周五(9/26)1. 吵架 早死率高2.你的城市夠健康嗎?

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吵架 早死率高
Constant arguing 'increases premature death risk' BBC
Having frequent arguments with partners, friends or relatives can increase the risk of death in middle-age, say Danish researchers.

Although the research team, from the University of Copenhagen, calculated that constant arguing increased a man or woman's mortality risk by two or three times the normal rate, they could not fully explain the factors behind it.

Previous research suggests people with high levels of anxiety and demands from partners and children, and those who often argue with close family members, could be at a higher risk of heart disease and strokes.

Past studies also suggest that a good social support network and a wide network of friends have a positive impact on health, while personality determines, to a large extent, how we perceive and react to social situations and relations.

In this study, the researchers said physiological reactions to stress, such as high blood pressure and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, were most likely to explain the increased mortality risk.

Man arguing on his mobile phone Men who were unemployed were found to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of conflict in their lives

They had all taken part in the Danish Longitudinal Study on Work, Unemployment and Health, from 2000.

The study found that frequent worries or demands generated by partners and children were linked to a 50%-100% increased risk of death from all causes.

"Intervening in conflicts, particularly for those out of work, may help to curb premature deaths associated with social relationship stressors," she said.

Prof Angela Clow, from the department of psychology and physiology at the University of Westminster, said the findings were "not surprising".

"It would have been more interesting if they had looked at the biological pathways and shown why or how conflicts had an effect on mortality risk," she said.


What do you think about the idea that “Arguing Leads to Early Death”?
Do you argue with family members, friends frequently?
How to have a good social support network?
What are the various causes of conflict? What are the effects of conflict in our lives?
How to avoid arguments with partners? (a boyfriend/a girlfriend)
How to deal with someone who always wants to argue?
How to control your anger, stress, and anxiety?
How to avoid conflicts at work?

What is a Healthy City?

A healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving the physical and social environments and expanding the community resources that enable people to support each other, lead a healthy and active daily life and develop to their maximum potential.

A healthy city is one which gives health priority and aims to improve it. It does not need to have a particular health status, but it does need commitment to improving health and a structure for doing this. The Healthy Cities approach emphasizes joined up, intersectoral planning and working to achieve improved health for all. It also stresses the importance of tackling inequalities and providing the same opportunities to all citizens.
Qualities of a Healthy City

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a healthy city ultimately as one which has a range of qualities or characteristics:

    a clean, safe physical environment of a high quality (including housing quality)
    an ecosystem that is stable now and sustainable in the long term
    a strong mutually supportive and non-exploitative community
    a high degree of participation in and control by the citizens over the decisions affecting their lives, health and well-being
    the meeting of basic needs (food, water, shelter, income, safety and work) for all the city's people
    access by the people to a wide variety of experiences and resources, with the chance for a wide variety of contact, interaction and communication
    a diverse, vital and innovative economy
    the encouragement of connectedness with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage of city dwellers and with other groups and individuals
    the encouragement of connectedness with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage of city dwellers and with other groups and individuals
    a form that is compatible with and enhances the preceding characteristics
    an optimum level of appropriate public health and sickness care services, accessible to all
    high health status (high levels of positive health and low levels of disease)
In your opinion, what is a healthy city?
How do we support each other?
How to live a healthy lifestyle
What do you think this concept that “where you live influence how happy you are”?
Are you satisfied the city where you lived now?
What do you think the living quality of taiwan?
What do you think the health care service in taiwan?
In your opinion, where is ideal city to live?

親人常吵架 早死機率高三倍






主導研究的倫德(Rikke Lund)博士表示,原先沒料到爭執與死亡率的關連如此明確:「無論年齡、性別、社經地位、有無憂鬱症狀或慢性病、單身或獨居與否,任何一類人際關係衝突,都會增加死亡機率。」對中年人影響尤其顯著,男性死亡率增加幅度較高,中年失業也有類似影響。



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