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「flattery cheated」的圖片搜尋結果

Why are we persuaded by Flattery?         Usimprints   James Curtis

Today we’re going to take an in-depth, under-the-hood look at Flattery and its effects on our decision making. Under the microscope will be a great study from a few years back that sheds a lot of new light, and might have some of us rethinking our use of flattery in all wakes of life.

I like to think that we generally are less susceptible to blatant flattery in today’s society, whether from the stereotypical used car salesman to a bachelor looking to score a date, or even a daughter trying to get her mom to take her to see Catching Fire – flattery is still one of the most common ways we try to get what we want.

If flattery effective? Is it a cheap trick that can drive away customers? You’ll find many in various camps, but what does research say?

There have been a lot of fascinating studies on flattery. I would like to think that insincere, bogus flattery can put you worse off than if you hadn’t used it, though many studies have shown that flattery is, in fact, effective. At least up to a point.

The good news is that the general notion and initial studies suggest that flattering comments are discounted. As a result, when we receive flattering comments, we adjust our initial favorable reactions.

Up until a few years ago, most studies led us to believe that after we receive and process flattering compliments, we throw out how we initially felt entirely, and replace it with our true feelings. A study in the The Journal of Marketing Research conducted by Marketing Professors, Elaine Chan and Jaideep Sengputa, build on this notion (Insincere Flatter Actually Works: A Dual Attitude Perspective).

What they suggest is that instead of our initial feelings being overwritten by the new ones, the initial response co-exists with our adjusted response. Maybe the store employee told me that I look good in the pants I was trying on just because they tell everyone that to try to persuade them to buy the pants, but the fact that I recognize this as an insincere sales tactic does not mean that the positive reaction I felt when I first heard it is overwritten. It still plays a factor in my decision to buy or not.

Flattery resides in a galaxy of attitudes. You’re going to want to remember a few terms (bolded).

I like to think of it as a roller coaster. The train represents flattering comments that are pushed down the big drop. It hits you fast and sudden, drawing out what is referred to as an implicit attitude or response. Put your hands up and scream! Then a little later, you loop back around, and finally end up at the end of the ride.

The implicit attitude is an automatic, uncontrolled response to the flattery, or any other interaction. So when someone tells you, “Seeing you smile is better than watching the sunset,” the way you feel immediately after hearing that is your implicit attitude.

What are the factors affect our judgments?
How do you feel when someone tells you, “Seeing you smile is better than watching the sunset,”?
How do you respond to flattery?
Why are we persuaded by flattery? 
What are the factors that influence customer purchase decisions?
How to persuade people?

Ways to resist temptation   Tiffany Fletcher

    In a world where temptation surrounds us, it is difficult to avoid. It often sneaks up on us when we aren’t even looking. I’m not necessarily talking about the big temptations, like stealing or cheating on your spouse. I am talking about the everyday temptations that work their way into our homes and our lives and take up residence there. They cruelly taunt us to ride their slippery slope further and further away from what we know is right. For those who want to kick temptation to the curb, here are five suggestions.

    Know your weaknesses. We all have weaknesses, and generally, we know what those weaknesses are. It is a good idea to search yourself, and your heart, and list the areas where you know you can get into trouble if temptation finds you. Be aware of what the temptations are that trigger your bad behavior and be on alert for those triggers when you see them.

    Have a plan of action. Knowing your weaknesses is only half the battle. Once you know what your weaknesses are, make a plan of action. In your plan, outline what you are going to do if you are faced with the temptation that brings your bad behavior. If you need to, go over the scenarios in your mind of what you are going to say and do if the temptation comes and commit the plan to memory. Review your plan often to remind yourself that you do not need to worry about the temptation, because you have a plan of action.

    For example, when I was trying very hard to lose weight, obviously food was a big temptation. Every meal I committed myself to limiting my portions to only one serving size. I rewarded myself at the end of the day with one piece of chocolate if I made it through without giving in to any other temptation. Many times I was still hungry after I ate a meal, but because I committed myself to a plan, I didn’t back down. The incentive of a piece of chocolate was also a good motivator. It doesn’t hurt to add positive incentives to the plan that reward you for good behavior. That’s what sobriety pins are for. I have now lost 75 pounds, and I am glad I had a plan to help me resist temptation.

    Avoid the traps. Too many times, we know what our weaknesses are, but we somehow think that we will be OK and we place ourselves in a situation where that particular temptation is all around us. This is what I like to call a temptation trap. Do not allow yourself to be caught in a temptation trap. If you are an alcoholic, stay out of bars, if you are addicted to pornography, keep your computer in a public place, if you’re on a diet, don’t go to a buffet, if you like a married co-worker, never allow yourself to be alone together. Whatever your particular weakness or challenge is, do not make things more difficult by putting yourself in a situation where temptation for that weakness will without a doubt come a calling. Just don’t do it!
What are the ways to resist temptation?
Listing your top five temptations?
Do you know your weaknesses?
What are the ways to deal with being in trouble?
How to overcome an addiction?


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