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About Nick: His Story

Hi Friend,

My name is Nick Vujicic and I am thankful to have been born 30 years ago with no arms and no legs. I won’t pretend my life is easy, but through the love of my parents, loved ones, and faith in God, I have overcome my adversity and my life is now filled with joy and purpose. I reside now in California with my wife, Kanae, and we both love seeing people’s lives changed for the better or touched in some way. It is my hope that your life is positively impacted by my story.

I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, and it was a shock to my parents that I arrived without limbs. There is no medical reason for it. My parents did their very best to keep me in the mainstream school system and give me every opportunity to live to the fullest. I was blessed to have a brother and a sister as my best friends too.

We later moved to Brisbane, Australia, where I lived for 14 years before I made the move to California. At age eight, I could not see a bright future ahead and I became depressed. When I was ten years old, I decided to end my life by drowning myself in a bathtub. After a couple attempts, I realized that I did not want to leave my loved ones with the burden and guilt that would result from my suicide. I could not do that to them.

I wasn’t depressed my entire childhood, but I did have ups and downs. At age thirteen I hurt my foot, which I use for many things like typing, writing and swimming. That injury made me realize that I need to be more thankful for my abilities and less focused on my disabilities.

When I was fifteen years old, I sealed my faith in God and from there it has been an amazing journey.

A janitor at my high school inspired me to start speaking about my faith and overcoming adversity when I was seventeen. I spoke only a dozen times to very small groups over the next two years. Then I found myself in front of three hundred sophomore (grade 10) students and I was very nervous. My knees were shaking. Within the first three minutes of my talk, half the girls were crying, and most of the boys were struggling to hold their emotions together. One girl in particular was sobbing very hard. We all looked at her and she put her hand up. She said, “I am so sorry to interrupt, but can I come up and hug you?”

She came hugged me in front of everyone, and whispered in my ear, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. No one has ever told me that they loved me and that I am beautiful the way I am.”

Her gratitude inspired me to go across 44 countries and speak 2,000 times. I realized that we all need love and hope and that I was in a unique position to share that with people around the world.

While majoring in both accounting and financial planning at a university, I also worked on developing my abilities as a speaker. I worked with a speaking coach who helped to cultivate me as a presenter. He especially worked on my body language as my hands flew everywhere at first!

I spoke on motivational topics after creating the company, attitude is altitude. I also launched a non-profit ministry, life without limbs, to spread my messages of faith and hope around the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you’re from and whatever you are dealing with, I hope that you will be inspired by my story and my message. Please enjoy browsing around this website where I share with you my thoughts on faith, hope and love to encourage you and to help you overcome your own challenges.
Dream big my friend and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us are mistakes. Take one day at a time. Embrace the positive attitudes, perspectives, principles and truths I share, and you too will overcome.
What do you think about Nick Vujicic?
How to live a life with no arms and no legs?
What to do if you become disabled and living with such a difficult life?
Nick said “Dream big and never give up”: what are your opinions about his sayings?
What can we learn from their inspirational stories?
What's the best way to motivate people? How to Motivate Yourself?
Do you like inspirational movies or story? Tell us an inspirational story?
Pros and cons of flight attendant career
If you are someone who is keen to travel to different places of the world while earning a reasonable income, flight attendant career is one of most suitable job in fulfilling your dream of going to various places. For international sector, they usually fly up to a maximum of 90 hours.

While away from the base, the airlines provide hotel accommodations and meal allowance during stopover. Other benefits include getting discounted fares to travel to the destination of your choice for yourself and your immediate family members. Most airlines also offer a permanent discounted fare to their staff who has retired for travelling anywhere in the world.

One of the disadvantages of this career is that one will have to work during the holiday seasons and weekends as these are the times when the passengers travel will be at its peak. Dealing with difficult passengers are at times stressful and one has to learn how to be patient and calm in this situation.

The irregular sleep and eating patterns may caused medical problem to some in the long run. Breathing of recycled air and having to stay in pressurized environment are also some of the stress to the body that one has to deal with. All these can be overcome by following the tips of keeping ones body healthy through exercise, proper diet and rest.

