周四 (4/19) 1.話題 撩妹 2. 選舉經費與貪污

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「ways to attract girls」的圖片搜尋結果
話題 撩妹
6 Best Topics to Talk About With a Girl    Patrick Banks  

Books, Movies, Music and Art

Let’s face it. You’re not going to have a woman baring her soul to you and sharing her hopes, dreams and deepest fears with you from the get-go. You’ll need to build a whole lot of comfort and rapport before you get there. This is why you need a few conversational topics that are low effort and still engaging to get things started. Getting a woman talking about her favorite books, movies, music or art is a great way to do so.

The trick here, however, is to not ask for too little. For example, if a woman tells you that she loves music, don’t just ask her what her favorite band is. Ask her for two songs from her favorite band that she thinks you should listen to and ask her what those two songs mean to her. Or if a woman tells you that she loves to read, instead of just asking her who her favorite author is, ask her to recommend a book to you and get her to tell you what it’s about.

The People Around You

Sometimes I hear a lot of guys complain saying that they run out of topics to talk about when they’re with a girl that they’re interested in. But here’s the thing. If you pay close attention to your surroundings the chances are that you’ll find more than enough conversational ammunition to last a whole day.

For example, there’s a fun little game that I love playing with girls that I’m out on dates on. I call it the “what’s their story” game. When you’re out on a date with a girl, pick a stranger at random and talk about what you imagine what their story must be like. And then ask your date to tell you her version. Once she gets the hang of it start getting more and more imaginative and ridiculous with your stories. I guarantee that you’ll both have a blast.


Whenever I’m interacting with a woman I always try to direct the conversation in a direction that’s fun and imaginative. I hate conversations that drab and uninteresting. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned through my experiences with women is that talking about travel always gets them feeling happy and excited.

You see, people love to travel, and those who aren’t able to travel daydream about having either the time or the money to do it. The key here, again, is to ask for more than just an impersonal list of travel destinations.

Ask her where the most exciting place she’s travelled to was and what she loved about it. Or ask her where she would go if she could disappear for an entire month without having to worry about her work or any other responsibilities. These types of conversations will get her imagination firing on overdrive and put her in an uplifted emotional state; both feelings which she will start associating with you.

Her Passions, Her Dreams and Her Goals

Do you remember the last time someone showed genuine interest in your dreams and goals? It’s always such a nice feeling to talk about things that you are passionate about with a person who’s genuinely interested in these things. And here’s the cool thing. Once you’ve built up a certain level of trust and rapport with a woman, all you need to do to find out these things about her is to ask.
What are the best topics to talk about with a girl?
Do books, movies, music and art are good talking topics?
What are your favorite movies, and music?
How to build a good conversational skills?
How to get a man /a woman feeling happy and excited?

How to show genuine interest in a friends’ dreams and goals?
「taipei mayor」的圖片搜尋結果
Corruption starts with campaign funding, Ko says
By Lee I-chia

Election campaign spending is too high and is where political corruption starts, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) said yesterday.

Ko made the remarks while attending a municipal parent-child aerobics fair for preschool children in the city, where reporters asked him whether he is considering mortgaging his apartment to secure funds for his re-election campaign.

It is hard to run the government [fairly] if I take other people’s money, so I am thinking about how to be an example of how to reduce election campaign spending,” Ko said.

Ko has come under fire after former campaign team members Yao Li-ming (姚立明) and Hsiao Ya-tan (蕭亞譚) were cited by media as saying that his expenses in the run-up to the 2014 Taipei mayoral election were not honestly declared.

Taipei City Government spokesman Liu Yi-ting (劉奕霆) said that Yao held three news conferences during the campaign to explain the teams income and expenditures, and that the team truthfully declared its spending.

Reporters also asked Ko to comment on cryptocurrency exchange platform OTCBTC founder Cheng Yi-tings (鄭伊廷) announcement on Friday evening that she would run for Taipei mayor.

All eight hopefuls are older than 50, the 35-year-old programmer said in her announcement on Facebook, asking whether any of them could bring hope to residents.

Mental age is more important than the age on your ID,” Ko said, adding that Taipei needs to develop e-commerce.
What is your opinion about elections in Taiwan?
What do you think that the funds for election campaigns?
What do think this saying “corruption starts with campaign funding”?
How to make Taipei a wonderful city if you were the city Mayer?

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