周四 (4/26) 1.富流感2.跟在某些人身邊 會帶來不幸嗎?

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
埔捷運1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉    PM 7:00-9:30
Affluenza” Will Not Make You Happy
By Mary Jo Rapini, Licensed Relationship and Family Therapist

I was just reading an article about how people preparing to retire are getting rid of all their stuff. Apparently, the stuff they had acquired was making them ill, stressed out and unhappy. They equated their freedom with trashing their stuff.  More and more couples are coming to therapy saying that they hate their jobs, but cannot leave them. They feel burdened, old, and worn out. They go to work to buy more stuff and the more stuff makes them feel anxious, depressed, and unhappy. The article I was reading reported that for the first time in our history people are reporting unhappiness due to the accumulation of too much stuff rather than too little. The article humorously called this concept “Affluenza.” Affluenza makes people as sick as Influenza. It leads to stress related illnesses, emotional upset and physical deterioration. The cure lies in assessing why you continue buying all this stuff.

Social science studies have repeatedly shown that values are linked to our personal well-being and happiness. It appears that people who are driven for intrinsic goals (those that help someone, making a difference in peoples’ lives) are much happier than those driven for extrinsic goals (I will look prettier, I will be more popular or have more status, or make more money). Tim Kasser, professor of psychology at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois reports that in studies crossing all income groups and demographics, the finding is consistent: when people focus on extrinsic values they end up having a worse psychological satisfaction of their needs and end up less happy as a result. Kasser goes on to state that beyond perception of happiness or unhappiness there are physical effects. People more focused on extrinsic values have more headaches and stomach aches, and children raised in extrinsic-focused societies experience these things as well. The people who were focused on extrinsic values also reported more sleep problems.

Since study after study has shown that personal growth and helping others is more likely to promote happiness than money, then why are all of the advertisers still trying to make us want stuff?  The newest handbag, shoes, car, laptop, iPad, or whatever stuff you purchase may make you feel happy thoughts for a while, but soon it will add to the stress, headaches, hypertension, anxiety and depression you may later project on to your job. If you are buying the stuff to make you happy, why is the stuff making you less and less happy? If happiness is about having a sense of well-being and feeling healthy, why is it that people who have the most stuff are also more addicted to alcohol, drugs, or other vices in order to escape? If you were happy, wouldn’t you want to stay in the moment?
What do you think the termaffluenza”?
Can money buy happiness?
Are rich people be mentally ill eaily?
What are the factors that making you unhappy?
What to do if you hate you job, but cannot leave it?
 “Helping others is more likely to promote happiness than money”

How to help others?
「bad luck」的圖片搜尋結果
跟在某些人身邊 會帶來不幸嗎?
Can being around certain people bring you bad luck?

In classical astrology , the luck change is assumed on change in 3 parameters : Desh ( Place) , Kaal ( Period) and Paatra ( Person) . So, people whom you are related by blood , relation, acquaintance or physical proximity affect your Luck Factor .

Despite being a good pilot and doing your full duty, if you worked in King Fisher Airlines of Mr. Mallya , you had to face the trouble of not getting paid your salary , because of this sharing of bad luck .

But it works both ways . Luck or Bad Luck of any person is like magnetic field of a magnet , so coming in contact with any person , the luck score gets influenced just as two magnets coming together will change the magnetic equation .

This we can see in everyday life. The driver or secretary of a Minister or Chairperson of a Corporation gets some benefits of association which he would not get otherwise .

Similarly if somebody wants to kill a VIP , then his driver or bodyguard also shares the bad luck by getting injured or dying in that attempt to kill the VIP .
So, getting associated with a lucky or unlucky person does change your luck score during the period of association. For example , milk coming in contact with water will make milk disgraced while water will get labelled as milk.

How about you think it this way. Just a hypothetical situation.

Everybody in this world believes that there are some people who bring “bad luck” to everyone. Those people are blacklisted and nobody wants to hang around them.

Now, suppose you are on that list. How does it feel?

Wherever you go, everybody is avoiding you. This is just because they think that you are unlucky for them. Without any logical reason at all.

Now you will say they have gone insane and are fools for believing in something so stupid as bad luck.
Can being around certain people bring you bad luck?
How to get rid of bad luck?
Do you believe in astrology?
What to do if nobody wants to hang around with you?

How to look more approachable?


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