週五(9/12)1.遊民導遊 2.偷拍

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本週五除了兩主題外  非常感謝 凱玲將利用幾分鐘 做個小專題報告 (學校和老闆沒教的事---現金流象限)
Homeless people present tours  (Staff writer, with CAN)

A local charitable organization called Homeless Taiwan has launched a program featuring an unconventional walking tour of Taipei’s Wanhua District (萬華), employing homeless people as tour guides.

Homeless Taiwan devised the program, dubbed Hidden Taipei, to help homeless people get back on their feet, saying it is aware that the people are among those who know the city best because they consider the streets to be their homes.

In the program, homeless tour guides will lead tourists around several scenic spots in old Wanhua, such as the Ai Ai Nursing Home and Wanhua 12th Park.

The organization created the scheme drawing inspiration from a similar project called Unseen Tours that was launched by a grassroots volunteer network in London called The Sock Mob, which helps homeless people find jobs as tour guides on the streets where they live.

Similar initiatives have been launched in Berlin, Copenhagen and Barcelona.

This type of tour helps overturn common prejudices toward homeless people, said Tseng Wen-chin (曾文勤), a worker in the IT industry who helped the organization map out the program after he was impressed by the British operation when he took one of its tours in May last year.

Tseng said he used to think of homeless people as simply unemployed people who sit around doing nothing, but he discovered that the guide who took him around London was a university graduate who worked on odd jobs.

Homeless Taiwan has trained four tour guides for the tour program, including one who formerly ran a successful business, but ended up with huge debts. To avoid becoming a burden to his wife and children, he left his family, Homeless Taiwan chief executive officer Lee Ying-tzi (李盈姿) said.

The guides will not only tell stories about Taipei, but will also bring their own stories to well-known landmarks in the city, the organization said, adding that the tours last two hours, including one-and-a-half hours touring the streets and a 30-minute question-and-answer session.

The program began a test run this month, allowing bookings by social welfare groups and schools, with each tour costing NT$2,000.
What are your opinions about employing homeless people as tour guides?
What do you think of homeless people?
Do you give money to beggars in the street? Should people give money to beggars?
What do you think about street beggars?
What do you think of Wanhua District (萬華)?
What are the Ways To Help The Homeless/ street beggars?

Gang of Creeps Busted for Filming Up Women’s Skirts
By eChinacities.com
A group of 15 people has been arrested for surreptitiously filming up women’s skirts and placing cameras in changing rooms around Chaoyang District. The footage would then be sold to porn websites for 500-1000 RMB per ten minutes of video.

The gang had some inventive methods of capturing the footage. Photographs show members of the group using cameras concealed in walking sticks in order to film up women’s skirts in public places.

The group was discovered when a woman was tipped off that a video of her had been posted onto a porn website without her knowledge or consent. She took a look and found footage of herself getting changed in a fitting room, unaware that she was being filmed.

The ring also included one woman who helped conceal the cameras in women’s changing rooms. Websites specializing in concealed cameras are enjoying a flourishing business, despite the fact that carrying any type of concealed camera is strictly illegal in China.
What do you think about men filming up women’s skirts?
Should a pervert/ men filming up women’s skirts get a heavy punishment?
What do you think about Peeping Tom?
What do you think about porn websites?
What are the Self-Defense methods to Against Perverts?
How to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Protect Yourself?
Should a pervert get a Chemical Castration?
How girls protect themselves?
What are the Safety Tips for Women/men?

偷拍成癮應就醫 最重還可關3







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