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A number of media outlets in Taiwan have shared the horror story of a young, 18 year old, Taiwanese student who came to Singapore to work and study.
The report aired on Chung T’ien Television and also shared on ChinaTimes.com followed the story of a boy, Yi, who had flown alone to Singapore to work and also to study English.
The conditions he faced here were not only very different from the agency’s brochure but also highly unsanitary.
In an interview, Yi explained that he felt cheated and shared information about his living conditions here.
He was forced to stay in a small dormitory barely 4m x 4m, with only enough space in the wardrobe for his suitcase. The toilet was shared with about 6 to 8 others and situated outside of the dorm and congestion was common in the evenings.
The bunk beds were rickety and the mattress stale and musty. The blankets and bedding even had fleas causing his arms and legs to be covered in insect bites.
The table that the residents were supposed to share was also broken. The whole living dorms were very old and dirty.  Yi also explained that his pay was just barely enough to survive. While he was supposed to earn NTD$30,000 (about SG$1,250), he had to pay a significant portion in agency fees and another part for rent meaning he was left with only NTD$14,000 (about SG$590).
Due to the high cost of living in Singapore, he has to carefully budget in order to survive.
He said that the conditions are so different from the agency’s advertisements and while many Taiwanese students are attracted to Singapore due to its so called “high standard of living”, reporters warned that students must be careful to enquire after all the small details to ensure they are not “cheated”.
Singapore remains an attractive location for students from Taiwan to come to work and improve their English. (therealsingapore)
What do you think about Taiwanese student who came to Singapore to work?
What do you think the working holidays?
What do you think about about Singapore?
What do you think about the cost of living in Singapore?
What do you think about the cost of living in Taiwan?
How to live on low income?
How to get a job in Taiwan?
Is it easy to get a job in Taiwan?
Is unemployment rate serious in Taiwan?
Extreme Things To Do For The Rich (fiked.com)
#1. Travel To Space Via The Virgin Galactic Whether you are a Star Wars, Star Trek or Buck Rogers fan, the chances are that you all have one thing in common; you would love to travel to outer space, and who wouldn’t! Many of us have dreamed about flying high above the Earth’s atmosphere and traveling into the great unknown. Well if you are one of these people then your luck may be about to change; if you are super-rich, you will soon have the ability to become a galactic space tourist through Richard Bransons newest venture – The Virgin Galactic, this amazing leap in travel is allowing space travel a reality to those who are wealthy enough to afford it. Prices for the Galactic are said to cost $200,000 and to secure your seat you will need to pay a whopping $20,000 deposit (10% of the overall cost).
 #2. Have Your Own Sky Scraper Or Tower Built This is something that a lot of high-powered businessmen and women crave, the chance to have their very own ‘Trump Towers’ This is more about having a sky scraper or large building built not only for them but for their business and it is not something that impossible, in fact it’s far from it. Donald Trump has many buildings which he owns, many are hotels, some are more personal and private, so the dream of having your own tower is not impossible at all.
#3. Start Your Own Hotel And Casino In Las Vegas One step up from actually spending the week in a penthouse of one of the finest hotels in the world; is to actually own one yourself. If you have the money to do it and the planning permission to boot, then you are going to be able to start your very own hotel and casino business. Sure this is one hell of a competitive market but then nothing worth having is easy right?
#4. Build Your Own Theme Park How cool would this one be? Imagine having your very own theme park, it would be amazing, you could go on any of the rides for free (not that it would matter about money if you are that rich), you could open the theme park up at any time of the day or night, how amazing would that be! Just think of the money you could make charging people to enter the theme park, this would be a fun investment indeed.
#5. Go On A First Class Around- Traveling around-the-world for the super-rich comes with a few perks though; traveling aboard a luxury aircraft in a first class capacity. Flying first class is every airline passengers dream- come-true; think of the leg room, the personal service, the exquisite food and top-notch champagne on ice. First class travel is definitely the way to go if you can afford it.

#6. Travel Italy By Ferrari The ultimate way to travel around the beautiful country of Italy is of course by Ferrari; a car manufacturer that everyone knows about. Ferrari are one of the most expensive car makers in the world and their lavish designs and extravagant attention to detail are easily noticed by fans and enthusiasts alike. Traveling around Italy would be a great experience in itself but renting (or even buying if you are that well-off) a beautiful Ferrari in the classic red paint tones which we all know and love, would be a dream-come-true. Imagine the looks from onlookers, imagine the roar of the engine as you travel around the winding roads of Italy; just think about the feeling of power, freedom and the sense of really being alive you would get from driving through the open roads of Italy. 
What would you feel if you were born in a wealthy family?
What are the things the rich do every day?
How much money is rich?
How would you spend your money if you were filthy rich?
How the super-rich earned their money?
What do you think the idea that travelling to space?
Do you want to build your own theme park, and hotel if you were rich?

What do you think the idea that travelling Italy by Ferrari?

跟連勝文一樣有錢 要做什麼?

廣告的內容,大概就是說: 哎呀,都跟連勝文一樣有錢了,當然是去爽爽過啊,幹嘛出來選市長案
呢? 所以連勝文真的是抱持著跳火坑的心情來選的




1. 空降到悠遊卡這種人人想進去的大公司當董事長


2. 把電視主播,一擲千金

 有錢人的女友,當然不可以是小模等級的,好歹是要年輕貌美的新聞主播才行。最好還是天天砸錢到每個電視台送花送跑車,砸到全台灣的年輕主播都願意甩了男友來當你女朋友,這可是全台灣男人都會羨慕死的。而且你如果能達成這個成就,你其實還超越了連公子喔 (噓,小聲)

3. 娶富二代美女回家當老婆


4. 創業時,隨隨便便都拿個幾百萬美金當種子基金



5. 跟國外政要握手


 所以,你如果跟連勝文一樣有錢,那也要想辦法去握習近平,歐巴馬,或者是俄羅斯聖帝普丁的手。當然,跟這些世界級的大人物握手,豈是有錢就能夠做得到呢? 所以事先就要先花好幾年培養政商關係,好好成為這些國外政要在台灣利益的代理人,那你就有機會握到他們的手了。

 如果你能完成這個成就,包準你可以氣死  99% 其他跟你一樣有錢的人,你可以成為天龍中的天龍,有錢人中的王者。


6. 空降選首都市長,然後開啟往總統的從政道路,完成政商兩棲百年家族霸業


 俗話說的好,富不過三代,特別是在台灣與中國這種環境,政治上你只要失勢,錢再多也可能被抄家抄掉。所以當你像連勝文一樣有錢,而且已經達成上面所有成就時,你要挑戰的就是,跑來空降選首都市長,用錢打垮在首都經營多年的國會議員,讓他們知道階級的差異是無法彌補的鴻溝。然後在當選首都市長後,氣勢如虹的直指下屆總統(或者是特首,如果已經不能選總統了的話 ) 的道路。



[本文章發表於WeTalk 論壇]



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