週四 (9/14)1.快樂自己找 2.救觀光/玻璃舞鞋

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「To Be Happier Today」的圖片搜尋結果

Things To Do To Be Happier Today   by Kye    keepinspiring

Sometimes before you can make big changes to your life, you need to make small, simple changes that help lift up your spirits and refresh your perspective. Here are 15 simple things you can do to be happier today!

You don’t need to do a lot of exercise to brighten your mood—even just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference. When you work out, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are natural painkillers and create a sense of euphoria. Even just taking a short walk each day can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

Get some sleep.
Seriously, how much sleep are you getting? With our hectic 9-5 lives, many of us settle for 5-6 hours or even fewer. After a while, that takes a huge toll on physical and psychological health. Force yourself to get 7-9 hours of solid zzzzz’s! You’ll notice a real boost to your clarity and mood.

Stop reading the news for a week.
Do tragic headlines about war, disease, and famine get you down? Do yourself a real favor and stop reading the news for a week. Exposing yourself daily to horrors you can do nothing about does nothing to empower you. Instead, focus on your own life and things you can change.

Perform a random act of kindness.
Leave a 30% tip at the restaurant. Hand a homeless person $20. Send money to a stranger online who needs it. Smile and compliment someone who looks down. Not only will you feel great about making someone else happy, but this will remind you that sometimes someone does lend a hand—and maybe someone will be there to help you when you need it too.

Go outside.
Nature is beautiful! Take a breath of fresh air, and open up those shuttered windows in your mind. Let the dust drift off the rafters. Go outside for a walk or even just to sit and relax and listen to the birds. The tranquility of nature reminds us there is a world outside our problems.

Remember to laugh.
Laughter releases endorphins just like exercise, so it’s a great mood booster. Even when you’re down it can work great—that’s probably why we sometimes laugh as a self-defense mechanism even when we’re scared by something.

Watch a silly comedy, or hang out with a friend who brings out your goofy side. Learn to let go. When we laugh at a problem, we are telling that problem that it is finite, and that it isn’t as huge or terrifying or insurmountable as it feels.
How to make simple changes that help lift up your spirits and refresh your perspective?
What are the benefits of doing exercise!
Why reading the news affect our mood?
How much sleep are you getting?
What is your sleep quality?
How to perform a random act of kindness?

What are the benefits of laughing?

  「cinderella shoe taiwan」的圖片搜尋結果
Tourism Bureau trying to revive charm of 'Cinderella Shoe'

Taipei, Sept. 9 (CNA) The Tourism Bureau will launch a series of campaigns to boost travel interest in a "Cinderella Shoe" structure in Chiayi County, a once popular tourist attraction that has been losing its appeal.

The installation art piece, 17 meters tall and made from 320 panes of blue-tinted glass, is shaped like a high-heeled shoe and is sometimes booked as a wedding venue because people associate it with the Cinderella fairytale.

Recently, however, the number of visitors to the site has dropped sharply from an average 200,000 per month in spring to 140,000 in summer, according to the Tourism Bureau.

How to Promote Tourism     wiki

 Create a unique slogan.
If you come up with a slogan, but its possible to remove your town’s name and plug in another town’s name, it is not a unique slogan. Avoid common buzzwords like “explore” “discover” “center of it all” “something for everyone” “best kept secret”, etc.
        Think about successful slogans, like Las Vegas’ “What happens here, stays here”, New York’s “The City That Never Sleeps” or Calgary, Alberta’s “Heart of the New West”. They work because they are unique and avoid generic terms or phrases.

Using Promotional Materials and Local Media
     Create promotional materials. These can be promotional t-shirts, hats, stickers, and flags with the town slogan and branding. Go local and hire a local illustrator or designer to create the promotional materials.[6]
        Sell these promotional materials at local gift shops located close to popular attractions.
 Organize public radio spots and television ads.
 One of the best ways to promote the town is to create radio and television ads, focusing on the slogan for the town and the points discussed in the marketing plan.
Make a tourist map.
Another great way to promote the town is to create a detailed map for tourists and place them in local malls, restaurants, and bars.
        The map can include a brief description of key attractions and sites, as well as activities tourists can do at these locations.
Do a promotional draw or contest.
Get the attention of tourists by offering them a free incentive to explore the town. Create a scavenger hunt around the town and offer a prize to the winners. Offer a complimentary stay at a popular attraction to visitors who enter a draw or a survey about the town.
What do you think the news reported that tourism bureau trying to revive charm of 'Cinderella shoe'?
How to introduce Taiwan to tourists?
How to promote tourism?   
How to create a unique slogan?
How to using promotional materials and local media?

What are the strategies to attract customers?
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