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 「Is too much money a bad thing?」的圖片搜尋結果
Is too much money a bad thing?   debate.org

    Too big of a pay for "High paying jobs"
    My example is celebrities, they get paid millions and spend that money on a mansion that could basically become a freaking meusem. Its funny to know that people need that much space to live! Just look at kaynes and Kim Kardashian house or Will Smiths! Dont get me wrong, Will smith deserves what he has! I get that they worked hard for what they bought it with, but to waste it on stuff like tennis courts or basket ball courts that im pretty sure the city or another town has is gonna have all those things. I mean why couldn't you help out and donate some to the city for a BETTER basketball or tennis or etc.
    Money is Bad for you
    Many rich people have family problems. Some family problems occur when all you think or care about is money. You’ll become too greedy and selfish to even care for your family, which can cause divorce and separation. You might think some of the rich people are happy because they look happy, but deep inside they’re depressed. Some of them are depressed because they only work for the money. For example, a person had a job that he loved which got him $50,000, but instead he got the job that he hated that gave him $200,000. That’s what one of the richest women did, and now she is suffering of depression because she doesn't like her job, she got divorced, and her kids are fighting for her money.
     Too much money is bad
    Having too much money makes people unhappy. All they want is more and more money and they are never content. Also, there are so many people that don't have enough money. Also, people with too much money often bully other people with not enough money. You also will waste your money
    Too much money is bad
    Money is bad because it can make you feel depressed or unhappy. Look at all the rich people in the world. Sure they might be happy but if you take a look at their personal lives it's ruins. The richest woman in the world is suffering from divorce and depression. Her kids are fighting for her money and no one is there to support her. Money can make you take things for granted and not realize all the great things about life. It will make you suffer when no one is there anymore and you are going broke.
       Depends what it is used for
    Sometimes money can be a bad thing, but it depends on who has it and what they use it for. For example if they donate the money to charities and help people in need and that deserve the need for the help it will be good for them to be rich unless they sell drugs and use the money in harmful ways like running a drug business or a hooker business they deserve to lose all that money and live the lives of the people that they are ruining.
Is too much money a bad thing?
What would you want to buy if you were super-rich?
What do you think about this “many rich people have family problems”?
How money can impact our life?
What are the ways the rich waste their money?

You viewpoints about money and happiness?
Funeral Burial Alternatives
Simon Stewart

Tree Burial

Tree burial practices are often unheard of, but are common in places such as the Philippines, to protect the bodies from wild animals. This strange burial practice takes place by putting bodies in a tree or embedding them in a tree-trunk. Bodies can also be concealed in a coffin or blanket that will be tied into the branches of a tree. Tree burial is a creative method of protecting the dead and giving loved ones a special way of remembering them.

Tree Planting

One of the newest talked about burials is having your ashes placed into soil with a seed to plant a tree, which doesn’t affect the trees DNA. This is a wonderful way of being buried by being great for the environment and giving a special meeting place for family and friends to gather and remember the dead. Take a look at the Living Urn for more details.

Space Burial

The coolest option and my personal favourite. My family best get saving. It’s never too late to go to space. Space Burials are practiced by launching ashes, or for a higher cost, the full remains of the deceased into space via a rocket. Although this isn’t the eco-friendliest way to be buried, it sure is one of the most interesting. And expensive. Celestis do memorial space trips for space burials.

Memorial Diamonds

One for the Mrs, if she loves Diamonds so much, just tell her she will be one sooner rather than later if she isn’t careful. Memorial diamonds are made by pressurising hair or ashes of the deceased, in the same way real diamonds are made, but quicker. This can then be made into jewellery or as a keepsake of your loved ones.

Sea Burial

6 Feet under, being turned into an ornament or a luxury stone and being sent to space are not the only places of burial. The sea is very common, especially among sailors, for a place of burial for cultural, religious and recourse reasons. Most of the time, you are wrapped into a blanket and cast into the sea on a small boat. Don’t think luxury yacht here, more tiny wooden rowing boat.

Become a Coral Reef

Ironic really that as humans destroy Coral around the world, they could one day contribute to saving it through their own death. There are many ways to become ‘one with the earth’ when you die as we have discussed and now becoming a Coral Reef is one of them. The company Eternal Reef place your ashes into a natural reef mould, which is then deposited into the sea as a Coral Reef burial. This will attract colourful sea life and create a wonderful spot for a bit of scuba diving. A little more fun than a wet Sunday morning trip to the Croydon crematorium.
What are the funeral burial alternatives?
What do you think of tree burial?
What do you think of tree planting burial?
What do you think of sea burial?
What do you think about outpace burial services?
What are the other eco-friendly ways of burial?

How to deal money after you die?

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