Job Nature of Flight Attendant Career

    Welcoming Passengers When the passengers start to go on board the plane, the flight attendants will welcome them and help them to find their seats. If necessary, they also help the passengers to put their luggages on the right compartments of the plane.
    Make Passengers Comfortable Once seated, the passengers are made comfortable by helping them to get the reading materials, getting the children to settle down by providing them with toys and checking to ensure the passengers are seated at the right seats allocated. They also help with the distribution of pillows and blankets, headsets and attending to the needs of the passengers when required.
    Flight Instructions Before the plane takes off, flight instructions of do and don'ts are announced to the passengers. They will demonstrate and show the passengers how to fasten the seat belt, the location of the exits and other relevant information of the plane.
    Serving Refreshments In long haul flights, refreshments are being served to the passengers. This requires sensitivity as some passengers are on special diet and may request for special food.
    Dealing with Emergency In the event of emergency, one may has to perform first aid to the passenger who is not well. Knowledge of first aid kits and their use are necessary. The flight attendant also help to calm the passengers in times of crisis such as when the airplane is going through a turbulance storm.
What do you think of flight attendant lifestyle?
What are the pros and cons of flight attendant career?
What kinds of jobs can help fulfill your dreams?
What do you think of aircraft flight safety and fear of flying?
How to deal with difficult passenger if you were a fly attendant?
How to deal with crisis if you were a fly attendant?
What are the best rated luxury hotels in the world?
What you do you think food served in flights?


生于澳洲的力克(Nick Vujicic)在出生時沒有四肢,令當年當牧師的父親和當護士的母親均極度震驚,唯因著他們都是虔誠基督徒,相信上帝在力克身上有特別計劃,所以力克在 被愛和接納之下健康成長……今天力克周遊列國,成爲萬人的激勵,背後的心路曆程,與你一一分享!

力 克(Nick Vujicic)生于澳洲,天生無手無腳,只得左下肢有一個「小鼓槌」連兩根腳趾。他曾被拒到正常學校上課、被同學奚落,甚至想自殺。不過,信主後他想通 了,認定殘疾是「上天的禮物」,于是他努力不懈地練成穿衣、吃飯、打字、遊泳……結果今天他活得非常精彩,給萬人帶來希望,成爲別人的祝福。


天生缺陷的力克在學期間努力學習用兩根腳趾執筆寫字,積極融入正常生活,唯因 常遭同學奚落,令他自怨自艾,不斷問上帝:「爲何我會這樣?是否父母做錯了?還是醫生出錯了?我還有『明天』嗎?」及至8歲,念及:「我不能結婚、不能工 作了,就算有人嫁我,我也牽不到妻子的手!」叫他更感孤單、抑郁,想到不如把自己淹死罷了……而然,因著不希望愛他的父母內疚一輩子,遂放棄了自殺的念 頭。


今天回想,力克深覺生命裏最大的障礙並非來自環境,甚麽毒奶粉、毒債券、金融 海嘯、天災人禍,乃至看不清的未來,都不是最可怕的,最可怕的莫過于來自內心的恐懼!想通了這點,力克認定自己的殘疾乃「上天的禮物」,當中必有上帝美好 的旨意,于是奮發回轉,以積極的態度來面對人生,並努力不懈地學習運用「小鼓槌」及頸部肌肉,練成了自己穿衣服、吃飯、打字、遊泳、騎馬、釣魚、開快艇, 甚至打鼓……幽默的他,甚至能藉嘲笑自己的缺陷以激勵別人,給無數絕望、甚至打算自殺的人帶來了希望。19歲時,一位講員到他學校演講,令他深受感動,于 是他也開始學習演講,終于自己也成爲一位激勵別人、足迹遍及全球24個國家的講員,演講對象包括政府官員、總統、名人等,與超過240萬人交流心得,並透 過電視、報紙、雜志與超過六億人溝通。他不再向上帝求手、求腳,他明白了:上帝要藉他來激勵別人,爲萬人帶來福祉。

「若上帝沒有賜你一個你想要的神迹,那麽祂其實是想你成爲別人的神迹!」(力克 胡哲)

生下來就四肢全缺的Nick Vujicic,以堅定的語氣說﹕「就算現在你用百萬元來引誘我,叫我長出手腳,我也不會考慮﹔我只想順服上帝,完成祂的心意。」正因爲他的「獨特」而被神大大使用,多年來,透過他的演說和見證,不知觸動了多少人的心靈。

生命感到絕望 生上帝氣

力克(Nick Vujicic)知道,很多小朋友第一次見到沒手沒腳的他,都會害怕和驚恐。他笑說:「我接受。但我最喜歡、最舒服的是,那些見到我能擁抱我、接受我的人。」因此,我們的真誠對談,就在一個熱烈的擁抱後展開…




























各大航空公司幾乎每年都會有幾波新人招募,每到這個時候,往往是上千個人爭搶數十個錄取名額,簡直比考公務員更競爭,既然應徵者這麼踴躍,應該不至於缺人才對? 錯!會這麼想你就太單純了!因為航空公司考量訓練成本、營運預算等等理由,真正上線服務的空服員人數往往都是在緊繃的邊緣!











紅眼班源自英文Red-eye flight,係指在深夜至清晨這段時間運行,且飛行時間少於八小時,乘客沒甚麼時間睡眠,導致抵達目的地後大家眼睛都紅紅睡眠不足的班機。 而本次華航最為人詬病的紅眼班,幾乎都是增開飛亞洲短程的航班。




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