週二(4/16)1.常常外食 壞了健康 2.撩妹達人

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「eat out bad for health」的圖片搜尋結果
常常外食 壞了健康
Why eating out often is bad for your health
Yuen Yi Ying  asiaone.com

1. It may cause fertility complications

When you get food to go, you may be taking away more than expected.

A recent study by George Washington University in the US found that those who ate out often had phthalate levels that were 35 per cent higher than those who tended to cook at home.

This hormone-disrupting chemical has been linked to fertility issues, pregnancy troubles and other health complications, and pregnant women, teens and children are supposedly more susceptible to its effects.

Some of the main sources of phthalate in food production are things like food wrappers, takeaway boxes, plastic food containers, gloves, and other kitchen equipment, so if you can't avoid takeout entirely, it may be better for you to bring your own glass or stainless steel containers to be filled up.

2. You're likely to base your food choices on pricing and taste

Let's be honest, when picking a meal at a restaurant, most of us don't just scan the menu for what looks appetising.

Cost is a factor as well, and if budget is a concern, you may be more tempted to ditch a healthy grilled fish dish for a plate of creamy pasta.

Besides, when you're eating out, a large bowl of salad never seems quite as satisfying as a basket of fried chicken and fries.

3. It encourages bingeing

The problem with having so much good food in Singapore is that when we're out and about, more often than not, we're going from one eatery to the next, and probably not walking off enough calories between stops.

The trouble is we don't normally associate this behaviour with overeating, which usually conjures up images of someone sitting at home with a bag of chips or tub of ice cream.

4. Junk food makes you lose interest in a healthy diet

When you usually stick to a good, balanced diet, the occasional treat is enough to make you feel satisfied.

However, a study conducted on rats and published in Frontiers in Psychology found that after two weeks of eating a calorie-rich diet consisting of indulgent nosh like pie, dumplings, cakes and cookies, the little critters lost interest in seeking out a variety of foods, which is crucial for a varied diet「ways to court a girl」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Flirt with Women | Best Way to Flirt with a Woman You Like
AJ Harbinger - author of 1047 posts on The Art of Charm

Knowing how to flirt with women is perhaps the most indispensable skill that a man can have when it comes to getting girls to like you. If you feel like you don’t know how to flirt with women, don’t worry: You’re not alone and it’s not like they offered a class on it at college. Keep reading for a guide that will help beginners and men with some knowledge of how to flirt with women to level up their game and become even more adept at the bar, club or anywhere.

Make Her Smile

One of the best things you can do in any situation with a girl is to make her smile. Do this when you’re flirting with light, playful humor, but also with the occasional sincere compliment. Only offer compliments that you actually believe and try to keep them about things other than her physical appearance. After all, she already knows that you’re attracted to her. Let her know that you like her for who she is on the inside.

The thing that underpins everything we teach at The Art of Charm about banter and is the question, answer response process. This is something that helps with one of the biggest problems that we run into: Guys running out of things to say. Basically, how it works is:

    Question: You ask her something. It can be serious. It can be playful. Whatever seems appropriate at the time
    Answer: She gives you her answer. You have no control over how this goes, but you do have control over how you respond.
    Respond: Again, whether your response is serious or playful depends on the situation. Whatever it is that you decide, however, you should respond in such a way that she understands that you listened to her.

This process helps you to communicate effectively, not run out of things to say and let her know that she’s being heard. It is the exact opposite of using canned answers for flirting.
Reach Out and Touch Her

A lot of guys fall short in the flirting game because they’re afraid of touch. But the thing is, touch is one of the best assets in your flirtation toolbox. Touch doesn’t just bridge the gap between you and your girl. It also gives her permission to start touching you. Worried about using touch in flirtation? Don’t be. There are very safe areas to touch a woman, like her hands, arms and upper back that allow you to give her some touch without making things awkward, weird or “creepy.”
Give Her Room to Want You More

One of the best ways to flirt is to get her wanting you even more than she already does. How do you do that? Walk away for a bit. Go grab a drink, walk around the room or maybe even spend a little time flirting with another woman at the bar. If you do this, you might be surprised at how quickly she starts chasing after you rather than the other way around.

You should also be a bit challenging, pushing back. This is not only a fun way to flirt, it’s also a way to establish that you’re not interested in just any woman. Being challenging shows that you’re selective. Being selective increases your value. Creating a little bit of distance between the two of you is a great way to get her to try and pull you back a bit.

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