週四 (4/11)1.借錢! 朋友來借錢 2.照顧好自己的方法

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「if friend or family member borrow money quora」的圖片搜尋結果
If a friend or family member asks to borrow money what would you do? Is there a limit on how much you would be willing to lend?
If you lend money to a family or friend try to make it seem like it is a gift, don't try to expect your money back as you probably won't get it back for quite some time. For example if your friend asks for $200 in order to fix his/her car let them know you can't afford the full $200 and give them $50 as a gift that doesn't need to be paid back. This will make your friend happy and they are more likely to help you in the near future due to the fact you suggested that you did not have a lot of money but still wanted to help out.

I never lend more than I can afford to give as a gift. It’s not worth ruining a relationship over money. What do you value more, the money or relationship? You have to be willing to let that money go and not hold grudges with what else they spend money on and decide not to increase payment to you.

You cannot be judgmental on how they live their life. I personally will not loan out money. I give it as a gift with no strings attached and tell them this is to help them out. They can pay me back when they can or help me out the next time I need it.

So it doesn’t really matter how much more net it is. It’s based on your intent and ability to let the money go. It’s putting your relationship ahead of yourself and your family’s needs and knowing you can survivor without to help someone else.

At one point I loaned a friend $200 when she literally could not afford food or gas for her car. She ended up spending it all on a birthday party for her daughter and a bunch of her girlfriends. I was pretty upset. She paid me back like 6 months later. She values spending time with family and somehow made ends meet to assure her daughter felt special on her birthday because she never had that growing up. I get it. I just still thought it was a waste of money.

However, she is my best friend. I have known her 9 years. She has always paid back loans. She is super reliable. She always has a listening ear. Her home is always open to me and my boys. She puts her time and money into her friends and makes people feel special and that they have someone in their corner. She relates to everyone. That’s one of the things I think  is great about her.

You have to consider it a gift.

You are unlikely to get the money back. There are no statistics on this.

Treat it like how a bank would. You should charge interest. Figure out a monthly payment amount and when it is due. Print out a loan agreement. Both of you should agree to the terms. Tell them that it is their responsibility to pay the loan every month. On time. I would be tempted to get a video recording of that so if there is an issue. You can play it for them as a reminder.

Real world. If people are borrowing from you. It cannot be an amount that will harm you. Like all of your 401k. It has to be an amount you are comfortable lending or giving to that person. Then if they fail to repay all or part of the loan. What will you do? Can you sit at a family dinner across from them?

 「take care yourself」的圖片搜尋結果
11 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day for a Happier Mind and Body
By Rhett PowerHead coach, Power Coaching and Consulting@rhettpower

1. Exercise your body for a happy mind. A little exercise will go a long way to reducing stress. Even just a brisk walk in the morning will energize and motivate you for the day ahead. Set your alarm for a little earlier than usual and hit the pavement. Save time by preparing the night before. Lay out your exercise clothes so that you can get going with minimal preparation time.

2. Quick morning meditation. A quick five or ten-minute meditation each morning will help balance your mind for the busy day ahead. Take a few moments to relax before you begin preparing for the day. Think about all the things you are grateful for and give yourself some positive encouragement.

3. Keep a journal. Writing is a therapeutic activity. In just a few minutes, you can write your thoughts, worries, gratitude, or whatever else comes to mind. Keep the journal near your bed and make a habit of writing a few paragraphs or even sentences each night before you go to sleep.

4. Read a book or a magazine. We all need to escape from the pressing concerns of reality once in a while. On your next lunch break get away from your computer and pick up a book in your favorite genre or a hobby magazine. Reading is a relaxing activity that helps us escape from the pressures of our lives.

5. Call an old friend. Reconnect with someone you haven’t had time to talk to in a while. Busy lives get in the way of friendship. Career, family, responsibility makes us forget those who are dear to us. Friends become distant memories. In the social media age, people tend to keep track of friends through various social media sites, but rarely ever pick up the phone.

6. Schedule time for yourself. When we fill out our calendars for the day, we usually don’t schedule in time for ourselves. We remember important conference calls, meetings, and deadlines. Next time you start filling out your daily calendar schedule blocks of time for yourself. Schedule time in the morning for some exercise. Schedule time in the evening to visit with friends.

7. Unplug from technology. People tend to grab their phone first thing when waking up. Then work begins. Checking email leads to replying to email and before you know it, it’s time to get up and get ready for work. Leave the electronics alone until you’ve given yourself time to prepare for the day. Make time for breakfast

8. Take a pre-made meal to eat for lunch. We don’t spend enough time taking care of our bodies. Lunch consists of dining out, which is not always healthy. Pre-pack your lunch the night before and nurture your body with nutritious food. Take your lunch away from your desk and relax.

9. Get enough sleep. When you’re a busy working professional life is hectic. We don’t give our bodies as much rest as they need to fully function. Pretty soon we find ourselves running on empty. Sleep is not only good for the body, but it is also good for the mind. A well-rested body and mind can accomplish great things.

10. Make your weekend about you, not work. Many people take their work home with them and never really get a day off. Take time on the weekend to do things you enjoy. Spend more time with your family, not with your home office. Take a mini vacation. Limit distractions by resisting the urge to check email. Participate in hobbies or activities that you enjoy. Join a local sports team or volunteer at your favorite organization.

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