周五(9/5)1.閉嘴!安靜! 2.浪漫電影讓人不實際

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Be Completely Silent  'shut up or go home'
Singaporeans travelling to the nearby Indonesian island of Batam have been ordered to be completely silent while queuing for immigration, or face being sent straight back home, it's emerged.
Signs showing a picture of a raised finger over a pair of lips have recently gone up at the immigration hall at the Batam Centre ferry terminal, the Straits Times daily reports. Travellers say they're being abruptly told to take the next ferry back to Singapore if caught talking in the queue. Another report says about 50 Singaporeans are being turned away every week for speaking too loudly.
"I was there for a holiday - why couldn't I open my mouth?" one rejected Singaporean tourist tells the Straits Times. "I was just chit-chatting with my friend." Another traveller says she saw a woman turned back even though the rest of her family had already been let through, while a Singaporean Twitter user reports: "We got scolded! They think they are managing a library."
The silence is needed to keep order and ensure tourists can hear officers' instructions, says Batam immigration office chief Irwanto Suhaili. The one-hour journey to Batam is popular with Singaporean day-trippers, and a return ticket costs about $40 (£24).
How do I tell someone that he/she is talking too loudly?

I have a couple of friends who has an automatic boom-box in their larynx. Thing is this happens only when they get really excited during a conversation, and it could happen anywhere. I do not mind it when we're at home or somewhere private. How do I tell them when they get too loud in public places, like a restaurant or some other setting where I have to be subtle about it.The other day, one of them screamed a really obscene joke out and we attracted unwelcome stares at this restaurant. 
What do you think the Singaporeans have been ordered to be silent while queuing or face being sent straight back home?
How do I tell someone that he/she is talking too loudly?
Why do some Chinese talk so loud in the public?
What do you think about Singaporeans traveler, Korean traveler, and chins traveler?
How to ask a stranger to lower their voice and stop talking loudly on their phone??
How to stop someone who is doing something rude or insensitive in public?
How to get someone to stop telling obscene jokes at work?
What are the ways to get rid of annoying people?
What to do about noisy kids in restaurants?

Romantic comedies make us 'unrealistic about relationships', claim scientists  By Richard Alleyne 

Watching romantic comedies could ruin love lives because they create unrealistic expectations of relationships, scientists claim.

Unlikely happy endings, improbable plots and faux philosophy are to blame, they say.

Researchers believe that the influence of Hollywood films is instilling a warped sense of the "perfect" relationship within society and providing unrealistic expectations about romance.

They are also oversimplifying the process of falling in love and wrongly giving the impression that it could and should be achieved without any effort, it is claimed.

The team at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh studied 40 top box office films released between 1995 and 2005, to establish common themes.

They then asked hundreds of people to fill out a questionnaire to describe their beliefs and expectations when it came to relationships.

The psychologists found that fans of films such as You've Got Mail, The Wedding Planner and While You Were Sleeping, often fail to communicate with their partners effectively, with many holding the view that if someone is meant to be with you, then they should know what you want without you needing to tell them.
Dr Bjarne Holmes, a psychologist who led the research, said: "Marriage counsellors often see couples who believe that sex should always be perfect, and if someone is meant to be with you then they will know what you want without you needing to communicate it.
"We now have some emerging evidence that suggests popular media play a role in perpetuating these ideas in people's minds.
"The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced by media portrayals than we realise."
Dr Holmes said that the team had spent a year "thoroughly analysing" and discovered a number of common themes that were unrealistic.
They included the idea of "the one" soul mate who we were all pre-destined to meet and that they should know us instinctively so well they can "almost read out minds".
"We all want to be successful in our relationships," said Dr Holmes. "We want to be the special one and meet the special one. Unfortunately people tend to believe the Hollywood idea of a perfect relationship.
"That is just unrealistic. People feel if their relationship is not like a Hollywood film then it is not any good.
What do you think that “romantic movies providing unrealistic expectations about romance”?
What do you think about Hollywood films? (Taking about your favorite movies)
What are the ways to have peaceful, loving relationships?
How to win a girl's heart?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
How do movies influence people's behavior?
How to find your soul mate?
Marrying your 'soul mate': does such a person exist?
What are the ways to create a romantic atmosphere?

























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