週四 (4/4)1.超級富豪 台北全球第8 2.當愛情承諾變謊言

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超級富豪 台北全球第8
Taiwan ranks 8th in the world for financial s... | Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — On Tuesday the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published a list of nations ranked in terms of how opaque their financial practices are, “The Financial Secrecy Index,” and this year Taiwan debuts on the list’s top 10 at number 8.

Taiwan is a relatively new addition to the TJN’s Index, only first appearing in 2015, due to a lack of data. Offshore operations and political isolation create a fertile climate for financial secrecy, according to the TJN.

A comprehensive analysis of Taiwan’s financial situation was not able to be compiled until 2017 by researchers from the University of Amsterdam. They concluded:

The prominence of Taiwan [on the Index] is driven by Taiwanese technological companies, which often own Chinese firms through Hong Kong (33%) and Caribbean Islands (20%), or own Hong Kong firms through Caribbean Islands (12%).”

The prevalence of Overseas Banking Units (OBU), offshore structures with little oversight and lots of secrecy used to house and move money, helped jumpstart Taiwan’s participation in overseas business operations in the early 1990s, according to TJN. OBUs continue to be used today in Taiwan at an increasing rate.

One purpose of the TJN’s list is to highlight the “truly systematic nature of the secrecy and offshore problem.” Their website includes further details on their proposed solutions for international tax reform.

The TJN estimates that US$21-32 trillion of the world's private wealth is situated in what they call secrecy jurisdictions, a term similar in meaning to tax havens.

The Index surveyed 112 countries total. Switzerland came in first due to their stringent banking secrecy laws and housing of the global market’s offshore financial services.

The United States jumped up in rank on the Index, from sixth in 2013 and third in 2015 to second place this year, according to CNA. TJN attributes their ascendance in rank to money laundering, corruption, and tax evasion.
 「love vows」的圖片搜尋結果
When Promises Become Lies

Intimate partners must trust each other for a relationship to thrive. Their faith in each other’s promises and subsequent follow-through is what sustains their faith in the relationship and in each other.

Most couples agree that automatic trust is not a guarantee. It must be earned on a continuing basis. When couples are committed to the same values and behaviors, they live by them when they are in each other’s presence and when they are apart. They mutually agree that breaking those promises will disrupt the foundation of their relationship.

There are multiple levels of broken promises that create different reactions in different people. Some can be potential deal breakers, like repeated addictive escapes, infidelities, or anything else that is hidden from the other partner and might risk his or her consent were it to be known. When those breaches of trust are repeated, many intimate relationships just cannot survive.

Most broken promises are not intentional, motivated by meanness, or routinely repeated. Every loving couple knows they must be able to endure occasional broken promises, as long as they are not dangerous to the relationship’s foundation. People who love each other try to understand and forgive when those occasional mishaps occur. They weigh them against the good qualities of the relationship and try to let them go.

That doesn’t mean loving partners do not pay attention or just sweep their own transgressions under the rug. Even if the mishaps might be slight and not terribly distressing to the other partner, they still feel responsible for any upset they may have caused and sincerely apologize, committing to be more careful in the future.

However, when any disappointing or offensive behavior happens repeatedly, it can become a problem. Forgiveness can become less automatic when behavior doesn’t change. When small issues are not handled and resolved, they can too easily lead to more crucial offenses in the future.

Even loving partners who repeatedly break promises can no longer continue to excuse those actions that once may have been easier to bear. The good will the couple once counted upon begins to diminish, and the excuses for broken promises simply are no longer believable. 

To rebuild trust, intimate partners must be able to rely again on each other’s promises and commitments. For that to happen, they must know themselves and each other more deeply. They must learn to better predict their own future behaviors and be more honest about whether they can actually perform them.

There are many common reasons why partners continue to promise actions and then repeatedly break those commitments. In my work with couples over four decades, I have noted the most typical types of excuses people make when they become habitual promise-breakers. The following six commonly used excuses happen frequently to most couples.

If loving partners can catch them early on in their relationship, they can stop using them when they continuously fail to follow through on commitments. To learn to eliminate repeated excuses and resolve those broken promises, they must first be courageous enough to face those behaviors together, without judgment.

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