you're the low-power person in the relationship, who continually loses out on brands and is stuck with your partner's preferences, you are going to be less happy.
Do you think that loving different brands can have a huge impact on your relationship?
Do you like pepsi or coke?
What to do if you're in love but feel incompatible?
What are the signs that you and your partner are compatible?
How to deal with conflict in relationships?
What are the reasons why couples break up?
「What is more important, a beautiful face or a beautiful heart?」的圖片搜尋結果
What is more important, a beautiful face or a beautiful heart?   quora

Some of the most beautiful people I have ever seen are actually not 'conventionally beautiful'. The beauty in their heart shines out, transforming them and bringing life to what is otherwise just skin.

A saying often heard is that beauty is temporary, what's in your heart will last forever. People age, become wrinkled, scarred. Emotions and experiences change our features. A beautiful, kind nature shines through in every feature. However, even the most outwardly flawlessly beautiful person will appear ugly once you have had a taste of their inner nature, if that nature is bitter and mean.

Our faces and bodies are the wrapping paper, the real gift is what is within.

Outer beauty may turn heads at first, but is easily forgotten when the true nature is revealed. Inner beauty will be remembered and cherished.

My Grandmother taught me at a very early age that "beauty is as beauty does"

She would take me aside and say "Elena,(her nickname for me), no matter how beautiful a woman is, if she is not beautiful on the inside, it does not matter, true beauty shines through, you must have a beautiful soul, that lasts forever"

Most never take the time to look beyond the face. We live in an instant gratification kind of world, and if you don’t have the looks, men and people in general don’t even bother to find out about the rest of you.

Beauty fades, and if that is all people care about, they are missing out on the "true beauty" of a person.

A beautiful heart goes further. It touches the lives of those around them. While beauty may catch the eye for whatever amount of time, a good heart captures the soul!
Outer beauty is only skin deep and people who are very much attached to it live a superficial life. When you talk about getting attention from teachers or getting reduction from shopkeepers, this will not give Happiness or peace (maybe only for a moment), but it will not be long lasting and that happiness too is only on the surface. It does not touch you deeper than your skin.
Life is much more than this, it's very vast and one does not live life as per outer beauty. It's the inner beauty that determines the quality of life. A person who is beautiful doesn't mean they are living a happy and Blissful life. They can be miserable and frustrated and most of them are because they are so much attached to their physical appearance. They do not even give a thought to the inner beauty.
What is more important, a beautiful face or a beautiful heart?  
What do you think the concept that “beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”?
What does it mean to be conventionally attractive?
Who's beautiful? How beauty is defined around the world?
How to reveal your inner beauty?
Do you think that beautiful people are happier?

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