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「optimist and pessimist」的圖片搜尋結果

Difference Between Optimist and Pessimist

Who is an Optimist?

An optimist is a person who always hopes for the best. He never gives up challenges. An optimist does his best to get things done by some means or the other. This highlights that an optimist has the potential to look at the bright side of things and make an effort. An optimist loves adventures. He hopes that time will change the given bad situation to a good situation. An optimist always hopes that a better position would result from a good position, and the best position would result from a better position. An optimist cannot be easily subdued. This is one of the key differences when engaging in a comparison between an optimistic and pessimistic person. , Unlike an optimist, a pessimist can be very easily subdued. This is because of the fact that an optimist looks at the possible improvement of bad situations. Even when a situation is very hard and, you feel like giving up, an optimist can find out at least one good thing and strive for excellence. It is very easily to work with a person who has an optimistic outlook on life since they can make the best of what they have. Even in relationships and friendships. People prefer those who are bright and optimistic rather than pessimistic. This is because an optimistic person knows to appreciate and be happy. Now let us look at the characteristics of a pessimist.

Who is a Pessimist?

A pessimist is a person who always things about the worst. Unlike an optimist who tries to succeed even in a difficult situation, a pessimist does not. This makes him give up all challenges very easily. This is another difference between the two words because the moment a pessimist encounters a difficulty he would prefer to give up, rather than try to make it work somehow. A pessimist thinks that nothing can be done in a given situation and does not try to do any adventurous things. A pessimist is exactly opposite to an optimist in this regard. He thinks that a worse situation would result from a bad situation, and the worst situation would result from a worse situation. This is one of the main differences between an optimist and a pessimist. A pessimist looks at the possible further degradation of the bad situations. A pessimist always manages to find faults in situations and make it difficult not only for him but also for others as well. This highlights the main differences between the two types. Now let us sum up the differences in the following manner.

What is the Difference Between an Optimist and Pessimist?

 An optimist is one who looks at the brighter side of life, but a pessimist is one who looks at the darker side of life.
 An optimist cannot be easily subdued, but a pessimist can be easily subdued.

 A pessimist is a person who always things about the worst which makes him give up all challenges very easily whereas an optimist tries to make it work no matter how hard the situation is.
What is the difference between optimist and pessimist?
Are you an optimist or pessimist??
What are the ways to cope when bad things happen?
How to appreciate and be happy?
How to look on the bright side & be more positive?

Are you giving up easily? Why do people give up so easily?
Doctors downplay health risks from braised pork broth             Staff writer, with CNA

There is no evidence that small amounts of aged soy-stewed pork broth increase the risk of cancer, two toxicologists said yesterday after a Chinese-language newspaper reported that reheating braised pork broth causes the formation of carcinogenic cholesterol oxidation products (COPs).

The United Daily News yesterday reported that a study by Fu Jen Catholic University professor Chen Bing-huei (陳炳輝), who works in the schools food science department, found that heating up braised pork broth containing meat, soy sauce, sugar and water produces COPs.

The longer the broth has been heated, the more COPs could be produced, the newspaper said, citing Chen’s study.

Asked about the paper’s report, the two toxicologist advised taking it with a grain of salt.

Yen Tzung-hai (顏宗海), head of the clinical toxicology division at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, said that reheating methods significantly affect the safety of meat products because they all contribute to the production of COPs.

COPs can also be produced by barbecuing, grilling or deep frying meat products, Yen said, adding that while COPs can cause cancer in animals, there is no evidence they do the same to humans.

Chiang Chih-kang (姜至剛), a nephrologist at National Taiwan University Hospital, said that while reheating soy-stewed pork broth could produce carcinogenic substances, there is no need to panic because of the low level of such substances in such broths.

Here are some everyday foods and drinks that are labeled as carcinogenic:   huffingtonpost

    Processed meats such as bacon, sausages, hot dogs, pepperoni, prosciutto, beef jerky and salami (any meat that has been preserved by curing, salting or smoking, or by adding chemical preservatives)
    Alcoholic beverages
    Salted fish (Chinese style)
    Burned or heavily barbecued foods
    Red meat including, beef, veal, pork, lamb, mutton, horse and goat
    Hot beverages above 65°C
    Polluted air and water

What is your opinion about news reported that aged soy-stewed pork broth increase the risk of cancer?
What foods should you worry about eating?
What are the local food you like most?
Your viewpoint about polluted air and water?
Ways to reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals in everyday products?
Why processed meat is bad for you?
Is eating red meat bad for your health?

滷汁加熱超過3小時 恐致癌
滷煮愈久愈危險 加醬油冰糖可抑癌

【黃靜宜╱台北報導】滷肉飯、滷豬腳是台灣傳統小吃,滷味攤遍布大街小巷,不少業者更標榜「陳年滷汁」,但滷汁反覆加熱,恐有安全疑慮。國內一項研究顯示,滷肉加熱時間愈長,具致癌性的膽固醇氧化產物(cholesterol oxidation products,COPs)也愈多,學者提醒:「滷味加熱時間,勿超過三小時。」


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