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「Super Rich」的圖片搜尋結果跟有錢人學習
Life Lessons You Can Learn from the Super Rich | Reader's Digest
By Reader's Digest Editors

Have the recent stock market fluctuations shaken you up? While you may never have the money that Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton had, you can still learn from his frugal attitude towards the green stuff.  Whether you are valued at $5,000 or $5 million, here are some tips from The Wall Street Journal for holding on to what you have and building for the future.

The very wealthy have a plan.

Enlist your significant other or friend to check in with about your finances. If you are paying down debt make a schedule that you will stick to. Create a budget together and then have weekly check-ins to see where you’ve stayed on course and where you need improvement.

The very wealthy live below their means.

Don’t spend everything. Don’t mortgage yourself up to the eyeballs. Find an apartment that meets your needs while also keeping you comfortable. Firstapartmentguide.com suggests that no more than 30% of your gross income should go towards rent and utilities. If you need to, share an apartment. Keep a cushion in case you lose some income.

The very wealthy value cash flow.

The rule of thumb from certified financial planner Nancy Langdon Jones is to keep enough in savings to weather six months. That may not be possible for you. Instead, keep a SWAN account—sleep well at night. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Even if you have high credit card bills, you need an emergency account. Pay near the minimum balance until you have enough money saved to sleep well at night. You can decide how much that is when you don’t wake up terrified.

The very wealthy focus on risk, not return.

Investing in anything is risky. Know what you can reasonably risk and stop focusing on potential big returns. Maybe a $1 and a dream is all you can afford right now. Focus on getting your finances in order before investing. Buy a condo before buying a home that you will have to maintain, but if buying a co-op watch out for fees.

The very wealthy hang on.

Fear is a good thing. Don’t panic and sell your home because the price is decreasing. Likewise, don’t move to Tennessee to avoid state income tax before considering other aspects of your life. There are other things in life than money—family, friends, and community—a network of support in case you run into difficult times.
How to make a wealthy plan?
How to get rich quickly?
How to increase your income.
Would you put your money in risky investment and get high interests?
How to invest your money?
What you want to buy if were a super-rich person?

What are the life lessons we can learn from the super-rich?
 「Life Planning:」的圖片搜尋結果
Life Planning: 7 Tips to Start Living with Meaning in Mind
By Kacia Nall

Planning, Anyone can Accomplish Anything they Want

Start off your life of meaning by creating a blueprint for the way you want to start living. Understand where to go, and the time and the tools needed to get there. Life planning takes more than a couple of hours or a day. You need to be really dedicated to improving yourself.

Understand your Strengths and Weaknesses

We all have things we excel at and we all have our limitations. The more honest we are with ourselves, the more we are able to maximize our potential. Customize your life around your hobbies and passions the best you can, because those are your guiding forces to living a happy life. If you aren’t satisfied with what you are doing, use your skillset to make a necessary change.
girl holding glasses thinking

Think about how you can incorporate your strengths into your everyday life. It is vital to making something of yourself in this world.

Market your Skills

Make the most of your natural abilities and flaunt them. Search for opportunities related to your skillset early on in your life and stick to what you do best. Find like-minded people to network with and you will quickly find yourself in an environment best suited to help you grow as an individual.

What do You Want the Most?

Why are you living? What is the purpose of your life? Hard questions to answer, but do your best and be honest with yourself. Nobody else can benefit as much as you from knowing what you want in life. You can want many things out of life, which is ok. You are setting the standard by which you want to live and allowing other people to join you on your journey.
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The road to our finishing destination isn’t easy. You will have many obstacles, so prepare youreself.

How Will You Achieve what You Want?

Once you figure out what you want, it’s time to decide how to get there. You will need to find the tools you need and who can help you get where you need to go. You need to plan how you will survive and the means of achieving success. Life planning requires time and patience.
warped space

It might be time to think critically about your future. The only way to achieve success is to have an outline for success beforehand.

Make Your Life Easier

What causes your disorganization? Is it laziness, no time, procrastination? Be more conscious of your unproductive behaviors and thoughts and find ways to eliminate them from your life. Instead, find ways to take shortcuts in order to make organization easier. Work smarter and reap the benefits from all the extra time you have.
What are the tips to start living with meaning in mind?
What are the things you really want to accomplish?
Do you really understand your strengths and weaknesses?
How to market your skills and promote yourself?

How to make your life easier?

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