週二(9/12)1.令人動容的愛情故事 2.朋友帶來快樂

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「put an engagement ring on the finger」的圖片搜尋結果

A Taiwanese boyfriend put an engagement ring on the finger of his girlfriend at her funeral on Wednesday.

TAIPEI (Taiwan News)—A Taiwanese man put an engagement ring on the finger of his girlfriend at her funeral on Wednesday, touching the hearts of those who attended the ceremony.

At Changhua City Funeral & Cemeteries Service, a funeral hall was decorated like a wedding venue with pink, white and purple balloons and a board with a few lines, one of which read “We are engaged.” Outside the hall was a photo of a woman surnamed Chen and a man surnamed Tsai. 

The lines written by Tsai state that he wants to thank his girlfriend for accompanying him for five years and wherever she is, she will always be in his heart. During the funeral, Tsai, who was dressed in a business suit like a bridegroom, put an engagement ring on his girlfriend’s finger.  
According to the funeral operator, 30-year-old Tsai, who is a truck driver, had been dating 23-year-old Chen for five years, and the latter had been pregnant for five months when a tragedy hit. The couple originally planned to get married after the ghost month, but Chen was involved in a traffic accident when she was riding her scooter home after work. Both she and her unborn baby died in the accident.
In order to fulfill his girlfriend’s wish, Tsai especially arranged for the wedding party to take place during the funeral, the funeral operator said, adding that they were so moved by Tsai’s affection towards his deceased girlfriend.

Japanese princess to give up her royal status in the name of love

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Japan’s Princess Mako has formally announced her engagement to a non-royal after the couple received the emperor’s approval. 

Although she is allowed to marry her love, whom she met while she was still a student, Princess Mako will not be allowed to keep her royal status if she wishes to marry her commoner boyfriend.

Under a controversial Japanese law, the Imperial Household Law of 1947, female family members of the imperial family have to give up their royal status upon marriage to a “commoner” while male members may keep their status regardless.

Once married to Kei Komuro, she will lose her title and will have to leave the imperial household and live with her husband in the outside world.

Although she is entitled to a one-off payment, she and her husband are expected to provide for themselves and their future family after that. She will vote and pay taxes, do her own chores herself and if the couple have kids, they would not be considered a part of the royal family.
What do you think the news reported that a boyfriend put an engagement ring on the finger of his girlfriend at her funeral?
What to do when a loved one dies?
What type of wedding ceremony is right for you?
Why do we like to read or watch love stories?
What do you think the news reported that Japanese princess to give up her royal status in the name of love?
In your opinion, what does true love mean?
「Friends Make Us Happier,」的圖片搜尋結果
Why Friends Make Us Happier, Healthier People          
By Jennifer Abbasi
Study after study shows that friendships boost our happiness and even our health.
Here are some of our favorite reasons why people need people:

The Happiest People are the Most Social

Convincing evidence of this phenomenon comes from Ed Diener and Martin Seligman, two leading experts in the field of happiness research. When they compared the happiest to the least happy people, they found that the first group was highly social and had the strongest relationship ties. In fact, good social relations were a necessity for people to feel happy. Similarly, other psychologists have written that the need to belong is “fundamental.”

Happiness Is Contagious

If a friend of ours is happy, we’re more likely to be, too. A Harvard Medical School study of 5,000 people over 20 years found that one person’s happiness spreads through their social group even up to three degrees of separation, and that the effect lasts as long as a year. On the flip side, sadness isn’t as contagious: While having a friend who’s happy improves your likelihood of being happy by 15 percent, having one who’s unhappy lowers your chances by just 7 percent. Fascinating!

We Turn to Friends When We’re Stressed

This is especially true for women, according to researchers at UCLA. Women are much more likely than men to seek out social support (usually from other women) when they’re worried or frazzled, which may explain why stress affects men’s health more.

Our Friends Help Us Feel Optimistic

Researchers say that daily social support is a key factor in feeling optimistic. Optimism, in turn, increases our satisfaction with life and lowers our risk of depression. Another study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology showed that when we feel that we have social support, our visual perception of challenges actually changes: Mountains look more like molehills.

Friendships Improve Our Health

Let us count the ways! 1. Those of us who have social support are more likely to keep up an exercise plan more than a year after starting it. 2. The least “socially integrated” people experience memory declines twice as fast as those who are more connected. 3. Social support wards off depression and suicide. 4. People who are lonely tend to have higher blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease, and they’re more likely to “give up” or “quit trying” to deal with a stressor such as illness.
Why friends make us happier, healthier people?        
Do you think that happiness is contagious?
Why highly social people are happier?
How to improve social skills and build better relationships?
Who do you turn into when you're stressed?

What are the benefits of being optimistic?

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