週二(8/15)1. 酸民為什麼酸? 2.如果每個人都活100歲!

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「Reasons for Trolling」的圖片搜尋結果

Reasons for Trolling - Reasons for Trolling
by Jonathan Strickland

Some people troll others as part of a personal vendetta. This is also known as cyberbullying. The troll might taunt the victim in various online communities, use the victim's e-mail address to sign up for spam e-mails or even impersonate the victim in order to discredit him or her. In extreme cases like the family feud in Washington, the troll might post information online that leads to direct physical consequences.

Other trolls want to promote their own agendas by undermining an online community. The clearest example of this is on a political forum. A troll might use manipulative tricks to sabotage a legitimate discussion or to discourage community members from supporting a specific political figure.

But the trolls that seem to be the most puzzling are those who have no personal agenda or vendetta against anyone. For them, trolling is an end unto itself. The goal is just to frustrate people and to build the troll's reputation as a troublemaker. Or could there be more?

Mattathias Schwartz of The New York Times interviewed several trolls, including the infamous Jason Fortuny. The trolls offered various reasons for trolling beyond just a desire to victimize people online. Some claimed they wanted to teach people a lesson about how harsh the online world can be. In other words, they felt it was for the victims' own good. Others tried to justify their actions by pointing out how rough their own lives had been in the past.

The very nature of the Internet might contribute to trollish behavior. The Internet gives people the opportunity to remain anonymous. That means the average user has very little sense of accountability while online. It's easy to forget (or ignore) the fact that on the other end of the connection is a real human being with real feelings.

Trolls sometimes make fun of their own motives. In the Encyclopedia Dramatica, a very popular wiki in troll culture, there's an entry that claims that the American Psychiatric Association will include "Internet troll personality disorder" in the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The entry then goes on to list the "diagnostic criteria" for the disorder -- many of which paint trolls in a positive light.

The very nature of trolls makes them difficult to peg down. When are they being deceptive? Do they believe they are online vigilantes and guardian angels, or are they selfishly exploiting others for their own enjoyment? How many are teenagers or younger? It's impossible to know for sure, though that doesn't stop people from making guesses and generalizations.

In the end, it's probably just best to avoid engaging with trolls altogether. It'll save you a lot of frustration and wasted time. And it annoys the heck out of the trolls.
What is an internet troll? Reasons for trolling?
How trolls are ruining the internet?
What are the types of internet trolls you'll meet online?
What are the tips to dealing with trolls?
Pros and cons of social media?
Do you think cyber-bullying is worse than physical bullying?
「How to live to 100 year old」的圖片搜尋結果
What happens if we all live to 100?    CNN Andrew Scott

Many more people are living longer and will continue to do so. Today, around 72,000 people over 100 years of age live in the United States, but if current trends continue, that number will reach approximately 1 million by 2050.

Over the last two hundred years, life expectancy has increased by two or three years every decade. Given these trends, it's possible

that more than 50 percent of children born today in the United States have a realistic expectation of living beyond 100. Even those in their 40s and 50s know they are living longer than their parents and therefore will need to work beyond 65. The percentage of Americans age 65 and older who are at work has increased continually since 1983, rising from 10 to nearly 19 percent. Meanwhile, a new study

shows that the funding of public worker pension plans in the United States remained unchanged in 2015.
White women's life expectancy shrinks a bit

People are living longer, but the amount and the way we pay for their pensions is staying the same. This growing longevity means many people probably haven't saved enough for retirement. In response they are working longer, but are also searching for better investment returns. In a period of historically low interest rates, management charges become all the more noticeable and have the potential to wipe out already meager rates of return. A fiduciary rule to ensure the choice of a product is based on the needs of the investor and not the size of the management fee paid to advisers becomes more important when returns are so low.

Another factor prompting the need for a fiduciary rule is the growing complexity of pensions and the increased need for customization. When life expectancy was 70 years, we created a three-stage life of education, work and retirement. However, as Lynda Gratton and I suggested in our recent book, this three-stage life cannot be stretched over 90 or 100 years. A 100-year life requires a 50-or 60-year career in order to finance a pension; that length of career is unsustainable.

The result will be a multi-stage life with transitions between different career stages. Different individuals will make different choices at different times about when they want to retire, when they focus on making money versus a better work-life balance. Some individuals age 70 will still be working -- some won't. Some will be interested in mortgages and risky investments -- others will be interested in safe investments and income. This diversity will require much more complicated financial advice and less standardization. When everyone has the same needs, then the same product can be used. With greater diversity and needs among investors comes the need for greater customization and rising importance of a fiduciary rule with customers at the heart of the process.

Women live longer, but not as well as men, in their golden years, study finds

Further, if professionals cannot recoup fees from products they sell, but charge for professional advice, then it's likely only the higher income individuals will pay for this. Others will find themselves without advice and faced with simple standardized products. Less life expectancy, less money and less advice -- it's not an attractive prospect.
What happens if we all live to 100?   
Why we live longer these days, and why you should worry?
How to live to be 100 years old?
How long do you really want to live?
Why do women live longer than men?
What are the types of discrimination elderly people experienced?
How would extended longevity affect society?
長壽成一種恐懼  八成台灣人害怕活到100




不想當人瑞 怕健康差和沒錢




至於,如果真的活到100歲,希望工作到幾歲? 六成民眾仍希望工作到65歲就休息 ,僅有31.5%的民眾希望工作到65歲以上。

收入愈差  被迫工作到愈老



根據衛福部統計,國人一生長期照護需求時間平均約7.3年,其中男性6.4年,女性8.2年。失能、長照已經是每個家庭要正視的問題。但根據本次調查結果發現, 31.2%的民眾卻認為,自己老後失能時間只有1年以下,與現實落差相當大。

國家衛生研究院論壇諮議委員、台灣大學社會工作學系教授古允文認為,調查背後 凸顯民眾對失能時間過於樂觀,甚至沒有正視問題 。前衛生署(現改制衛福部)署長、台灣高齡化政策暨產業發展協會理事長楊志良指出,台灣平均餘命不斷增加,現已有六成人口可以活到80歲以上,這之中有25%的人可活到90歲。 如何面對長壽人生是必然要思考的問題,而不是對未來沒有打算。

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