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「First Date Mistakes」的圖片搜尋結果

First Date Mistakes That Will Instantly Ruin Your Chances   Madeleine Holden  askmen

1. Being Late

If you’re going to be any more than 5-10 minutes late, text your date to let them know. If you’re going to be more than 15 minutes late, even if you’ve let her know, you’re being rude, and you’re blowing it. Make an effort to be on time to show her that her time is important to you.

2. Appearing Cheap

Nobody wants to date a person who’s chronically tight with money, so make sure you are coming across as relaxed on this front. Gone are the days where men are automatically assumed to be footing the whole bill, so if you’d prefer to split it, that’s okay. (So is paying for the whole meal, if you’d like to!) But if you’re pulling out your pen, paper and calculator and divvying up every last drink and side? Chill: you’re giving off very bad signals.

3. Dominating The Conversation

Try to be an inviting, polite conversationalist on first dates, and at all other times. If you’re rambling without pausing for a breath, talking only about yourself or interrupting your date whenever she’s speaking, you’re going to have her running for the hills. Be sure to ask her questions and allow her space to voice her own views, too.

4. Dropping The Ball On The Venue

It’s not a great idea to go to a movie, as a stand-alone activity, on the first date. Why not? Because you won’t have a chance to talk to each other or get to know the other person. It’s okay to see a movie before or after a drink or dinner, but don’t make it the only thing you’re doing, at least not until the third or fourth date.

5. Talking About Your Ex

Talking about your ex — whether it’s to rant about how “crazy” she is, or to pine about how perfect she was — is a bad look. Why? Because whether you’re speaking positively or negatively about her, it gives the impression you aren’t over her yet.

6. Poor Phone Etiquette

It’s fine to take an important call during a date if something that you absolutely need to deal with comes up, but you shouldn’t be glued to your phone all night and you should apologize if you do need to bring out your phone (“Sorry, I have to take this one! Be back ASAP!”) This shows that your focus is on your date and avoids giving her the impression she’s boring you or wasting your time.
What are the first date mistakes that will instantly ruin your chances? 
Do you think that being on time on first date is important?
Who should paying for the whole meal on the first date?
Where are the ideal paces for dating?
How to have a good polite conversationalist on first dates?

Is it OK to talk about your ex when dating?
「cheating so common in marriage」的圖片搜尋結果
Things that make cheating so common in marriage           yourtongo

A key way of preventing that from happening is understanding why infidelity is so prevalent in the first place. HERE'S why cheating happens:

 1. Your partner assumes you no longer care

Yes, life gets busy. But rightly or wrongly, your partner may come to feel that your everyday inattention means that he or she no longer matters to you. Whether you've just given birth to your second child, or your demanding job has you traveling more often than you would like, your marriage is vulnerable when your attention is elsewhere.

You see, when you were "in love", you had this inner sense that you'd always be enough for your beloved, just as you are. As the initial love hormones diminish, small mindful gestures of attention and affection make a huge difference, provided they matter to your spouse.

Make it clear to each other that, "No matter what, when you need my attention, I'll clear out time for you." In doing so, you make your partner less tempted to cheat. Granted, maybe you won't have time the split second one of you gets home, but take your partner's request seriously.

Whether it's a long distance call or after the kids go to bed, put on your best listening ears and be there for your partner (and don't problem solve until asked ... just listen!).

2. Opportunity leads to promiscuity

According to one recent study, "More than one-third (36 percent) of men and 13 percent of women said that they gave in to temptation on a business trip."

You're alone with no one to talk to, plus you're enjoying a few drinks, and in that situation, inhibitions plummet. Highly committed couples know this and make it a point to touch base around the world by phone, even if it's the middle of the night or you must interrupt your business dinner.

Want to know a set up for an erotic extramarital encounter? Complete a challenging project or deal with a good looking team member of the opposite sex in another part of the world.

If you want to safeguard your marriage, make fidelity a much talked about big deal. Explain what it would mean to you if your partner betrayed you. Let that be on your partner's mind because you have both indicated how hurt you would feel.

3.  You think no one will ever suspect you

Statistics reveal that 74 percent of men and 68 percent of women admit they would have an affair if they felt they could get away with it.

Whether this response is accurate in reality, it still suggests that people do imagine (and likely fantasize about) an extramarital affair, and would act on an opportunity if they could do so under a guarantee of cover.

As a marriage counselor, let me suggest that in this day and age of cell phones and emails, the odds have greatly increased that you will be found out. Something happens when the brain goes on the speed-like drug of "being in love."

What reasons that make cheating so common in marriage?       
What are the ways to know if your love one cheating on you?
Do you think that cell phones increasing the chances of cheating?
What are the signs your partner is having extramarital affair?
How to refuse sex temptation from a business trip partner?
Should you forgive someone for cheating?
What are the ways to show your significant other you care?

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