周六(4/13)1.租個”孫子” 吧! 2.容易”抓狂”的人? PM 7:00-9:00

星期六 聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:00
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
「youman take care senior citizen」的圖片搜尋結果
租個孫子” !
Hire a Grandson!

It all started with a friend named Mary. Mary was 75 years old and lived alone in a three-story home. She struggled not only with daily living but also with the "up-keep" of her home. She only lived on the first floor because she could not use the stairs and she was afraid of getting hurt. I knew I had to do something so I spoke with Mary to see how I could help.

She told me she wanted to sell her home and move into the local assisted living facility in her neighborhood but had no idea where to even begin with all her life's possessions! I gathered a team of helpers to assist with her house and off we went! We first started by organizing the home and creating piles to dispose or donate. Next, we packed all of the things Mary wanted to take with her to the Assisted Living facility and what she wanted to give to her extended family. Finally, we packed our truck and moved Mary and her things to the Assisted living of her dreams.

Mary now lives stress-free and she is having the time of her life at her new home. After this experience, I knew there were a lot of "Mary's" out there in the world who could use help like this. Thus, Rent-A-Grandson Property Services was born, helping each senior citizen, one house at a time!

Hire a Grandson is a service-based company serving primarily the North County communities of San Diego County, California, though we will travel to other cities.  The majority of our “grandsons” and “granddaughters” are college students who have time before, between and after class to earn some extra money as well as serve their community.

The purpose of our company is to assist people in the senior community with daily and everyday tasks that they no longer can, should or want to perform.  As such, you won’t be hiring a licensed contractor (nor do you need to) to help you move those items or boxes, take things to storage, to the dump or to a recycling center. 
「get mad easily」的圖片搜尋結果
7 Signs You're an Angry Person
How can you tell the difference between being upset and having a real anger management problem?

We asked Dr. Redford Williams, professor of psychology at Duke University Medical Center and author of "In Control," for seven signs you or someone you love may be on overload.

If you think you might have an anger management problem, it's important to seek the help of a trained medical professional.

Getting Mad over Little Things
Anger can have a positive effect. "A lot of time, anger tells us we need to take action," says Dr. Williams.

"If there were no such thing as anger, Rosa Parks would still be sitting on the back of the bus," he says. "But racial discrimination was a big deal. Someone who gets miffed about comparatively inconsequently things, like being cut off by another driver or having to wait for an elevator is likely to have an 'anger problem.'"

Angry people tend to be impatient people. Often they have trouble waiting for others to finish what they are saying. And even when they are able to let the other person talk, they might not actually be listen - but just pretending to listen.

Holding a Grudge
Relationships can suffer when someone has trouble forgiving someone who has wronged him/her in the past. And people with anger issues often have trouble doing just that.
Instead, they continue to re-experience the frustration, pain, and resentment each time they recall the wrong - whether perceived or real.
Getting Red in the Face

Getting hot can make your face red - and that goes for emotional "heat" as well as hot temperatures as measured on a thermometer. Anger can also cause labor breathing, fidgeting, and even pacing back and forth. Anger clearly effects the body as well as the mind. In fact, numerous studies have shown that angry people are more likely to have high blood pressure and to suffer a stroke or heart attack.

Being Overly Sensitive
Angry people are quick to take offense. Comments that others might laugh off can get under the skin of someone who has an angry disposition. Some people with an anger "problem" are hyper vigilant, always waiting for others to screw up.
Being Cold-Hearted

Angry people tend not to be very compassionate or empathetic. Some take pleasure in the misfortune of others - a phenomenon known as schadenfreude. And some are quick to condemn and slow to praise.

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