週二(9/26)1.人生就像一本書 2.每天做一件害怕的事!

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「Life Is Like a Book」的圖片搜尋結果

Life Is Like a Book. If You Never Give It a Chance, You'll Never Know How Good It Is
theseeds4life    by: B.G.

Just like a book, life’s an adventure. Sometimes books start out slow and maybe even a little boring. However, to know for sure whether we’ll enjoy what we’re reading or not, we have to be willing to give it a chance. Life is the same way. If at the first sign of difficulty, we give up on ourselves, we will never be able to discover our strength. If we look at life and say, “Well it’s too difficult to get through, so I’m just going to stop trying,” we’ll never be able to learn from our mistakes and we’ll never be able to see the beauty in life.

Let’s say that you start reading a book and at first, you don’t understand it at all. Let’s say that it’s complicated, doesn’t make sense, and it’s difficult to get through. Now, one option is to stop reading altogether. Sure, that may be easy, but imagine what you could be missing out on! Maybe the book just seems complicated at first because you weren’t in the right mindset or maybe part of the book being so exciting and worthwhile is because it’s challenging! Maybe once you grasp the storyline, then only then, will you see how wonderful the story truly is.

Sometimes you have to read a book more than once to really understand it and that’s okay. The same thing goes for life. There are some moments in life that are difficult and we may even make mistakes. While we can’t go back and relive those moments as easily as we can flip back the pages of a book, we can continue to try improving ourselves until things begin to fall into place.

Giving up in life and on ourselves is a huge mistake. We have so many gifts to give and so many opportunities waiting for us. If we don’t begin and continue to try to get through our struggles and live our lives to the fullest, we’ll never be able to experience true happiness. Think about that really good book, TV show, or movie that you love and imagine if you never tried experiencing it. How would you feel? Think about your favorite food or favorite moment in life! If you never tried that type of food or challenged yourself, you’d never have experienced something that you’ve grown to love.

So don’t give up on yourself. You don’t want to miss out on an opportunity that could mean the world to you!
“Life is like a book. If you never give it a chance, you'll never know how good it is”
What do you think about this quote?
How to give yourself the best chance of a good life?
How to discover your strength?
Do you think that life is an adventure?
How to learn from your mistakes?
Reasons why love is something you grow into?

「do something  that scares you」的圖片搜尋結果

Why you should do something every day that scares you  


Science has proven that doing something that scares you will make you more productive, prepare you for new and unexpected changes, help you push your boundaries in the future, and make it easier to harness your creativity.

1. Strike up a conversation with a stranger

"Fear makes strangers of people who would otherwise be friends," Shirley Maclaine once said.

Experts advise that the easiest way to turn a stranger into a friend is to detach yourself from the potentially humiliating outcome, tolerate rejection, remember to smile, and make the person laugh. Easy.

2. Disconnect from your gadgets
Is your phone the first thing you see in the morning and last thing you see at night?

We're always asking how anyone managed to survive before the advent of smart phones, right?

Well, we did survive. Thrived, in fact.

So it's possible to turn back the clock and disconnect a little. The results might surprise you.

3. Give something significant away

We are very attached to our possessions, but what would happen if you gave away something valuable?

There's no way of knowing unless you do, of course. But here's an example of someone who gave away almost everything he'd amassed.

Admitedly, American billionaire Chuck Feeney had a lot to give away, and even after donating 99 per cent of his sizeable fortune to charity, he's still got a whopping $2 million in the bank.

And what's it done for him? Well, there are probably some pretty great tax write-offs involved with such staggering donations, but Mr Feeney has also earnt some incredible warm fuzzies in return.

For his donations, he's helped fight the AIDS virus in South Africa, contributed almost $1 billion to his alma mater Cornell University and boosted education in Ireland to the tune of $1 billion.

And on our shores, he gave $102 million to help set up the Queensland Institute of Medical Research - the largest medical donation in Australia's history.

4. Ask for help

Asking someone for help - especially someone we respect - can be a fearsome minefield.

What if they say no? What if you inadvetently point out a personal shortcoming that no-one saw before? Is asking for help a sign of weakness?

But if you ask, you're most likely to receive.

And in return, you should give your support generously to others.

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